
Attack Attempt 2

When the first of those individuals started walking along the path that Minos and his wives had already followed, such a person made a move that he should not have.

As he stepped outside the permitted area in that place, one of the traps there immediately activated, causing the magma field to move as if an earthquake were happening.

But just then, a jet of red-hot liquid came out of the middle of that magma area, going towards the man in question.

It all happened in a fraction of a second. When those three realized something was happening, the jet of lava was already about to hit their companion.

"Damn it!" Such a person screamed upon seeing that thing coming towards him and jumped forward, quickly activating several techniques to dodge the worst and defend himself from possible remnants.

None of them were foolish enough to think that such a place or that lava flow was harmless. No, they realized it could mortally wound even them, Spiritual Saints!