
The rise of Demon God Whiro

In the brightest days the shadow lurks deep. A kid that learned the harshest truth in life vowed to keep a silent heart and swears to embrace the sins of everyone in all eternity.

heavenly_dao666 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Cycle of life

"Why did I existed in the first place?" The question remained as he wakes up on a different body.

First thing he did before opening his eyes is a deep breath.

It doesn't smell similar to where he died from.

The smell of infancy and female body is lingering in his nose a very unfamiliar smell to him.

As he's collectively gathering bits of information but limited to a few sentences.

He realized that he's a newborn baby with a mother at that.

His mom's tears is dripping on his forehead.

A very familiar sensation.

He slightly opens his tiny eyes to glimpse at his mother and all he sees is that his mother is being threatened.

He felt a rough hold on his body in a fast motion as he was taken by somebody.

His eyesight is that of a baby so he only managed to witness that moment.

A day passed.

He tried again to open his eyes to see whats going on and it was dark. But instead of focusing on eyesight he tried a different means to gather information.

And by his surprise a lot of cries echoed across the space on where he was at.

At the same exact moment the natural reaction of a baby with such obnoxious noise is to cry.

He cried nonstop as if he's also crying about his past life.

Loud and very vocal.

"How much do you think we'll get from these babies?"

Asked by a woman's voice.

"50 silver coins depending on who's buying"

And he blanked out again due to excessive crying.

A few more days passed and his senses are getting better.

All the other babies were sold out and he was one of the few remaining ones.

More days passed and he was left out of the many babies in the room.

Then one night he was sold to a very fat noble.

He woke up from the roughness of the ride.

He opened his eyes once again but this time it was bright.

It was so bright that he needed to close his eyes again.

But he can hear the wheels and every step the horses take. The rocks that get pushed by the wheels and the voice of the noble.

"You shouldn't have bought him back"

A mystery man said to the noble

"This baby has a very distinct face they might trace it back to us"

The noble responded.

"You have to either kill the baby or put him away to a different kingdom".

And the noble looked in the distance to think about what to do.

As they were passing by the cliff close to a river.

The noble came up with the conclusion of killing the baby instead of risking to get caught in the process of moving the baby to a different kingdom.

He tossed the baby off the carriage into the cliff and that was the end of it.

Is what the noble thought was gonna happen.

As the baby was dropping from a very high place the impact in itself against the water should have killed the baby but surprisingly the only thing the baby felt was a slap like feeling in the back.

Baby was wrapped in clothes however due to the falling and the impact.

The clothes unwrapped and the baby is free to move both his legs and feet,

Babies are adept at swimming and buoyancy so instead he floated naturally and was moving with the current. He flowed until the stream is more steady and flat.

He floated there for almost an hour until.

"What do we have here? A baby?"

The female reached her cane and fetched him out of the water.

"What a disgusting face! But I'll keep it, maybe it's of some use to me"

He fell asleep as soon as he was dried by the female who picked him out of the water.

A few hours later he woke up from his nap and again tried to look around his surroundings and saw a massive amount of human trophy.

The bodies are either plastered on the wall or hanging by a huge metal hook.

He smelled his surroundings and a familiar stench hits his nose.

Due to being born again. Details of memory from his past life started flashing in his head in a very fast fashion.

It was the smell of death and rotting of flesh.

He glanced in the right and there he lies in a stone table.

He looked at the witch and the witch is holding a severed goat head.

So fresh that the blood is wildly dripping all over.

Underneath the head is a bowl of some sort that catches some of the blood but not all of it.

Then the head was dropped on the floor.

It rolled several inches and hit a pile of dead animals.

He suddenly felt a warm liquid being fed to his mouth and as a baby he helplessly drank it.

He was fed an assortment of blood and different concoction of some sort.

All he can do is either puke it out or consume it.

Days, weeks and months passed by where he's constantly being fed by the witch.

Other than that the witch is treating him better than the people from his past life.