
The Deal

When the world first began, all it ever knew was battle. A battle between light and dark, good versus evil. The Eternal Light and The Eternal Darkness. This fight lasted centuries with neither side giving ground. The Eternal Light created Angels to battle The Eternal Darkness. As well The Eternal Darkness created Devils to fight The Eternal Light and her Angels. After years of pain and suffering, the Darkness and the Light met on the battlefield. Both exhausted, they conjure up the strongest spell they had. Together at the same time, both spells collided. The blast was so strong that when it ended and the air was cleared. Both The Eternal Darkness and The Eternal Light were gone. Having no master the Angels abandoned SansFin. But the essence of the Eternal Light can be found all over SansFin in those still clinging to hope. And the devils losing control over their demons slither into the darkest of places, causing despair. The essence of the Eternal Darkness can still be found throughout SansFin. With both masters gone, evil went out of control the Dragon King Uldrass rose up to keep the forces of evil at bay. Before his death, Uldrass was able to bring balance between all the races in SansFin. Sealing away many evil forces created by the Eternal Darkness. Hundreds of years have passed since Uldrass's reign. Over the years Dragons have become weaker and history has become legend. And some legends have even been forgotten.


"What do you mean?!" a sly and evil voice says, "How can this be happening?" Says a being that is shrouded in darkness, with nothing but red eyes and an evil white grin showing off sharp razor-like teeth.

"Master", says a small voice, wearing a dark cloak with a slim body, easily recognized as a female. "This union must not come to pass, it can be the end of you and all we have created.

"Yes, says the being shrouded in darkness "This must not come to pass, I will handle this myself!" Turning to leave his body is engulfed in a dark flame that has dark blood red flames mixed into it. As the flame went out the man was gone.

Now in what seems to be never-ending ice the flames once again appear and the being surrounded in darkness walks out of the flame. Before him stands to be what looks like a sword halfway into the ground. Behind the sword is a pillar of ice with chains coming out of the ground holding the pillar in place. As the man approaches the pillar. An icy voice is slowly heard, "who has come to me?" "It matters not who I am, but I have come to make a deal with you OH great Lich King." At his name, green flames for eyes appear to be looking down from deep within the pillar. "I know that you have been imprisoned here, for thousands of years but if you will make a deal with me I will set you free." "Why would I make a deal with the likes of you!!!" "Because," say the dark figure, "In exchange for your freedom I want you to kill the dragons, the same ones that imprisoned you here. And stop the union of dragon and Nephilim." "Dragon's!" roared the Lich King. "Yes, and I will give you more details if you accept my terms. After that, you are free to do as you please." "Very well, "said the Lich King "you have a deal." "They are gathered at DraalStar Palace." Said the dark figure. Turning to the sword the man shrouded in darkness takes hold of the hilt and with great ease breaks it in half. Immediately he is engulfed in flames and disappears. As the pillar begins to crack over and over and dark green flames seeps through the cracks as a huge crack from top to bottom is last seen the pillar exploded with green flames everywhere… "I am free!!!!!"


Looking into a long rectangle shape mirror with jewels surrounding the frame. Rikkie sees herself in a beautiful long white wedding dress with dragon shape shoulders and flames making up the pattern for the dress. With long slits cut in the back of the dress allowing cool air into the dress keeping her cool.Her light long brown hair and light brown eyes matching the freckles that cover her arm and face are brought out with the color of the dress. "I can't believe it's happening," she thinks, "I'm getting married to the love of my life."

Suddenly she hears the wind change outside the doors leading to the balcony. She knows that sound anywhere it's her soon to be coming to see her. With a loud crash, she hears his voice. "Rikkie are you there, I couldn't wait until tonight to see you." "Yes dear, come in," the door opens and in comes DraalStar. "By the name of DraalStar, you look lovely in that dress." Says a deep low rough voice. Her face begins to burn bright pink, "You look very handsome in your armor." Taking in her soon to be she notices how shiny his armor is all the dents are out and it has a nice lovely shine to it. He must have polished his armor for hours. But man his hair a deep dark black with huge horns showing the means of being the Dragon King. His eyes a green that match's his armor which has a dark black mixed in with it. His dragon's tail having scales matching the color of his armor with a dark white underbelly.

