
Mana Craft (2)

Shinon sat in his makeshift workshop, surrounded by his pistols and machetes. He took out his new Mastersmith's Hammer and examined it closely, feeling the weight of it in his hand. He had been waiting for a tool like this for a long time.

The heat of the flames warmed his face as he gazed down at the molten metal bubbling within. At first, Shinon only wanted to modify the weapons, but ultimately, he decided to reshape the machetes altogether.

Shinon gripped the Mastersmith's hammer tightly in his roughened hand. It was his first time using the hammer, but it felt like he had been working with it for years, and its magical properties had become an extension of his own power.

As Shinon watched, the molten metal began to take shape, transforming into a machete blade that glowed with an unnatural light. He raised the Mastersmith's hammer, and with a single blow, he struck the glowing blade.

The sound echoed through the open forge like thunder, and Shinon felt the magic flowing through his veins as he channelled his mana into the weapon.

As he began to strike the machete with the Mastersmith's hammer, Shinon's eyes flickered open, glowing with an inner light. With each blow of the hammer, a ripple of energy emanated from the machete, the metal shining brighter and brighter with each impact.

As he continued to hammer away, Shinon could feel the power of the enchantment growing stronger. The blade began to hum with energy, and sparks flew from its surface, illuminating the place with a brilliant light.

Shinon continued to work the metal; his movements were graceful and precise as he used his mastery of mana crafting to shape and mould the blade. Sweat glistened on his brow as he poured all his energy into the task, his concentration unbreakable.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Shinon stepped back, the machete glowing with an inner light that seemed to pulse with life. He lifted the blade, admiring his handiwork, and felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him.

"Now for the final touch..."

Mana-crafting was incomplete without imbuing the creation with some sort of element. Fortunately, Shinon had access to one of the fundamental yet most advantageous elements: Fire.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to chant softly, his voice barely audible over the roar of the forge.

"Flames of the forge, lend me your heat. Ignite this blade; make it burn with a fiery feat."

The flames in the forge instantly reacted to Shinon's words and lunged at the machete. Almost as if wanting to swallow the blade whole. Shinon channelled his mana into the machete, carefully guiding the fire so it embraced the weapon, not devour it.

He could feel the heat surging through him, coursing through his arms and into the metal. The machete grew hotter and hotter, glowing with an inner flame.

"Fuse with fire's might; let it be your guide. Embrace the flames from within, and now abide."

The blade hummed and vibrated violently under Shinon's grasp. The machete glowed brighter and brighter until it was searing red as if it had been forged in the heart of a volcano.

Shinon opened his eyes and inspected the machete, satisfied with the result. The blade radiated a palpable heat as if it were still fresh from the forge, and he could feel the fire mana pulsing within it, eager to be unleashed.

Not wanting to wait any longer, he swung the machete in a wide arc, feeling the power of the fire element coursing through it. Flames danced along the edge of the blade, glad to be released from its confinement.

Without delaying it any further, Shinon immediately checked the machete's options and was pleased, to say the least.

[Creation: Inferno's Edge

Item Grade: Extremely Rare (Tier-2)

Durability Points: 1500/1500

Attack: 321-350 HP

Creator: Shinon Flintlock]

[Description: This machete has been imbued with the element of fire, making it a deadly weapon against zombies and other enemies. Its blade is made from high-quality steel and coated with a layer of enchanted flames that burn fiercely, leaving enemies charred and blackened.]

[Special Abilities:

1. Fire Damage: The Fire Machete deals additional fire damage to enemies it strikes, burning them and causing ongoing damage over time. This makes it especially effective against enemies that are vulnerable to fire and most forms of undead.

2. Ignition: The enchanted flames on the Inferno's Edge can stack on nearby objects, including enemies, gasoline, and other flammable materials. This can create powerful explosions that can clear out large groups of enemies once a target is hit 5 times within fifteen seconds.

3. Heat Resistance: The Fire Machete is highly resistant to heat and fire-based attacks, making it an ideal weapon for fighting enemies that use fire-based weapons. It can withstand high temperatures and remain in excellent condition, even after prolonged exposure to flames. The user also enjoys the same effect.]

[You have successfully created your first <Extremely Rare> weapon. Domination +20]

"Extremely rare, huh..." Shinon sighed, shaking his head. "How long has it been since I created such a low-quality weapon? But then again, I don't even have a proper workshop, so these things are bound to happen."

While he thought about making renowned creations again, he recalled his father teaching him more about the grade of a product.

"Common, uncommon, rare... those are the basic tiers," he muttered to himself. "But there are even more powerful creations beyond that. Extremely rare, epic, legendary, mythic... each having subdivision between them, with tier 3 being the best of the best."

Shinon stretched his arms, thinking it would take a long time before he created an epic or better-grade gear.

"For now, let's test this machete."

He drew the blade, aiming at the block of wood lying around. The heat emanating from the machete was still palpable against his skin. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he raised the machete high above his head and brought it down with all his might.

The blade cut through the air with a hiss, its fiery edge burning bright. It hit the wood block with a loud thunk, sending splinters flying everywhere.

Shinon paused, staring at the smoking crater in the wood where the blade had struck. He could see the faint outline of the machete's fiery edge, still sizzling from the impact.

A grin spread across his face, and he raised the machete for another strike. This time, he swung the blade in a quick, fluid motion, testing its balance and weight.

The machete cut through the air with ease, its fiery edge leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. Shinon could feel the power of the fire element coursing through the weapon, empowering his strikes and imbuing them with deadly force.

He continued to test the machete, striking the block of wood again and again with a series of quick, precise blows. Each time the blade hit the wood, it left a deep gouge, easily burning through the fibres.

Finally, Shinon stepped back, looking at the block of wood, now reduced to a pile of smoking splinters, and grinned in satisfaction.

"Epic or not, this world is not prepared for something like this."

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