
Journey to Nemo Colony

The journey to Nemo Colony would be significantly quicker than the trip from the artificial moon to the Aether Terminal.

Traveling through a region of the universe known for its spiritual weakness, between the Aether Terminal and Nemo Colony, the group would face fewer risks from space-time anomalies, space pirates, or thieves. This would be less worrying for Minos and his companions.

While there might still be attempts at theft, kidnapping, intimidation, and attacks by other spaceships after departing the Aether Terminal, someone as capable as Minos would ensure that the voyage proceeded swiftly and without significant harm to the crew taking them to Nemo Colony.

The initial few weeks of the voyage were to be the most eventful, with several situations likely needing Minos' intervention. However, as the journey progressed towards its final 12 weeks, these problems would nearly vanish.