
The rise of Humanity

Long ago when humans live in harmony in the land which the Great God bestowed upon them ,they all lived in bliss without worry for not only were they love by the Great God but also by the others the Great God along with the other Gods loved them to bits and provided them in whatever they want and desire so long as they do not define of interfere with the God's and to never have any carnal relations with them that was the rule which the Great God commanded to maintain the purity of the Gods aswell as to maintain the balance between Gods and mortal beings .... This was the case for years but not until a curious Goddess named Freya god curious about his father the Great God's love with the humans ... There in secret she venture out on earth and found why his father loved this beings so much "hehe they are just like my children beautiful in any way"Freya was the goddess of Beauty,love and aswell as the goddess of life so she was very pleased to see the humans ways for unlike the flower and the animal she gives life to humans are able to freely express themselves "they are just like us God's but something about them just makes them even more special then us...." As she venture more and more she grown to love earth she loved it much more than her father or other god's loved it... And not long after this love grew even deeper when she meet a human boy a unique person who soon stole the goddess icy heart... They're love soon bloom into a child.... But alas the Great God found out of this and was in rage and brought Goddess Freya back to heaven separating her from her daughter and lover and lock here in a place where she would have to see death before her eyes the death of humans!!! And every other living creatures on earth.... Death didn't exist but because of the Great God's rage he punished not only his daughter but all humans he curse them to die and to those who live good he showed mercy and give th a chance to reincarnate but to those who are not they are to die... At first he was about to just kill them all including the child which Freya has bore but the Goddess beg and so he made of this system and force her daughter to see life and death separation and lost before her eyes as punishment and still not satisfied he created monster to punish the humans who tainted his daughter as such humans were force to fight demons and monster... "And that is why we have to fight them princess Celestia..." "Eh? So that does mean my great great great great grandma is a Goddess?" "Yes your highness" "So do the other humans hate me and my other family?" "Hmmm well not technically your highness since the Moonstone family is one of the most powerful clan that fights against monsters and protect humanity...." as the nanny talked she noticed the confusion in the little girl eyes and such she explained "Remember when I told you that as a punishment humans were force to fight monster?" "Uh-huh " "Well you see the other god's pity the humans including your great great great grandmother Silvanna that is why they made a deal with the humans that so long as they pray and give their loyalty ,offer the God's blessings and swore internal alliance to them the God's shall grant them strength, power and wisdom to fight against demons that is why we are able to fight them and amongst the most powerful clan the worshiper to goddess Freya and the Great God himself is us the Moonstone Clan although the Great God is still in rage of this clan under the persuasion of Goddess Gracia mother of Goodness Freya we were still grandted strength,great power and wisdom for generation especially you princess Celestia" "Eh?what do you mean Maowi?" "Well you see you have a blood of the gods that is why your more powerful than any of the other Moonstone member you and derict descendants of the Goddess are destined to do great things" "Waaahh really??" "Uh-huh" The girl nodded as the little girl twirls around happily Infront of her.

Angelique_Villegas · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 Celestia

POV (author)

In a village locate deep in the forest lived a clan who's power is unmatched.... and a clan filled with unknown mystery to the outside world....

No one has ever been inside this very village without the permission of the leader of this clan ... this clan is called the Moonstone Clan.....

Greetings Queen Shareah the village people bow as they saw the lady before them...

The lady was truly an unmatched beauty not only to the village but also to the outside world truly ...

Her long silver hair that glows along the ray of light her skin as pale sa snow but her lips and cheeks as red as rose and her eyes liked golden crystal truly a beauty and truly to be expected to a decendant of the Goodness Freya.....

"Greeting people of Moonstone" the Queen would say in a voice full of dominance but full of grace... her kimono fallowing her every action as if she is dancing along with the wind ...

(Phew great news is about to decend ) The lady though to herself as she took a deep breath before continuing to speak

"I bring to you a great news for another life shall be added into our clan"

she spoke with a proud smile while gently caress her stomach.

as the people realize what there queen meant they cheered and cried of joy as they yell

"Glory to Queen Shareah glory to King Chrono glory to Goddess Gracia Glory to the Great God and glory to Goddess Freya glory to the Moonstone Clan!!!" yell cheered with pride and joy knowing a great blessing shall befall them soon.