
The Rise Of The Billionaire Husband

Aaron Liu had to accept the harsh reality when his family suddenly went bankrupt. Plus, his fiancé had heartlessly dumped him when he fell into poverty. Likewise, his best friend also disappeared without a word! Luckily, Aaron Liu met a kind older woman who allowed him to live and work at her house. However, who would have thought Aaron Liu's destiny would change drastically. Behind Aaron Liu's life story's bitterness is a big plan he never realized. Note: English is not my primary language. Thank you for understanding.

Lenna_Cristy · Urban
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330 Chs

Chapter 139 Papa Has Gone Too Far!

"Isn't that the truth? You two have never even had a normal husband and wife relationship?" Johnny Liu was quite confident that yesterday's statement was true.

Something big had happened between Aaron Liu as well as Jiang Lily. The two of them had united two hearts in one love with the accompaniment of a thrillingly hot struggle. Unfortunately, the host had yet to learn it was happening in their home.

It was so embarrassing and so out of line. Johnny Liu should never have investigated them to that point.

"Enough, Pa! Papa has gone too far! How did you cross the line in our relationship? It's inappropriate and too vulgar!" protested Aaron Liu at his father's unpleasant words.

"Isn't that a fact? Where's the vulgarity?" responds Johnny Liu to his son's words.

Jenny Liu felt that their conversation was inappropriate. Her husband shouldn't have said something that shouldn't have been stated directly.