
Going to the Miller Family

"A personal matter?" The young sovereign asked in doubt as he narrowed his eyes.

Regina then smiled at him while she used one of her hands to ruffle her beautiful purple hair. She then looked at him steadily and said. "Yes... Since you want me in your organization, I thought it would be interesting if we got to know each other better. Don't you think?"

"I'm not sure I understand you correctly. Can you be a little more specific?" He looked carefully at the woman in front of him, more or less understanding what she was trying to do.

"Hehe, why don't we arrange a dinner for just the two of us? We can talk a little better that way, in a quiet place, where we can exchange our experiences..." She winked at him, still with a provocative smile on her beautiful face. "I'm sure I can teach you many things, hehe."