
The Soul Guide

Stepping through the portal, Michael begins taking in his surroundings as the portal closes. The room that he has appeared in hasn't seen a good day in quite some time. The doors leading out are broken and one of them is laying on the ground. It also looks as though everything has been looted or destroyed. As there are no windows, it's quite dark in here. Light seems to be illuminating out of the very walls.

Michael's vision becomes blurry as his head begins to pulsate. He can now hear his own heart pounding away. His skin begins to grow hotter and hotter. "What's happening to me?" Michael whimpers as pain surged through his whole body. His back begins to burn more than any other part of his body. The pain becomes so immense, the last thing he hears before hitting the ground and passing out was. "Shhhh now, it will be over soon." By a calm and sweet little voice.

Groaning, Michael slowly opens his eyes. "My head," he says. As he begins to sit up, there is a stinging pain on his upper back where his shirt touches it.

"Hello Michael, I have waited a long time to talk to you." Says the very same voice he has heard in his head all his life. But this time it's not in his head, it's right behind him.

Michael turns to look where the voice had come from. His eyes fall upon a very beautiful young lady. Bright blonde hair with beautiful sky blue eyes that seem to match the sky itself. She seems to be around his age and just a little shorter than he is. "Who are you? I recognize your voice, but how?"

"That's a little hard to explain, but I was with you right before you crossed dimensions." The Soul guide says with a loving smile.

Confused Michael asks, "With me? I haven't seen you till today. But I have heard you in my head!"

"Yes," says the soul guide "When we crossed dimensions, it picked a random location. But, lo and behold, we got stuck with one of the only dimensions that have no magic or abilities. With me being a soul guide that kind placed me in limbo. I could hear and see you and the world around you. But I was unable to act upon anything. Except when our link became stronger, at times you could hear me."

Michael shocked, "Slow down, I need you to explain. I have no idea what you're talking about. What is a soul guide?

Taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I haven't had anyone to talk to in a long time. But a soul guide is a being that is linked or attached to the soul of the traveler." Getting a confused look from Michael at the world traveler. She explains "A traveler is someone that crosses dimensions. Without a guide, travelers would be going in blind. They would have no idea what is safe to eat, drink, or anything."

Michael, "okay, what do you mean attached?"

"Well, that allows us to never get separated from one another. We are linked, I see what you see and some other cool stuff" winking at Michael "That you'll learn as we grow stronger together."

"Okay," says Michael still a little confused, "What happened a minute ago?"

"Huh, oh you mean all the pain you experienced? I have no idea."

Michael feeling the sting on his back again. "Would you be able to take a look at my back? I'm still experiencing a stinging sensation."

"Of course," says the soul guide

Michael takes off his backpack and lifts up his shirt.

The soul guide taking a look says, "You have a tattoo, it says DraalStar."

Michael fixes his shirt and pulls on his backpack, "What? I have never had any tattoos before. And DraalStar? What is my last name doing on my back?"

The soul guide looking confused, "It looks new so I believe it appeared when you came into this dimension."

"Well, that's another weird thing to add to the bucket list. Anyway, thank you, umm what's your name?" Asks Michael

Sighing "The only name I have is soul guide." Says the soul guide

Shocked Michael says "That will not do, you need a name. Hmm since your name has soul in it already. How about Ame?"

Excited jumping up and down, "I love it, it's a beautiful name!" Says Ame.

"Ame it is then, thank you, Ame," reaching his hand out to shake hers.

"That won't work I'm afraid. I do not have a physical body." Reaching out as where their hands should have joined, Ame's passes right through Michaels.

Eyes widened "okayyyy, that's gonna take some getting used to! But anyway we should try to figure out where we are."

"We are currently underground in a world called SansFin. But according to my map, I have no idea where exactly." Says Ame.

"Map?" Michaels asks questionably

"Yes, I have a built-in map and storage." Says Ame

"What do you mean storage?" Asks Michael

"I have a passive ability called unlimited storage." Noticing Michael's confused look again. "First abilities are learned either through hardship or some people are born or made with unique abilities. As for unlimited storage with focus, you can store just about anything, inside of me. There is another dimension inside of me, allowing me to use it as a storage."

"Okay, more information to learn." Says Michael "I need some fresh air, we have been in here long enough. Being that there is only one set of doors let's go."

Turning back looking for Ame, Michael realizes she's gone. "Umm Ame, where are you?"

"I'm inside of you having no physical body and being linked with you. I can rest inside of you, kinda hard to explain." Explains Ame

"Yup, yup fresh air" Michael turns and begins heading towards the doors.


After only a few moments of walking they come upon a huge empty room.

"Ame!" Says Michael "There are spider webs everywhere, I hate spiders. This brings back some memories that still gives me goosebumps. A story for another time though."

"I'll keep your word on that Michael, but yes this place gives me the creeps let's find an exit," Ame says

They both spot a set of stairs not far from the room. As they begin walking towards the stairs they hear movement not far behind them. Turning to look Michael's worst fear comes into view. A spider the size of a horse, red-eyes, eight hairy legs, and a bright purple diamond on the top of its head.

