
The Rise Of A Shadowsmith

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. *** In the ordinary world, Shinon was happy with operating his family business as a weapon supplier to the dungeon divers. However, one day everything changed. Shinon woke up in a world overrun by zombies. His abilities weren't made for combat, but when all seemed lost, something happened inside him. A new power awoke within him. The ability to manipulate shadows. Able to command darkness to do his bidding, Shinon uses his newfound powers to stay alive in a world where death is always around the corner. As he sets out on his quest, he must navigate through a dangerous landscape filled with zombies, rival survivor groups, and other threats. Along the way, he meets other survivors who join him on his mission. Together, they face incredible odds and overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. As they journey deeper into the heart of the zombie-infested world. Shinon discovers his powers might not be enough to save them all. He must face not only the hordes of the undead but also his own inner demons as he grapples with the morality of using his powers to save those he loves. When the stakes grow higher, and the threat of the zombies becomes direr, Shinon must decide what he is willing to sacrifice in order to survive. Will Shinon use his powers to save humanity from the brink of extinction, or will he succumb to the darkness within him and become the very thing he is fighting against? *** Join Discord for exclusive daily character arts! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/KBa7tWTYzp Owned Cover. All rights reserved. Font credit: Wounded_Warrior

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
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261 Chs

Into The Unknown (2)

While on their way, Shinon thought it would be wise to stock up on some [Domination] points. After all, those were the primary source of his powers and could get him out of tricky situations.

The system shared similar thoughts, as a moment later, a task was assigned to him. But it wasn't an ordinary quest.


[Knowledge Is Power]

In the apocalypse, the lack of knowledge causes more death than a lack of weapons. Explore the undead world and gain valuable knowledge.

-> Learn more about different nests. (Completed)

-> Kill Roamer Zombies: 0/15 Killed.

-> Kill Sprinters: 0/7 Killed.

-> Kill Screamers: 0/2 Killed.

-> Kill Bloaters: 0/1 Killed.

Time limit: 3 days

Condition for failure: Escaping the scenario or failing to complete the tasks within the time limit.

Punishment for failure: The user's stats will be reduced by 10%.

Reward for success: Utility set (standard) x1, Weapon chest, Level-up potion x2.


So far, Shinon had only met Roamers and Sprinters types of zombies, with the former being the most common kind of zombie and the one he had encountered on his first day.

However, he was yet to learn what a Screamer and a Bloater were. That said, based on their names, he could guess their abilities, and Selena only confirmed what he thought when he asked about it.

According to Selena, the Screamer zombies were tall, lanky creatures with elongated limbs and distorted faces. Their skin was usually a sickly pale shade and covered in bony protrusions that gave them an almost skeletal appearance.

The only way they could personally attack someone was with their mouth, which was filled with sharp, jagged teeth. But more importantly, they were known for their keen senses, which helped them in the perfect utilisation of their only ability.

The Screamer zombies were known for their ability to emit a high-pitched, ear-splitting scream that could disorient and stun anyone within earshot.

The scream also acted as a beacon, attracting other nearby zombies and making it a dangerous threat for anyone trying to stay quiet and avoid detection.

Hence, one would have to deal with a Screamer as soon as they find one from a distance with great accuracy. However, in the event of failure, the survivors should be equipped with ear protection so as not to get stunned by the scream and have a fighting chance.

"As for the Bloaters, one has to be careful with those," Selena warned. "Your one mistake can cause death and injury to countless people."

As for their appearance, it was funny and nerve-wracking at the same time. Like every other zombie, they had pale, sickly skin; the only difference was theirs was stretched to the limit, thus hindering their movement.

Everything from their limbs to their digits was swollen beyond recognition. So much so their eyes were usually obscured behind a swollen and distended forehead, giving it a grotesque and inhuman appearance.

Their lack of senses should've made them easy targets. Unfortunately for humans, both Screamers and Bloaters seemed to know about each other weaknesses and hence stuck together in a sort of dependent relationship.

Selena further explained the Bloater's ability in detail as, unlike a screamer, it could use its abilities in various ways.

Bloaters could use the gas stored within them in many ways, with the most common method being releasing the gas through the rotten pours on their skin.

Anyone coming in contact with the Bloater's noxious cloud of toxic gas would immediately suffer from nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of poisoning. If that wasn't enough, the gas released was often extremely potent and could even cause severe burns to exposed skin.

However, bloaters were also known for not releasing the gas upon being threatened and instead used it to boost their turtle-like speed by spurting the gas out of their ass like NOS in a car. These were known as Aberrant Bloaters.

There was another type of Bloater known as Exploders, known for their tendency to explode upon death, releasing a shower of acidic bile that can damage and dissolve anything it comes into contact with.

Shinon nodded, taking note of Selena's warning. "How did you learn all of this?"

Selena smiled at Shinon, "I've been out here for a while, and I've seen a lot. But how about you? You seem to know a lot about these zombies for someone new to our world."

Shinon hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should tell her the truth. Having an inbuilt guide in the apocalyptic world wouldn't be unusual. After all, almost everyone had one in his timeline.

However, since Selena didn't know about the existence of dungeons, it was unlikely she'd know about the system either. In the end, he decided it was better to lie about it.

"I come from a world where we have movies and books about zombies," Shinon replied. "I guess you could say I've done my research."

"That could come in handy," she nodded. "But just remember, nothing beats experience."

"Of course."

Just as they were discussing things, Shinon saw a group of a pack of Roamer zombies approaching them from a distance. He immediately drew the sword he had received from the blacksmith and unsheathed it. The blade gleamed under the sun, and Shinon could feel its weight in his hand.

'This sword makes me want to get that utility set already,' Shinon thought. 'Let's just enhance this for now.'

With that, Shinon closed his eyes, visualising the qualities he desired in the blade. Visualising a weapon in such a manner was the first step of using [Enhancement] skill on the said weapon.


Talent: [Mastersmith] is now in effect.

Class: [Shadowsmith] will increase the output of the [Mastersmith] talent.

[Enhancement] skill is being used on the weapon of choice.

Please wait while the details are confirmed.


"Shinon... what are you doing?" Selena side-eyed him as he stood frozen to his spot. "Are you listening to me-"

"Do me a favour and keep them busy, will you?"

Shinon hastily replied before getting back to what he was doing. His hands glowed with a bright light as he focused his blacksmith ability on his weapon.

Selena had wanted Shinon to take care of the zombies as he needed all the experience he could get. But when he closed his eyes and showed no signs of movement, she took out her machete and readied herself for the attack.

"I don't know what you're doing, but it better be worth it!"

She took out her machete and charged towards the group of roamer zombies, yelling loudly to grab their attention.

Meanwhile, Shinon chanted a few words under his breath as the sword began to glow with a dark aura. With each passing second, the sword's power grew, and Shinon could feel its weight increasing.

After a few seconds, Selena yelled at the top of her lungs, "Hurry up, or there'll be nothing left for you to kill!"

With a sudden burst of energy, Shinon infused the sword with a shadowy essence, and it transformed into a massive broadsword, similar to the one he was working on before teleporting to the future.

"It looks... perfect!"

Shinon wanted to admire his work more, but he was running out of time. The enhancement wasn't permanent and would soon lose its new form. Grabbing the sword with both hands, he charged at the horde.

"Duck!" he yelled, and Selena kissed the ground.

As Shinon reached the zombies, he swung his sword with all his might, and a burst of shadow energy ejected from the blade, cutting down several of them in a single blow.

[9 Roamers slain. Domination +4.5]

"What was that!?" Selena gasped.

"That's how a blacksmith fights," Shinon replied, turning his sword towards the remaining zombies.

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