"Well now, where is the little one," DraalStar says "He is very quiet for being only a few days old." "He is over there honey" she points to a small handwoven basket sitting on the huge bed in the corner of the room. As they both approach the basket they can just make out the baby. His body mostly covered in a lovely green colored silk blanket. With his little baby face just showing through, sleeping away without a care in the world. "He takes after you DraalStar," says Rikkie, "with his light brown skin and dark black hair." "Yes, but he has your eyes Rikkie, a beautiful light Brown." "I can't wait to name him after our wedding tonight," says DraalStar. "Have you picked a name?" he asks "Well" says Rikkie "I have, I was thinking Michael." "Hmmmm," says DraalStar, "Michael DraalStar I like it." "Well," says DraalStar "I am going to make sure everything is ready for tonight." As he begins walking to the door he looks back "I love you he says," "I love you too" says Rikkie. Smack, DraalStar walked straight into the door inches from the entrance. Rikkie giggles, "if our son takes after you, his body sure will be durable" she laughs. "Haha," says DraalStar sarcastically "well what can I say I'm a little clumsy." As he reaches the balcony she can see flames surround his body as he transforms into a beautiful black and green dragon the very same color as his armor.

Just then one of the dragon members rushes in. "We have trouble there is an army at our gates." Just as green flames come from the sky hitting DraalStar and knocking him out of the sky! Without hesitation her wings shoot out of the slits on the back of her dress and she begins to run. "My Lady, you mustn't leave I have to get you and your son to safety." Stopping at the edge of the balcony she can see everywhere the battle is taking place. At the front ranks, she can see her family, being the leader of the celeste family she should be out fighting with them. "But they know I must protect my child at all costs. They can't hear me she thinks. There must be something I can do." But it was too late, flash, flash, flash, her family of Nephilim's were being killed one by one. When a Nephilim dies though not a full Angel their bodies will flash a bright golden light and nothing will be left. But unlike full Angels they don't return to their realm they are just gone. "No!!" she screams, "my Lady we must leave." Looking down she can see that some of the undead have killed the dragons guarding the entrance. They are now breaching the front of the palace, screams can be heard from rooms below. Horrifed she hears a familiar voice it's DraalStar holding his stomach with a sword in hand he yells. "Rikkie get our son to safety the Lich King he has returned" just as the sword of the Lich King himself goes through the back of DraalStar coming out of the front. Wearing heavy blackened armor, a skull for a head with green flames emitting from the skull and even darker flames for his eyes. At the top of his head is a crown that looks to be made out of bones. She screams "DraalStar!!!" Still looking at her his body begins to glow orange and his skin begins to fall like ash from his body. Within seconds nothing is left but the armor he was wearing. "Get her!! An icy voice yells. As she turns to run she can hear to cry of Michael coming from the basket. Wah, wah, wah "shhhh it okay Michael." She grabs the basket and runs to the dragon members still by the door. Screams can be heard all around them as they are running up the spiral stairs trying to get to safety. As they reach the floor that leads to a room somewhat hidden. Two skeletal warriors can be seen in the room ahead. "There is a room right after this room my Lady. Take the child and go I'll hold them off the best I can." Running into the huge open room the dragon member engages the two warriors. Rikkie runs and slips past them both. Looking back she can see the dragon fighting the skeletal warriors. As she reaches the room she hears him scream in pain knowing he is lost, she goes into the room closing the door. "I don't have much time," she says "they will be here any minute. I have no choice I don't know how far the Lich King has reached. I must use the lost spell of dimensional travel." She takes a parchment of paper and quickly writes a letter and seals it with a wax seal. Writing Michael DraalStar on the front. Holding the letter in her hand "This will become the anchor." she says. She begins to cast a spell. Bang, bang, bang, she can hear the sound of skeletal warriors trying to breach the room. "It won't be long before they get inside," she thinks. With tears running down her face she knows this will be the last time she will ever see her son again. Finishing the spell her son's basket begins to grow brighter and brighter. Placing the letter inside the basket just as a dark mass begins to appear beside the basket slowly surrounding it. Bang, bang, bang, Rikkie jumps to her feet and runs to the door holding it shut. A figure comes out of the dark mass a soft sweet innocent voice says, "I can only take one who will it be?" "soul guide hear me. Says Rikkie, Attach yourself to the child, take him someplace safe and protect him." Bam, the door is shoved open as Rikkie hits the ground hard. "Go take him" she screams. And as quickly as the dark mass appeared it had vanished. "I love you…. My Son…"

A loud icy voice can be heard everywhere within the palace. "Labellum" at this word the entire building begins to sink slowly down till only the top of the palace remains. "I must leave," said the Lich King. "Being in that enteral ice prison part of my soul is attached to that realm. I was already weakened for being held prisoner for all those years." Weakened the Lich King releases his spell causing all the undead to disappear him along with it. Returning to the frost realm the Lich King tired and exhausted uses the last of his mana to create a massive ice palace. Ice from all around even the remains of the Eternal Prison turns a dark as the abyss and joins together slowly forming the Palace of Ice. The Lich King exhausted goes into a deep slumber to regain his strength.

In the middle of the night, a dark mass appears in front of an orphanage. As it disappears you can just make out the basket with little Michael crying. Hearing the crying of a baby the orphanage doors open…