
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Friendly Pork

After two weeks in Kannai Village it was time to move on, Tsunade pulled out a map spreading it across the table she drew a line with her finger "We will stay off the main road sticking to the trees until we reach Kiganai Village, we will continue your training there for two weeks before we cross the border and enter the Land of Grass."

The trio mapped out a route, Tsunade slowly explaining what to look out for and what to avoid especially since war is close, she would like to avoid as much confrontation as possible but she knows better than anyone that things rarely work in her favor…

"Are we leaving tonight?" Shirohi asks while starting to pack his things, his time in Kannai Village allowed him to pick up something's with the pocket money Tsunade had given him. Mainly clothes but he ended up finding a blacksmith that was willing to make some kunai and shuriken for him out of some cheap iron. They aren't the best in the market but they were cheap and he was able to get a lot…

Tsunade shook her head "No we will be leaving in the morning, the distance from here to Kiganai Village is nearly double it was for the trip here so we will have to pick up some gear in the morning."

Shizune groaned at the thought of camping but she knew there was no way out of it so she didn't attempt to persuade Tsunade, Shirohi gave a short nod before asking "Tsunade… are you afraid of blood?"

"Wha- Why'd you say that?" Shizune panicked and hurriedly tried to change the subject but Tsunade raised her hand with a sigh stopping Shizune "Yes… it's called hemophobia, whenever I see blood I stiffen up and begin to hyperventilate…"

Shirohi let out a chuckle "A world renowned medi-nin has a fear of blood…" Shizune pouted lightly hitting Shirohi "Leave her alone," Shirohi shook his head "I'm not teasing just trying to wrap my head around it…"

After a moment of silence Shirohi spoke again "From now on I'll take point, Shizune will cover the back… Hopefully we don't meet any problems but if we do just close your eyes and hope you hit the enemy." Tsunade just blankly stared at Shirohi, before letting out a meek "Okay" and rolling over in the bed delving into her own thoughts leaving Shizune and Shirohi alone in silence.

Shirohi immediately busied himself by going over the map, tracing their route with his finger thinking of every possibility he could. If luck is on their side there would be no confrontation but they can't depend on luck, looking up he meet Shizune's eyes "If we run into any trouble, take Tsunade and run—"

"But!" Shizune grabbed his hands "How could I leave you to die?" Shirohi shook his head "You wouldn't be leaving me to die, you'd be bringing Tsunade to safety. She said it herself at the sight of blood she freezes up, she has no place on a battlefield in her condition."

As the Duo went back and forth, with Shirohi slowly working through the route Tsunade was staring at the wall listening as they worked a plan out to the last second, Shizune ended up passing out but she could still hear Shirohi mumbling to himself… seems like it's going to be a long night

As the sun rose, casting its light through the window Shizune had already woken up, leaving Tsunade and Shirohi alone in the room. Shirohi was fast asleep, Tsunade was using this chance to get dressed, normally she'd use a genjutsu to separate the room but it was clear Shirohi wasn't going to wake up…

Letting out a content sigh as the kimono's inner silk flowed against her skin, the outside of the kimono was a rough looking wool hiding the expensive silk interior. Putting her hair up into a loose bun she quickly checked herself before resting her hand on Shirohi's shoulder and slightly shaking him, softly whispering into his ear.

"Shirohi, it's time to wake up~" as he stirred awake Tsunade started to finish her morning routine, sitting up Shirohi rubbed his eyes he was up far too long last night with a deep exhale he began to circulate his chakra. Small tufts of lightning arcing about while it circulated quickly removing any tiredness left in his body, opening his eyes he found Tsunade sitting in front of a mirror using makeup to cover a same dark colored diamond placed in the middle of her forehead. While he was curious he paid it no mind, if it was important he would have been told and if he thought he needed to know he'd ask.

"Where's Shizune?" Tsunade shrugged as she replied "Haven't seen her since I woke up, she probably woke up early to grab everything we'd need… Why don't you go ahead and look for her when you find her and meet me at the Northern side of the village."


Despite how small the village is, it took Shirohi nearly an hour and a half to find Shizune who was walking with a small pig in her clutches, the pig itself seemed filled with pride as it raised its nose high, occasionally oinking at some passersby.

"Shizune!" Calling out Shirohi waved his hand high to catch her attention, snapping around the moment she heard her name she caught sight of Shirohi and ran over "You got everything?" Shizune passed Shirohi the storage scroll which he secretly hid away in his shirt "I'm not a big fan of pork but—" Shirohi was silenced as Shizune's fist planted itself in his stomach, with an arm holding his stomach the other held Shizune's shoulder the only thing keeping him from falling over.

"TonTon is not food!" Shizune scolded Shirohi, while the pig madly oinked away, sending a piercing glare at Shirohi while making himself comfortable in Shizune's arms.

After dusting his clothes while sending 'TonTon' a scrutinizing glare, Shirohi righted himself "Come on let's meet Tsunade, we are already behind schedule," Shizune's face showed some panic as she hurriedly followed Shirohi, as they reached the northern edge of Kannai Village they saw Tsunade sitting on a worn down cobblestone wall looking off into the distance. A few unruly strands of hair danced in the wind, as she heard their footsteps she tilted her head "Are we ready?"