
The Rise of Meteor City

Meteor City is the worst place in the world to live in. It is where all the kingdoms in the world throw away their most vicious criminal, the noble throw away their unwanted child, the betrayed and the unwanted people gather, and most important thing, where the only law there is the jungle law. The strong eat the weak. Argo was just a little boy when all the kingdoms in the world reached an agreement that destroyed his hometown and created this hell hole that people don't want to be associated with. He saw the change from a beautiful place turned into a wasteland for unwanted people. Seeing all of this, he vowed deep inside his heart that he would do anything to bring Meteor City to the pinnacle of the world. And he did it! He managed to become the first-ever human that reaches level 5 alchemist, the grandmaster mage, and the general knight level strength. Not only he was the first one who became the pinnacle of those three most prestigious jobs in this world, but he also did that even before he turned 30 years old, making him the youngest to do that in the entire history. Now that everyone's eyes are on him, he is ready to start his plan for the rise of Meteor City. But when he was about to reveal his identity, he vanished without any trace. No one knows what happened to the biggest genius in the entire history. Some said he was assassinated, and others said he was in seclusion with his own harem. But fifty years later, he comes back to this world, ready to start his plan that got delayed for more than five decades. Cleaning up Meteor City. What would happen then?

Ze_Faerie · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 05 : A Glimpse of the Past

As the pressure and killing intent emitted from his body, Argo could see Vanda is having a hard time to breath. That is no wonder, considering Argo could just sophisticate the entire Musia Kingdom if he goes full power. He just restrains himself from doing that in order to keep the building intact.

"I don't know where you got your confidence before, daring to say something like that in front of my face. Is it because I spoiled you too much in the past? But that wouldn't be the case, because you were so obedient fifty years ago. Maybe it is because you forget about my power that you overestimate yourself? Your reputation gets over your head, huh?"

He kneeled down in front of Vanda, their eyes meet at each other for a second. Vanda couldn't help but flinch at the coldness she saw from the usual warm on her brother's eyes.

"It seems I need to remind you something, girl." He whispered slowly, sending a shiver to everyone who heard that. "What is the one rule you must obey here?"

Vanda's eyes widened in fear as she realized why her brother is furious.

"What is it?!" Argo roared, waiting for her answer.

"E-E-Everything from Meteor City is yours and only with your permission I can get it!" With all the pressure that she felt, Vanda could only whisper in a meek tone.

"And what did you say about the children earlier?"

"I-I crossed the line! I am sorry!"

After she apologized, suddenly, all the pressure inside the room vanished as Argo snapped his fingers. Vanda panted heavily as she finally could breathe normally. Argo took a single glance at her before he left the room.

"Where are you going, My Lord?" Gavin asked politely, as he knows his master is in a foul mood right now. Argo stopped for a moment before he replied without even turning around.

"I need to cool my head or I fear I would kill her right now. Would not be my first time killing my student because of their stupidity." Argo muttered the last part under her breath.

"I will be out for a few hours. Don't follow me and protect the children. Oh, and don't forget to apologize to the boy, Gavin. You knocked him off."

"Yes, My Lord."

Argo took a glance at Vanda for the last time before he left.


The elf flinched and straightened her back immediately at the mention of her name, still terrified of what she just experienced. Argo sighed, didn't really like doing that to her. However, Vanda is really getting close to his nerves, so Argo needs to make her remember what to not do in front of his presence.

"This is your only warning. Don't do something stupid. If you think the entire race is more important than a mere boy, you can ask Gavin my opinion regarding that matter. And Gavin, I give you permission to tell her about that incident. Just give her the basic."

The demon gulped nervously as he knows what his lord is saying.

"I will be off." Argo vanished, leaving Vanda and Gavin alone in silence. A moment later, Vanda finally released a deep breath, relieved that she is still alive and nothing happened to her.

"That was terrifying." She muttered under her breath. Gavin nodded solemnly as he replied,

"If you think that was terrifying, you don't really know about Master's full power, Lady Vanda. It was barely twenty percent of his full power."

The elf widened her eyes in shock.

"Wait, he could force me, one of the three tenth-tier mages in the world alongside him and dubbed as the most powerful elf, to kneel down in front of him and scares me to death, yet you said that was not his full power?"

Gavin shook his head.

"Even though he put you under that immense pressure, the building is still standing tall here, and nothing is broken or destroyed. He had it under control. "

Now, Vanda didn't really want to be at the end of her wrath again. One time is enough for her.

"By the way, what did brother mean by asking you about his opinion?"

"Oh, Master is talking about my race, the shadow demon."

Now, he got Vanda's full attention.

"You are a shadow demon? Did the shadow demon race extinct? You have never said anything about your origin, so I am sorry if I am a bit intrigued."

Gavin just waved his hand, indicating he is not offended at all.

"Don't worry about it. I have never said anything because Master ordered me to not talk about it. But yes, I am the last shadow demon in this world. The rest of them was massacred by master fifty-five years ago."

Vanda gasped in horror at the information she just received.


"Yes, he did it in a cold blood, and that was because of me," Gavin replied. "I am the sole child of the shadow demon lord, Lord Alvaro. However, let's just say my childhood is far from ideal. My father blamed me for my mother's death and abused me a lot. And when he died and my uncle took over the leadership position, I was locked up inside the dungeon for almost three years for something that I have never known. I was the same age as this boy back then." He pointed at Ara who is still sleeping soundlessly.

"Master found me when he visited our manor. When I first saw him, he was the first one who is not glaring at me hatefully. He helped me escape the manor and promised to take me under his wing. Until now, I don't really understand what his reason is.

However, after asking for a bit of information about my previous situation, he was furious. He barged into our leader and demanded an explanation. I don't know what they were talking about, as I was too little to understand back then. However, I know whatever my uncle said really makes Master furious at the shadow demon race. A day later, I found out that my entire race is wiped out by a single man, a man who coincidently save me too from that hell hole. That was the day I decided to follow him for my entire life."

Vanda trembled in terror as she now knows what her brother implied earlier.

"So, what he basically wanted to say to me is.."

"He didn't really care about the fate of the entire race or something like that. I don't know why, but it seems Master would always have a soft spot for homeless children like them. My Lord wouldn't hesitate to kill every elf in the world if you decided to harm the children." Gavin finished what she wanted to say.

"But why?"

Gavin could only sigh as he knows what she asked about.

"Lady Vanda, I don't really know your relations with Master, as you both have already met even before I was around. But I know he is always treating you like the best princess. So, of course, he would never let you know about his cruel side. He didn't want to shatter his image as the perfect big brother in front of your eyes. But today, you almost crossed the line. Just be grateful that Master has soft spot for you because if it is someone else, their head would be rolling before Master left the room."

Vanda nodded numbly, as she tried to gather her thoughts. Her sweet big brother who is always her knight in shiny armor just threatening to kill her entire race. But she knows it is her own fault. If she treated the children as she said earlier, would her big brother really massacre the elven race?

Vanda's body trembled in fear as she knows the answer.

Argo would really massacre the entire elven race without hesitation.

No, she would not let her brother do that. She would apologize to the boy for her rude comment. She can still ask the girl to bring back the God Tree in the future. But if she really kidnapped the girl now, all her plans for the elven race would be futile as her brother would just wipe out her race because of her stupidity.