

Alton has lost everything in his life and at the bitter end of his life he was given a chance to wish for one thing. See as Alton right his wrongs and take revenge on the people who were against him in his first time at life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone first I would like to thank you for reading and as this is my first book so I would love it if guys comment or you could message me directly so I can improve my writing and thus deliver better work. Thank you. Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/tRSbK2b22k

Titanic_Crusher · Fantasy
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31 Chs

New Allies and Reward

Veronica and Cecilia didn't understand so Alton seeing their questioning expression decided to explain in simpler terms "Do you both want to stay as maids the whole life or become something better."

Both girls understood what Alton was saying and then Veronica said "We want to change our destiny Young Master we want to be someone who Young Miss can call as her friend in front of everyone." Alton smiled and then said, "Then become at least a 5th Star Elementary Mage so you can be awarded baron rank."

The girls were shocked but then Cecilia said "Young Master it's not that easy we need to create a mana core before we can even be called 1st Star Elementary Mage and we don't have as much talent as Young Miss so it would take minimum half a year more until we become Mages with our talent and resources." Alton answered, "I know how about I invest in you both." Veronica then asked "Young Master what is it that you want in return" even Cecilia and Maria were looking forward to Alton's answer.

Alton smiled and answered "First I need loyal people so you will have to pledge your loyalty to me and Teren main family. Second Your talents are good enough for me to invest so what do you say." Veronica and Cecilia thought about it for about half an hour thoroughly because this was one decision that could change their lives so they needed to think this through so after about thirty minutes Veronica said: "Young Master I will take your offer." Alton smiled and looked at Cecilia and she asked "Young Master we will be able to change our destiny right."

Alton smiled and answered, "Yes you will be able to change your destiny it is better than being forced into marriage by your father isn't it." Maria, Cecilia and Veronica were shocked hearing this because Alton should not know that Cecilia was being forced into marriage by her father and she knew that when they return her father will wed her without her consent this cleared all suspicion about Alton being from the future and Cecilia answered: "Young Master I will work hard if you invest in me." Alton nodded and then said, "Good you have thought it well because if you guys gave me the answer immediatly I was not going to invest so much now that I know your resolve and also that you have brains to think you both have my full support."

Veronica and Cecilia started crying because this was one decision they were not going to regret in the future and they knew if they rejected this they will be wed by their families like livestock sold and they will have no future because in this world women without power didn't have any say in family and had to follow their father or brother before marriage and after marriage, they belong to their husband. Maria hugged both of them and with tears in her eyes said "Didn't I say Alton was going to be something big in his life."

Alton smiled and waited for them to sober up and after five minutes after they came back Alton said: "Veronica and Cecilia you will take my share of resources and distribute it among yourself and you both need to work hard and show results okay."

Veronica and Cecilia nodded to this and then Alton continued "The work will be minimum so you two will be getting a lot of time to work so make the most of it." All three girls nodded and then Maria voiced her concern "Alton but don't you need the resources."

Alton answered, "It won't work on me as I am crippled right now so let my blessing do its work." Maria nodded and stayed silent because as much as she hates Alton being called cripple it was the truth so they could not say much and she didn't understand how blessings work so may be his blessing work best without resources.

Alton then asked "How much time will it take us to reach our destination." Maria answered with a smile "As we are in East of the Empire so it should take us about a week to reach the destination." Alton nodded and then started talking about different things with Maria, Veronica, and Cecilia time passed and the sunset so they stopped in a town for the night's rest, and the next morning they continued their journey.

Seven days later in the morning, a carriage could be seen traveling through the jungle. As the carriage was moving a man was stearing the carriage and he could be seen tired as he had not slept for a single moment since yesterday because they were traveling overnight.

The carriage had a symbol etched on its doors which was of a Falcon which belonged to the Teren Family. The carriage was the one in which Alton and others were traveling for the past seven days but they were unable to stop yesterday because Alton was in a hurry to reach the destination so they traveled the whole night so they can reach their destination in the morning which they would have reached by the evening or the afternoon.

Alton smiled seeing messages on the panel appear in front of him.

[Mission Completed: Travel to the North of Alzonian Empire]

[Rewards Given]

[Host Desire for Power Accepted]

[System Back Online]

Hearing the last words Alton asked in his mind "So the reason you were not answering me was that you were not online."

The voice answered "Yes Host the System was shut down because if the host could not even complete this simple mission on his own then the host didn't have the dedication needed to be the system's host as the path os power is full of hurdles."

[Secret Mission Completed: Desire of Knowledge

The Host without help from the system increased his intelligence.

Reward: 50 XP]

[Level Up]

[5 Stat Points Awarded]

Seeing these messages Alton smiled because he had not only completed the secret mission but also because he had leveled up if anyone saw him right now they will think that he has gone mad because of the smile on his face but luckily all the others inside the carriage were sleeping right now.

Alton was about to open up the system and check it but when the driver called out to him and said "Young Master, Young Miss we will be reaching the gates in twenty minutes."

Alton stopped and decided to do this later as he started waking Maria up saying "Sister we have reached the place you should wake up now." Veronica and Cecilia also woke up hearing Alton's voice.

Maria, Veronica, and Cecilia all started setting their dresses when Maria asked "How long until we reach the city."

Alton smiled and answered, "It was twenty before but now it should be less than ten minutes."

Maria nodded and then sat straight, after about ten minutes the carriage stopped and Maria, Veronica and Cecilia looked out of the windows like kids but who could say anything because this was their first time leaving the Teren Territory and this had become there habit since leaving so Alton had gotten used to it.

Carriage driver said "Young Master we are at the gate."

Alton got out of the carriage and was met with a slightly cold breeze which was refreshing. Alton walked towards the towns guards and showed them the family Emblem and stated his family on which the guards bowed and informed the Count mansion as well as let the carriage in the town.

As the carriage traveled through the town to reach the Count Mansion which was about fifteen minutes drive on the carriage from town the three girls kept looking out of the window like kids but Alton was sitting and said "System Open"

The next second a familiar-looking interface showed up which Alton had looked a lot of time in last week. but there were finally some changes on it.

Name: Alton Von Teren

Age: 15 years

Race: Human

Territory: Teren

Occupation: None

Rank: None

Level: 02

SP: 5

Coins: 10

Experience: 00 / 1000

Health: 10 / 10

Strength: 8

Agility: 5

Stamina: 3

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 17

Mana: 5/5

Skills: None

Alton first had a sad smile seeing his stats which were below even average human so he moved to his next agenda and asked "System how should I distribute my SP."

The next second system replied, "The SP dividing is all up to the host but the system suggests holding them until you decide the path you want to take."

Alton nodded and then said "System Close" and system closed because they were nearing the Count's mansion.

The carriage stopped in front of the biggest mansion and the driver said we have reached then opened the door and Alton came out of the carriage and then moved a hand near Maria which she took hold of and exited the carriage.