

The world is a mysterious place, we have so many things yet to explore but, are we ready to explore more than what we know? This story is about a curious boy who was different from others since his birth and wanted to explore the world to know more than what others know. Instead what he discovers is shocking, that is...his birth secret. Healing from that he learns to accept himself and moves forward with his life until... “Ahhh... I hate you! I don't even want to see your face! ” The brunette said in a painful voice. “Haha... Don't worry, the feelings are mutual. ”The bluehead replied with a smug tone. They are born rivals but an incident changes their life forever. From hate to love... From enemies to lovers...From nothing to everything... “No! please don't leave me! Don't go there! I love you...” cried out the brunette as he fell to his knees. “I'm sorry for deciding to leave you dear. But my love for you will never let me stay near you and bring harm to you. But I'm sure one day after everything settles down I'll come back for you my love... only for you... And I love you beyond starts.” From weak to strong in power... But back to being weak in love... Years passed... But his love for the other didn't. After many years of longing and yearning, he finally met his love with hopes of living happily but...as we say fate is cruel, it had other plans for them... “Hello, I'm ..... Nice meeting you again.” the blonde male said looking at the black-haired boy with so much love in his eyes. “I can't say the same... Who are you?” the black-haired asked in a confused tone, giving a shock to the other male. “You don't remember me!?” Were the memories they had just a dream? Why did it have to be like this, that one forgets and the other one remembers? Will they find their lost love or will it remain relinquished? What has fate decided for them?

Vivik_a · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Smith's and Wilson's

The principal's instructions for the competition were given and the students headed back to their classes. They were all saddened by the story they had just heard, realizing how cruel fate could be even to those who wished only for the well-being of others. It seemed that evil always found a way to creep in, despite their best intentions. The students felt weighed down by the unfairness of it all, but they knew that they had to keep moving forward despite the hardships that may come their way. As the rest of the group resumed going out, one person remained to sulk in the corner - the latecomer. He waited for his best friend to join him so he could vent about his parents' childish behavior, which made him late for class. He was in thoughts about his parents.

"Hey! Crackhead, why are you sulking here instead of going back to class?" a female voice spoke, startling him out of his thoughts. He looked to see his best friend standing there, arms folded across her chest as she tapped her leg, waiting for his reply. Instead of responding, he started whining and stomping his feet.

"Calm down, hero. What happened now? Tell your bestie, I'll solve your problem." Even though her words may have a concerning meaning to others who might hear her, they were dripping with sarcasm. And he knew it for sure, so he stopped whining and showed a neutral expression.

"No need for your fake concern, witch. I'm well capable of handling my problems. You're not my bestie either. I didn't want any other friends, so that's why I'm stuck with you. Otherwise, I would have replaced you already."

This made the girl angry, and she started hitting him on the head. "You! How can you be so ungrateful, brat? I've been there with you since childhood. How could you say that you can replace me? This beautiful girl whom everyone wants to befriend!"

"Owwiee, stop it, witch! I was just kidding. Stop beating my precious head, or else it'll become like yours... nothing inside," he said as he laughed and cried out in pain at the same time.

"Behave, Mr.Jake Evan Smith," the girl said as he stood straight, looking left and right to check if someone was listening. Then he shushed her and said, "Hey! Keep it down. You know we can't let them know who we are... right, Ms.Eva Jack Wilson... huh!?"

"Yeah yeah, We are the unknown heirs of WilsonSmith's Academy...blah blah blah. I've heard it enough. Oh god! Being the unknown heirs of Wilson Smith's Academy places a big burden on us, as the outside world often worships us as some sort of divine beings. The constant pressure to live up to these high expectations can be overwhelming. Because of this secret and of course, our family, we can't mingle with everyone. It's frustrating how others view us as something beyond human, and it's natural to wonder how our parents managed it all in the beginning."

They yearn to have regular connections with people, to be able to mingle with everyone without the weight of their secret inheritance holding them back. But it is not possible since all the others see them as some kind of untouchable divine beings.

Jake jokingly remarked, "We're the invisible family, right? That's what people say. But let's be real, we've never been invisible. Others just get blind sometimes, don't they?" Eva nodded, and they both erupted in laughter.

This was very common for them. Fighting like Tom and Jerry and then laughing together like they were not quarreling a few minutes before and that's what best friends are, right? They knew they couldn't do anything without each other and had been like that since they were kids, growing up together. They knew the value of their friendship.

"You know, Eva, we have all faced the wrath of kindness... the excessive kindness we showed these people. No one was there with us when we suffered through that, only ourselves. As a family, we grew and healed, but the scars are still fresh and deep inside us. I'm damn sure that if I find out who did that to us, they'll see the opposite of kind Evan Smith. I appreciate Dad's efforts in all of this, but I'm not going to be like him. I'll strike when the ball is in my court," Jake said with a determined tone.

Seeing their family suffer and losing their loved ones was one thing that young Jake remembered. Crying for his mother seemed to be the only way to reconcile what he was going through. Even though others at that age didn't understand what happened, he was clever enough to pick up on things and started looking after his younger brother.

"Yeah... I'm with you on this. We need to have at least some peace of mind to live with after punishing them. Only then will both my parents and your mom rest in peace... And I'm glad that we get to be a family. I wish they were also with us..." They fell into silence, thinking about their family.

Eva, the 10-month-old daughter who survived the crash, was left with only her younger sister, while Jake, the 2-year-old, was left with his father and brother. Eva and Jake had grown up together, along with their siblings, under their Uncle Jacob's care. Their houses were just a few steps apart. From the moment they met, they had an instant connection. They were mischievous troublemakers, always getting into some kind of mischief, whether it was pulling pranks on their neighbors or exploring forbidden places. They were inseparable.

As they entered their teenage years, their friendship only grew stronger. They faced the challenges of childhood together, and then their youth too, supporting each other through heartbreaks from their previous memories, academic pressures, and the uncertainties of the future. They were each other's confidants, always ready to lend an ear or offer a shoulder to cry on. Their families also played a significant role in their bond.

Eva and her sister were adopted by Jacob and his wife after the accident, as they didn't have children. Evan remarried for his children's sake but eventually fell in love with his wife, Lyla Smith, a beautiful lady in her late 30s. Her kindness, loving, and caring nature healed the family over time. Both Jake and his brother loved her like their mother.

Jake's family had always been warm and loving towards each other. They welcomed Eva and her sister into their home with open arms, treating them like one of their own, and the same with Eva's family too.

In this shared environment, Eva and Jake learned the true meaning of family. They discovered that family wasn't just about blood relations but about the people who loved and supported you unconditionally. They became each other's chosen family, always there to provide comfort and guidance.

As they navigated the challenges of adulthood, their bond remained unwavering. They decided to pursue their dreams together, encouraging and motivating each other every step of the way. They celebrated each other's successes and offered a shoulder to lean on during failures.

Their friendship was a constant source of strength and stability in their lives. No matter how tough things got, they knew they could rely on each other. They were a team.

And so, as they laughed together, their hearts filled with gratitude for the incredible bond they shared. They knew that no matter what life may throw at them, they would always have each other. They were more than friends; they were family.