
Big Meeting in Dry City

Two weeks later...

After Minos' call, the regional leaders who were already in the Black Plain, and those closest to this state, moved to Dry City to hear what he had to say.

The same had happened with the principal regional Bishops, those members of the Spiritual Church that Minos had invited to his city.

And just one of the last Bishops to arrive in Minos' capital was reaching the Stuart family's royal palace at this very moment.

"This city is imposing!" The old Bishop in charge of the main temple of the Snow Kingdom commented on this to his two followers as he saw the surroundings of the central area of this capital city.

From where they were standing, one could see the Black Plain Army headquarters, the bank of Minos, the local government, the central square, and the royal palace.

Everything there differed from what one could generally see around this region, with oddly shaped buildings, wide streets, and distinctive trees.