
The Rise of Rozane

"The Rise of Rozane" tells the captivating story of Rozane, a young orphan with mysterious powers who becomes a formidable villain seeking world domination. Fueled by betrayal and bitterness, he manipulates influential figures and clashes with Superman in an epic battle. As the truth of his tragic past is unveiled, unexpected allies emerge, and Rozane's journey takes an unexpected turn.

XRozane · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Unfamiliar Realms (ch 24)

The tension in the air grew palpable as Tyranox's suspicion intensified. Rozane's manipulative words had struck a chord within the ancient god, and he could feel the tendrils of darkness weaving their way around his thoughts.

"I warned you not to play games with me," Tyranox snarled, his godly aura flaring as he unleashed his power.

Rozane's enigmatic smile remained unchanged, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "No games, just strategy," he replied calmly, his own dark energy coiling around him like a sinister shroud.

With a bellowing roar, Tyranox lunged at Rozane, the ground shaking with the force of his attack. Rozane deftly evaded, his dark arts guiding him as he weaved between Tyranox's strikes.

The ancient god's power was unparalleled, his blows creating shockwaves that threatened to engulf the battlefield. Rozane realized he was dealing with a force beyond his expectations, but he was not one to back down.

Drawing upon his dark arts, Rozane conjured a swirling vortex of shadows. He named this technique "Eclipse Cyclone," and with a flick of his wrist, he sent it hurtling toward Tyranox.

Tyranox roared in defiance, his own godly energy countering the dark vortex. The clash was explosive, sending shockwaves rippling through the battleground, and Rozane found himself hard-pressed to maintain his footing.

Seeing an opening, Rozane unleashed another dark art he called "Abyssal Chains." Shadows coiled around Tyranox, attempting to bind him, but the ancient god's strength proved too great. He broke free, his eyes narrowing with determination.

"You think your tricks can hold me?" Tyranox scoffed, his voice resonating like thunder.

Goku's eyes blazed with excitement as he watched the intense battle. "Whoa, this is incredible!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his eagerness. "Mind if I join in?"

Tyranox turned his attention to Goku, a hint of intrigue in his expression. "Very well, Saiyan. Show me what you're made of."

Goku grinned, his excitement reaching its peak. "Let's do this!" he shouted, launching himself at Tyranox with electrifying speed.

The battleground erupted into a frenzy of clashing energies and lightning-fast strikes. Goku's unyielding spirit and Tyranox's godly power collided, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Rozane watched from the sidelines, his dark arts guiding his understanding of both fighters' strengths and weaknesses. He knew this battle could swing the tide of their uneasy alliance.

As Goku pushed Tyranox to his limits, the ancient god's respect for the Saiyan warrior grew. He acknowledged Goku's power and tenacity, recognizing a worthy adversary.

But just as the battle reached its apex, an unexpected surge of dark energy rippled through the air. Rozane's eyes glowed with an ominous gleam, and he raised his hand to unleash a powerful dark spell.

"Goku, watch out!" Piccolo shouted, sensing the sinister intent.

Before Rozane's dark spell could reach its target, Goku unleashed a burst of energy, sending the dark arts veering off course. The spell dissipated harmlessly in the distance.

Rozane's eyes narrowed, his plans momentarily foiled. Goku turned his gaze towards Rozane, a hint of disappointment mixed with curiosity. "Why did you do that?" Goku asked, his voice firm.

Rozane's enigmatic smile returned. "I suppose the real fun will have to wait," he replied cryptically. "This is just the beginning."

As the chapter concluded, the battleground settled into an uneasy calm. The dance of shadows had taken an unexpected turn, with Goku's unwavering spirit joining the fray.

(Author's Note: By the way a genuine question should name these chapters like I'm doing now or how did before with each chapter having its own name)