
The Rise of Meteor City

Meteor City is the worst place in the world to live in. It is where all the kingdoms in the world throw away their most vicious criminal, the noble throw away their unwanted child, the betrayed and the unwanted people gather, and most important thing, where the only law there is the jungle law. The strong eat the weak. Argo was just a little boy when all the kingdoms in the world reached an agreement that destroyed his hometown and created this hell hole that people don't want to be associated with. He saw the change from a beautiful place turned into a wasteland for unwanted people. Seeing all of this, he vowed deep inside his heart that he would do anything to bring Meteor City to the pinnacle of the world. And he did it! He managed to become the first-ever human that reaches level 5 alchemist, the grandmaster mage, and the general knight level strength. Not only he was the first one who became the pinnacle of those three most prestigious jobs in this world, but he also did that even before he turned 30 years old, making him the youngest to do that in the entire history. Now that everyone's eyes are on him, he is ready to start his plan for the rise of Meteor City. But when he was about to reveal his identity, he vanished without any trace. No one knows what happened to the biggest genius in the entire history. Some said he was assassinated, and others said he was in seclusion with his own harem. But fifty years later, he comes back to this world, ready to start his plan that got delayed for more than five decades. Cleaning up Meteor City. What would happen then?

Ze_Faerie · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: The Battle Between Two Elves

There is a silence in the room. Nobody is talking right now. Only the sound of the wind blowing gently in the air could be heard there, tickling the ears of those two elves, Suran and Vanda, who are ready to kill each other. However, the silence dissapearred within a second as Suran makes a move, raising one of his legs before slamming it down to the ground.


His movement was followed by the giant golem who was three times taller than the woman in front of him, shaking off the ground and leveling down the building at the same time. However, Vanda is unfazed by that. She jumped at the same time the golem slammed its foot down and protected her head from the ruin of the building quickly with her magic, leaving her unscratched from the attack.

Suran hummed above the golem, slightly impressed with Vanda.

"As expected from the most talented elf in the century. You didn't even look perturbed by those small earthquakes. But can you avoid the same attack twice?"

And right after saying that, the golem runs toward her with a very quick speed that doesn't belong to a giant like that, raising one of his feet once again, but this time slamming it down to the ground with all his might.

However, Vanda is prepared for that. Before the foot landed on the ground, she pointed her fist at the golem before pulling it down to the ground.

[Vine magic: Rope]

And suddenly, a bunch of giant vines grow rapidly from the ground and wrapped around the golem's pivotal foot, shaking off its balance and restricting its movement.

"Is that all you get?" Vanda raised her eyebrows slightly, unimpressed with the show, causing Suran to growl furiously at her.

"You are still as strong as in the past, bitch. But if you think this is all the golem could do, you underestimated me too much. Come on!"

Suddenly the flow of mana in the golem's body grows rapidly, making the ground beneath her crack. Vanda widened her eyes in shock as she jumped behind, trying to get away from the golem. However, Suran smirked a little before he muttered,

[Earth Magic: Pit hole]

"SHIT!" Vanda couldn't help but cursed out loud as the crack in the ground triggered the destruction upon it, forming a hole about three meters in depth. Vanda who fell into the hole formed a hand sign quickly, triggering vines to grow rapidly in the bottom of the hole.

[Vine Magic: Cushion]!

With her quick thinking, Vanda decreased the impact on her fall. However, it doesn't leave her unscratched as the piece of rocks that keep falling sometimes hit her hard.


She raised her head and looked upwards just to see the golem and Suran stood tall on the top of the pit, smirking evilly at her.

"Ready to get buried?"

And without waiting for an answer, Suran punched down the ground, which was followed by the golem below him.

[Earth Magic: Big Impact]

The golem punched down the ground continuously, creating a lot of rock debris that flew in Vanda's direction. She didn't have enough time to dodge, so she did what she thought the best.

[Vine Magic: Shield]

Suddenly, vines grow from the ground, creating a huge dome that protects Vanda from the rock debris. In her mind though, she couldn't help but cursed herself for her carelessness.

"Damn it! How could I forget that he is the best terrain magic in the Jade Forest!"

The nature of the earth magic that the elves mastered is very defensive. It was not suitable for an open battle like this. However, that doesn't mean they couldn't get creative. Vanda who possessed one of the rarest earth magic in the world use it for support and long-range magic. As for Suran, even if he only possessed ordinary earth magic, he was creative enough to use it to affect the terrain of the battle and manipulate it to his advantage.