"Michael run!!!" Ame screams,

As they turn to run the spider shoots webs all over the stairs. Blocking their only exit and forcing Michael to fight.

"This can't be happening" Michael gasps

Without any time to think the spider lunges right for Michael. Slinging its front arm, which is almost as tall as Michael. Michael just dodges by jumping over it. But the spider, using its other leg, while Michael is in the air the spider's leg smacks him. Knocking the air right out of his lungs. Hunched over, " Watch out!" Says Ame. He jumps backward just missing the next attack from the spider's front legs.

"I need a weapon, something anything! Wait I have an idea." Reaching around and pulling his backpack over his shoulder. Michaels reaches in and pulls out his new shears. Taking a fighting stance, shears in hand, Michael stands his ground. The spider closes in and lashes out with its front leg. Michael kneels down, the leg goes right past his head. Before the spider could retract his front leg. Michael jumps in using the shears snips the leg clean off. Dark green slim gushes out of the spider's now missing leg. Angry the spider again tries to attack with the opposite leg. As the spider pulls back it's leg getting ready to swing. Michael rushes in before the spider could attack and snips the second leg off. Again a massive amount of dark green slim poor's from the now missing leg. Looking down the leg is still twitching away in the now slim covered ground. The spider lets out an ear-deafening screech and lunges face forward. Bearing is pincers the size of small daggers. Michael lunges in as well, the spider lunging for Michael's leg. It's stopped dead in its tracks as greens slim poor's down its head. Michaels shears have pierced right through the skull of the spider. Pulling them out, the spider falls to the ground with a great thud.

Panting, completely exhausted, Michael collapses on his butt. "That was hard, I need a minute. God, I hate spiders."

"You did a good job, there will be plenty more after this."

"What do you mean?" Michael says shocked

Ame giggles, "This world is full of powerful strange creatures. Some are passive and some do nothing but kill for the fun of it."

"Lovely, just what I asked for," Michaels says

"Speaking of which, Michael, what did you ask for? Why did you decide to come back?" Ame asks

"Hmmmm, honestly, wait. You said you can see what I see, so don't you know already?" Asks Michael

"I can see what you see but I can't read your mind, and honestly I'm grateful for that." Laughs Ame

Rolling his eyes, "Well after I read the letter, I couldn't stop thinking about my parents. I never knew them so honestly, I could have just ignored the letter. But I have always wanted to know who they are. I know there is a chance they are not even alive anymore. Why else would they send me away while being attacked and never come get me? But I also want to know who I am, I have always felt destined for more. But now that I know my parents were attacked. I want to know two things. Who attacked my parents and if possible if they are alive. So first after seeing a monster like that. Michael points to the spider, I know I need to get stronger. Now I have a question what are abilities?"

Excitedly Ame explained, "Abilities are kinda like powers they come in all kinds of different forms. For example the spider there used an ability called quick webs on the stairs. Now let's see would you like to know your abilities?"

Jumping up, "I have abilities?" Michael asks with great excitement

"I don't know yet let's take a look. I noticed your tattoo has a summary embedded in it. Good thing I'm linked to you I can just look from inside of you."

"Let's not talk about you being inside me that still doesn't sit right with me." Says Michael

Giggling Ame says," you'll get used to it in time. Now let's take a look. Oh wow, that's interesting."

"Don't hold out on me what's it say?!?!" Says Michael excitedly

"You'll love this you have one unique ability." Says Ame

"Aww, man only one?" Michaels says disappointed

"Don't sound so down this is a very powerful ability. It's called consume, focus on the spider, and say consume." Ame instructed

Without a moment of hesitation, Michael turns toward the spider. Raising his hand saying in a commanding voice. "Consume!"

At the words "consume" bright flames appear onto the spider's corpse. Within a matter of seconds, the spider corpse is turned into nothing but ash. The ashes slowly rise into the air shooting straight for Michael. The ashes disappear as soon as they touch his hand.

Eyes widened Michael says "wow that was awesome, I can't explain it but I feel stronger."

"Yes, you absorbed the spider's abilities, you should now have quick webs. Also looking at your tattoo it seems to have changed slightly. Says Ame

"What really? That explains why my back has an odd sensation." Says Michael

Quickly, Michael raises his hand towards the wall and yells "quick web." Immediately webs shoot from his hands filling the wall with webs.

Surprised Ame says "You catch on quickly, that ability (consume) will get us far. But remember it only works on abilities, not skills. Skills are earned through hard work and dedication."

"Okay, but what is a skill and how do I earn them?" Asks Michael

"Skills are like blacksmithing, gardening, gemstone cutting, and mining to name a few. They are earned through hard work towards it. So if you wanted to learn how to become a Miner you'll have to work at it to go from a novice to a master. Also, there is no set number of skills you can acquire as many as you want. Just know they take a long time to master." Ame explains

"Okay, then I'll just have to take my time a decide which skills I want. Now then I have a few modifications to make to my shear's." Explained Michael

Taking out his shears Michael examines them and realizes there is a bolt welded onto one shear. And a nut holding the other one together. Taking off the nut he now has two dagger-like weapons. He can also turn them temporarily into shears by simply connecting them with just the bolt.

