
The Rise of Rozane

"The Rise of Rozane" tells the captivating story of Rozane, a young orphan with mysterious powers who becomes a formidable villain seeking world domination. Fueled by betrayal and bitterness, he manipulates influential figures and clashes with Superman in an epic battle. As the truth of his tragic past is unveiled, unexpected allies emerge, and Rozane's journey takes an unexpected turn.

XRozane · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 48 : A Disruptive Arival

As the Hero Association deliberated on their response to the enigmatic figure that had arrived in their reality, another hero's presence began to loom larger in their discussions. Tornado of Terror, known for her unmatched psychic abilities, was the natural choice to confront the anomaly that was Rozane.

Tornado, whose real name was Tatsumaki, was a petite woman with a powerful presence. Her piercing eyes held a cold intensity, and her psychic prowess was legendary within the Hero Association. Despite her petite stature, her abilities were second to none, earning her the respect and sometimes fear of her fellow heroes.

In the depths of the Hero Association's headquarters, Tornado stood before a large monitor displaying images of Rozane. Her expression was inscrutable as she observed the mysterious figure's power in action. The room was silent as the heroes waited for her decision.

"I'll take care of it," Tornado finally spoke, her voice carrying an air of confidence mixed with a touch of annoyance.

The heroes exchanged glances, a mixture of relief and anticipation coloring their expressions. Tornado's intervention was a sign that the Hero Association was taking the situation seriously. They knew that whatever had brought Rozane to their world was no ordinary occurrence.

As she arrived at the scene, Tornado's focus was unwavering. She sensed Rozane's power before she even laid eyes on him, a fact that did little to impress her. With a disdainful look, she addressed him, "You're the cause of all this havoc, huh?"

Rozane's response was nonchalant, his posture relaxed. "Havoc isn't my intention. I'm not even supposed to be here."

Tornado's eyes narrowed skeptically. She wasn't one to buy excuses, especially when they came from a stranger with extraordinary power. Without warning, she unleashed her psychic might, creating a maelstrom of energy that surged toward Rozane. The tempest of power enveloped him, but what happened next was unexpected.

Rozane's form blurred, his movements a graceful dance within the tempest. He seemed almost amused as he deftly maneuvered through Tornado's psychic onslaught. His mastery over his dark arts was evident as he twisted and contorted the energy around him, turning it into an elegant display of control.

Tornado's surprise was fleeting, replaced by a spark of determination. She channeled her psychic energy even more intensely, the force of her attack intensifying. But Rozane's response was a calculated weave of shadow and power, as if he were toying with her. A wry smile played at the corners of his lips, infuriating Tornado further.

"You think this is a game?" Tornado's voice was a dangerous whisper, her aura radiating fury.

With an abrupt shift, Tornado tapped into the depths of her psychic might. Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched her powers. The air around her seemed to crackle with energy as her psychic energy surged, forming a massive vortex that threatened to consume everything.

Rozane's expression remained unchanged, but a flicker of respect glinted in his eyes. As Tornado's power reached its peak, he relinquished his playful demeanor. Shadows converged around him, forming an intricate pattern that resonated with power. In an instant, his form was surrounded by a field of darkness that repelled Tornado's vortex.

Their clash of power was awe-inspiring, each release of energy sending shockwaves that rattled the city around them. Tornado's determination was fierce, her resolve unyielding. She had met her match in Rozane, a fact that only served to intensify her resolve.

But as their battle raged on, it became evident that Rozane was not pushing himself to his limits. His movements were fluid, his power controlled. He was like a maestro orchestrating a symphony of darkness and energy, toying with Tornado as if she were a mere pawn in his game.

Frustration simmered within Tornado, a volatile mixture of anger and determination. She could sense that Rozane was holding back, his true power elusive. With a burst of psychic energy, she intensified her assault, pushing herself to her own limits. The air crackled with power as the clash between them reached a crescendo.

And just as Tornado's energy surged to its peak, Rozane's demeanor shifted. His dark aura expanded, his form becoming a conduit for an immeasurable force. The atmosphere quivered under the weight of his power, his aura resonating with the very fabric of reality.

With a single gesture, Rozane dispersed Tornado's psychic vortex as if it were a mere breeze. His voice was laced with an undertone of warning, "Let's not destroy this world recklessly."

Tornado's eyes blazed with fury, her frustration and rage reaching their limits. With a wordless roar, she unleashed her psychic might with an intensity that matched Rozane's power. The air itself seemed to tremble under the force of her assault.

The clash of their energies created shockwaves that echoed across the landscape, a testament to the sheer magnitude of their battle. But just as the confrontation reached its zenith, Rozane's form seemed to flicker, his power subsiding. His eyes met Tornado's gaze, a hint of something inscrutable within his expression.

And then, he vanished.

Tornado's psychic energy dissipated into the air, the remnants of their battle fading like echoes in the wind. She stood alone amidst the aftermath, the cityscape around her bearing the scars of their clash. Her breathing was ragged, her senses still attuned to the energy that had permeated the air.

As she glanced around, Tornado felt a sense of unease settle within her. The power Rozane had displayed was beyond anything she had encountered before. It was a power that demanded respect, but also raised questions she was determined to answer.

To be continued...