And right now, it is what Suran did to her.

"What happened, bitch?! Got scared?!"

This attack continued for almost fifteen minutes, and as time goes by, her shield is slowly destroyed by the debris. Knowing she couldn't hold it for more than five minutes, Vanda took an action immediately. She canceled her shield and run quickly toward the golem, startling Suran for a bit.

"Finally going to attack me, huh? But it is too late!"

[Earth Magic: Earthquake]!

The ground beneath them suddenly started shaking again, slowing down Vanda for a moment. However, the elf woman uses her mana to stabilize her standing, making it possible for her to still move forward. And when she is close enough to the golem, she jumped and touched its body before she muttered,

[Plant Magic: Rage of the Forest]

Then, out of nowhere, trees suddenly grow rapidly from the body of the golem, restraining its movement for a moment. But it seems that she underestimated the ability of this forbidden magic in front of her. Because in the next moment, she could hear Suran muttering,

[Wind Magic: Hurricane]


Hearing the spell, Vanda formed a shield once again to protect herself from the impact of the magic. And within a second, the wind around them suddenly got wild, dancing and cutting through everything, especially the trees that restraining the golem's movement.

"How the hell could he use the wind magic this strongly? Isn't his affinity located in earth magic?"

However, Suran didn't give her any time to relax and think about it. Right after the golem was released from the trees, it moves again at a very high speed, slamming down his body toward Vanda's shield.


As if it was not enough, Suran added her pain with his final spell.

[Earth Magic: Burial]

And then, the earth opened itself on the spot where Vanda is standing before it closed immediately, not giving any chance for the elf woman to escape from his magic.

"Goodbye, bitch." Suran muttered as he turned around, walking away from their battle scene. However, it only took five steps for him before his eyes got blurry and his head is getting smacked by a strong headache.

"Damn! What the hell is this?!"

He kneeled down, holding his head in agony. That was when he noticed that the woman who he thought he killed before suddenly appeared in front of him, walking casually as if she is not having any battle five minutes ago.

He was utterly speechless for a moment before growling furiously.

"How the hell did you escape from my attack, bitch!"

However, all he got was a lot of vines growing from the ground, preventing him from moving from his spot.

"Not bad, Suran." She spoke slowly. "I didn't expect that you could control your golem to that extent. Not only you amplified your physical and magical attack through your golem, you even managed to steal the magic from the living being that you sacrificed for this abominable creation. Is that how you could use that wind magic?"

Suran growled a little but decided to keep silent and not answer her question. Vanda just hummed lowly before she speaks again.

"Unfortunately for you, your last attack didn't really hit me. I only make a shield to put your focus on that, so you wouldn't notice I sneaked around in the last second and hide beneath the remaining vines in your golem's body. I use your magic to hide from your attack. Ironic, isn't it?"

"Shut up, woman!" Suran snarked in pain, trying to hold his focus on the elf in front of him. "I know it is what you do! What the hell did you do to me?! Tell me!"

"Hmmm…." Vanda took her sweet time, aggravating Suran more. "This is basically my ultimate battle magic. I release a poisonous spore to collude the air around us, and it uses the mana ambiance in the air to fuel it. So, every time you take a breath and use your magic, you are shortening your life spawn. Thank you for killing yourself, Suran."

Hearing the mocking tone of Vanda's voice, Suran couldn't take it anymore. He knows he would die within the next minutes. So, he gathered all the mana that still remains in his body into his heart, ready to explode himself in a suicide attack it in the next moment.


But before he could explode himself, Vanda fists her hand, making a lot of vines once again grow from the ground. And this time, it engulfed Suran immediately, reducing the impact of the explosion.


And right after that explosion, all she could see is the ashes of Suran's body as it was getting blown by the wind quickly, a sign of the end of the slave trader's life.

"Goodbye, scum," Vanda muttered lowly before she turned around and leaves her spot.

She sighed inwardly as she was glad she could finally kill Suran, the one who caused pains for a lot of families in the Jade Forest. However, it also leaves her wounded as suddenly, she coughed a lot of blood, her gaze is blurry.

"Damn! My ribs are cracked, and there is a lot of bruises in my body. But the biggest problem, my mana is depleted and I breathed the spore too much. I will to filter it so that I can use this spell without it backlashing at me." She muttered lowly before she fell to the ground, her vision is getting dark as she lost consciousness.