"There that should do it, I'll be able to defend and attack at the same time. I'll also be able to move my hands more feely like this. Anyway, let's get moving." Says Michael as he takes one shear and begins using it like a machete. Cutting the webs on the stairs.

After a few minutes, they make their way past the webs and up the stairs. Making their way into another massive room. Half filled with water, that seems to have seeped through the cracks in the walls. And thousand of a type of plant Michael has never seen before. The plant comes up to his knee and is about three feet wide. On the top is a beautiful blue flower in the shape of a star.

Michael's eyes widen with great glee, "I have never before in my life seen such beautiful plants. Ame do you know what they are?!?!"

Ame appearing in front of Michael gets close to the plant and says "Analyze, according to the skill analyze, this is a SkyStar, it's an extremely rare plant. It has extreme healing capabilities and even says it can revive people that have died within a few moments."

"First what is Analyze?" Asks Michael

"Analyze, is an ability all soul guide carry. It allows anything and everything to be broken down into what it's made of and even what it's capable of. Without it, we would not be able to tell if something is dangerous or poisonous." Explains Ame

"That will come in handy!" Reaching down Michael picks the star off the plant. "Ame you said you have unlimited storage, how do I use that?"

"Focus real hard and imagine placing the item inside of me." Ame grinned

"That sounds very weird you know that don't you! Anyway."

Michael lifts his hand towards the Skystar in his hand. Within a fraction of a second, it turned into what looked to be glowing light and disappeared. Lifting his hand up he imagines taking all the SkyStars in the room. Once again in a fraction of a second, the entire room lit up. And all the SkyStars were gone, focusing on the water in the room this time. The same thing happened and all the water was gone.

"That was a ton of water you just stored away. Seems you got the hang of it, but remember it also works the same way with taking it out. You just have to focus on what you want and the amount you want as well. If you wanted a drink for example and didn't think of the amount you wanted. Well, all that water you just stored would burst out wherever you happen to be." Ame explains

"Okay, now how would you use the plant to heal someone? Would you just eat the plant?" Ask Michael

"Actually, you can either eat the plant. Or you can make it into a potion, with some water. It just so happens you can do that inside me as well. That works with just about anything. Just ask and I'll mix, make, cook, or bake. Anything you have in storage. Says Ame looking really happy with the idea.

Making their way up another set of stairs as they reach the top they hear a weird slithering sound. Looking around Michael is able to see the skin of a snake laying about. Taking out both his shears they press on. Looking to his left he can see a massive black hole. Turning his back to walk away was a mistake. A huge black and green snake charged right after Michael. Ame shouts "Behind you!" Spinning just in time to dodge the snake's attack the snake retreats into another nearby hole. Getting an idea on how this snake attacks Michael hatches an idea. Running for the hole the snake just dove into, the snake rushes out. Going for a bite at Michael as the snake goes by. The snake was headed straight for the other hole again. Timing it perfectly as soon as the snake's head entered the hole. Michael shouted "Quick web" as a long sticky web covers the sides of the hole trapping the snake halfway. Rushing forward Michael takes his shears and stabs the snake in the underbelly of the snake. Pulling the shears up along the underbelly of the snake. Massive organs fall out of the snake now covering the ground.

"Ame, do you think the snake is safe to eat?" Asks Michael

Taking a look and using her skill analysis. Ame replies "The snake is safe to eat but if you consume it you'll get infrared vision."

Placing the shears together Michael heads over to the tail of the snake and snips off a massive chunk of meat. After cutting about half the snake into slices of fresh snake meat. Michael raises his hand and places it all into storage.

"Consume" Michael says

And once again bright flames appear out of nowhere and burns the rest of the snake to ashes. Giving him the ability of Infrared vision.

"I never thought consume would work if you removed parts of the target. But that will come in handy knowing that." Says Ame

Taking a moment to rest Michael notices how damp and cool it is in this room. Michael can't help but think about the light in this room. Growing plants such as potatoes would grow great here.

After proceeding further they come across different creatures. Michael is easily able to defeat and consume many of them. Those include different spiders, more snakes, and a massive beetle-like creature. Michael acquired a few different passive abilities from them as well. With a spider that looked like a giant black widow, he acquired poison resistance. The beetle gave him the passive ability of cold resistance and one of the snakes gave him heat tolerance.

After wandering room to room lost, they finally happen to come across another set of stairs. While approaching the set of stairs screams can be heard coming from the floor above them. Michael concerned runs up the stairs at full speed. "There are others here?!" A few moments later they reach the next floor. Only to find a small lizard looking creature backed in a corner. By an enormous long-eared black and grey furry bat. "Help" yelled the lizard-looking, creature. Using what looked to be a massive claw at the end of its wing. It raised the claw high in the air and brought it down hard at the creature before it.