
An Enemy Approaches

Not long after leaving his hibernation site, the black-headed white worm went to the place where it had killed the last of its enemies, from where four of the invaders had fled.

Amidst the surrounding rainforest, rocks and undergrowth, it searched for the special smell of the invaders, a moment later freezing motionless.

'That smell... That's different from that group!'

The creature stopped to think, sensing a mixture of particularly fresh smells, certainly also from invaders of its continent. It had smelled nothing like it in its 600,000 years of life.

As it moved its head from side to side, its special sensors picked up a negative fragrance, so dirty and dark that for a moment it felt passionate. It definitely wanted to know what was behind not one, but two terrible auras that had passed through this area recently.

Almost trembling with anxiety, it moved to follow the trail of death that only a few scavengers like itself could follow.