Betrayed by his brother—the so-called Boy Who Lived—Harry was cast aside, left to endure a childhood of indifference and scorn. But the time for being overlooked is over. Now, The Wrong Boy Who Lived is about to learn the hard way—Harry always pays his debts. Dark Harry! Slytherin Harry!
Remus carefully slid his hands under Harry's knees and under his shoulder. With one movement the older man hoisted the young boy up into the air away from any danger. The caretaker looked around the back room, running one hand through his hair. Harry could already tell that he was angry, so many cages were broken and the goat creature was bleating sorrowfully.
There was an unconscious Diricawl wrapped in nets and being levitated by emergency personnel that seemed to be cleaning up the scene.
Harry's gut twisted once he noticed blood on the floor.
"What's going to happen?" Harry asked quietly, watching as more animals were shoved away and more blood was quickly cleaned up.
"They'll probably move on a tad bit earlier." Remus replied calmly, although his voice was very strained.
Harry felt an uncomfortable knot in his throat which pulsated in rhythm to the lolling stab of pain originating in his ankle. It bounced limply with every step Remus took, hanging from an awkward position.
"What about the animals?" Harry asked concerned, he rather enjoyed animals. They were much more accepting and listened to him talk most times, he didn't want them to get in any trouble because of him.
Remus said nothing, and instead locked his jaw slightly.
Harry felt the knot in his throat press on his chest with uncomfortable pressure. Why wasn't Remus answering his question.
"No, No!" He heard the sudden piercing scream from the Amfivena. "Not want! Sorry! Is sorr-"
The cry cut off partway through. Remus shifted Harry although showed no signs of having heard. Harry stared, eyes locked on the door that had been forced open where the snake had quieted suspiciously.
"I didn't mean to-" Harry blurted, feeling the heavy weight of guilt pressing on him.
Remus looked down and shook his head softly, "Oh, no Harry, none of this was your fault. You don't have to be sorry for anything."
Harry looked down, eyes glazing and clouding.
It was his outburst that had led to the snake's sudden hush. If he hadn't have reacted or outburst, the blood wouldn't have been spilled.
Who had been hurt? Who had he hurt?
They reached the far door and Harry had not yet heard another sound from the snake.
"I'm sorry too." Harry whispered.
In the tumult of events that transpired at the Magical Creature Expo, the Daily Prophet recorded two serious injuries and the legal requirements for euthanasia of seven magical creatures.
According to the paper, the legal requirements stirred up an activist group who were highly opposed to the unfair treatment and imprisonment of magical creatures.
The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures specializing within the Beast Division was particularly under scrutiny. Moreso now than ever according to the apparent disregard for one rare Bowtruckle, a now endangered species, which had been caught in the crossfire of the ministries responding aurors.
The Bowtruckle in particular, stated within the paper as 'A harmless tree-dwelling creature that is difficult to find, and has great significance. The Bowtruckle species was once used commonly to find healthy trees or wooden material suitable for magic conduits. Now due to the Bowtruckle's recent endangerment in attempts to track alternate wood sources for conduits for dark arts, the species have nearly vanished in its natural habitat. This decrease is directly correlated to an increase in magical accidents through wand material experimentation. The greatest incident recorded was in Northern Amiens, France. This incident resulted in fourteen muggle and wizard deaths due to the magical explosion of an incorrect conductor-'
The paper continued on. On the second page numerous witnesses had described the chaos as well as their obvious bemoans over the life of the Bowtruckle. The page after that regarded the current attempt for habitat restoration and conservation for the species, and the bills being thrown at the Ministry in regards for the safety and wellbeing of magical creatures under a class one rating.
Harry read the paper quite thoroughly, he had nothing better to do since he had been forced to remain in bed as his ankle reduced in swelling and healed. There were a few words he didn't understand the meaning of, as well as a few descriptions of current bills and decisions made by ministry officials.
He read the paper very carefully, even rereading it once he had finished.
Not once did it mention the Amfivena.
(He never really expected that it would have.)
The house was whispering in quiet murmurs.
Harry awoke silently in his room as the white noise lulled him out of sleep. His room was dark, the windows didn't offer a hint of sunlight or reveal just how late it was.
He murmurs rose in pitch, distinguishing themselves in the incoherent noises of multiple voices.
Harry slid out of his bed quietly. He took a few steps- his ankle had already healed although hadn't been tested yet. He hobbled slightly to the door, turning and peering out into the dark hallway. The further he walked the less his ankle hindered his movements. Once reaching the main staircase, he was walking fluidly and quietly down the steps towards the showroom where the light and voices were.
Harry approached the door, now able to distinguish the voices of his parents as well as an older wheezing voice and someone much younger yet with a thickened accent.