


99_DRAGONS · Book&Literature
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Fun @ Forest

Chapter 23


The morning started with a buzz as Cedric Diggory sought attention yet again.


Cedric: "Hey, Val, did you see my latest Quidditch move? I think I might be the best Seeker this school has ever seen."


Valerius, glancing up from his book: "That's great, Cedric. I am sure you will join the team soon"


The Daily Prophet arrived, delivering news that turned everyone's attention.




Daily Prophet Headlines:

New Undersecretary Mia Thorns Kedward has been appointed to the ministry to work under Fudge.

Upon joining, she took drastic measures, ordering new magical artifacts called the Fax machine from Germans, increasing work efficiency tenfold.

Mia stated, "The magic tracking system in Magical Britain has flaws."

People are hoping she might be the savior and quickly elevate the prestige of British witches and wizards.


Valerius Alarie Grindelwald has accepted an invitation to participate in an alchemy debate at the Circle Conference among renowned wizards of Great Britain.

Will he prove his knowledge in the debate?

Many are questioning his patent rights.

Why is Dumbledore, the Supreme Mugwump is silent?




After classes ended, Valerius, Jacob's sibling, Merula, Rowan, and Ben ventured into the Forbidden Forest for some exploration. Suddenly, they were surrounded by a swarm of dementors.


Valerius: "Protego Sanctus!"


A golden protection layer formed around the group, preventing the dementors from approaching.


Rowen: "Incredible, Valerius!"


The seniors began casting Patronus charms, driving away the dementors one by one. A lioness Patronus then appeared, belonging to Patricia Rakepick.


Patricia: "Wow, I never knew a spell like that, which can hold off dementors and corrode them inch by inch. Who cast that spell?"


Merula: "Grindelwald."


Valerius: "Isn't it my favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Rakepick? How are you, professor?"


Patricia: "You flatter me, Grindelwald. I'm fine."


Valerius: "Your skill in breaking curses is truly rare."


Patricia: "Finally, someone has a good eye. You're truly a Grindelwald, you recognized my talent."


Merula: "Expelliarmus!"


Patricia blocked it easily and countered with "Flipendo," sending Merula crashing to the ground.


Merula: "Revenge, I will get my revenge, Patricia Rakepick!"


Jacob's sibling and Merula teamed up, casting spells against Rakepick. Though she got hit several times, Rakepick countered the students' attacks with ease. Only Ben and Valerius remained standing.


Ben: "I will deal with her, Valerius. Don't interfere."


Rakepick: "Do you think you can defeat me, cowardly Gryffindor?"


Enraged, Ben began firing spells at Rakepick, gaining the upper hand little by little due to his Auror-like training.


Rakepick: "Avada Kedavra!"


Rowan rushed to protect Ben. Seeing the situation, Valerius cast his most treasured spell, he created during his time with his grandfather.


Valerius: "Inanis!"


A black ball formed at the tip of Valerius's wand, absorbing the Killing Curse's effect, leaving everyone in awe and fear.


Valerius: "Don't use unforgivable spells, professor."


Rowan, in relief: "I'm not dead!"


Valerius: "Don't shout, you idiot. When someone doesn't hesitate to use unforgivable spells, you shouldn't mess with them."


Rakepick: "You know you must join our organization, Valerius. You are truly talented."


Valerius: "Give me the pleasure of dueling you, professor."


Rakepick blushed slightly: "Of course," she said, casting "Crucio!"


Valerius countered with a lightning spell: "You're embarrassing me, professor. I told you not to use unforgivables."


The students watched in awe as Valerius's lightning overpowered Rakepick's Crucio.

Spreading the lightning, he struck Rakepick hard, causing her to lose her stability. Seizing the opportunity, Valerius cast Incarcerous with an Anti-Apparition jinx, trapping Rakepick.


Merula slapped Rakepick ten times across the face. Valerius handed the rope to Jacob's sibling.


Valerius: "You owe me one, Jackson."


Using a Disillusionment Charm, Valerius returned to his dorm.

The next day,


The next morning,

Aurors arrived at Hogwarts to apprehend Patricia Rakepick. Valerius and his friends watched as she was escorted away to Azkaban.


Auror Dawlish: "Patricia Rakepick, you are under arrest for the use of unforgivable curses and endangering students' lives."


Rakepick, with a defiant look: "You think Azkaban can hold me? This isn't over."


Valerius, leaning against a pillar with a smirk: "Oh, I'm sure you'll find a way to entertain yourself there, Professor. But for now, it looks like your fun is over."


Cecilia: "I'm glad she's being taken away. She was a menace."


Nott: "Still, we need to be careful. There might be others like her lurking around."


Valerius: "Said correctly, Max"


Jacob's sibling: "You were amazing out there, Valerius. How did you come up with that spell?"


Valerius: "Necessity is the mother of invention, Jackson. I needed something powerful, so I made something powerful. Simple as that."


Cecilia, looking thoughtful: "But why take such risks? You could have gotten seriously hurt."


Valerius, with a glint in his eye: "What's life without a little danger? Besides, it keeps things interesting."


Nott, shaking his head with a grin: "You really are something, Val."


Valerius: "Let's just say I prefer to keep everyone guessing. Keeps the game more... entertaining."


Adrian: "So, did you prepare for upcoming exams?"


Valerius: "Yes I am ready to write."


Jacob's sibling sweat dropped he did prepare properly: "Ok, Bye"


Valerius seeing Adrian: "I will duplicate my notes, read that, it is more than necessary to write the exam, you can only see the text, not anyone can see the text that I write except for the ones I wanted to see"


As the Aurors took Rakepick away, the students felt a mix of relief and determination. Valerius's chaotic neutral outlook kept them on edge but also ready for whatever came next.


Mia, standing at a distance, watched the scene unfold and waved to Valerius. Valerius glanced in her direction, his expression cold, and then turned away, deliberately ignoring her.




Later that evening, Valerius sat in the common room, writing a letter with a stern expression.


Valerius (writing):


Dear Mia,


I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you must understand the importance of discretion. Waving at me in public can draw unwanted attention and potentially jeopardize our plans. In the future, avoid any overt recognition when we're in public settings.


Remember, our strength lies in the secrecy and subtlety of our actions. Do not compromise that.







After finishing the letter, Valerius sealed it and handed it to his Phoenix disguised as an owl.


Valerius: "Take this to Mia. Make sure she gets it as soon as possible."


The owl hooted softly and flew off into the night. Valerius leaned back in his chair, his mind already working on their next steps.