
The Rise Of a Magic Swordsman

All human beings have one basic instinct, an instinct that has been so deeply rooted that we follow mindlessly-The pursuit of Power. Vergil Winchester a young noble boy, finds himself in a world full of mana and aura. Watch as how Vergil navigates his way through the quagmire of challenges that surrounds him. A journey full of adventure, hardships, friendship, guardianship. Will Vergil gain the necessary means to guard his and his family , Follow us on this quest to find out ..................................................................................................... Readers are requested to provide feedback through reviews and comments, so that you can also have your part in this journey Also if you like the story please give it POWER STONES and share if you can

Muhtashim_Aamir · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Forgotten Tale

As I made my way towards my room, my mind was filled with the knowledge I had just acquired, and I pondered the possibilities for my lack of advancement. Yet, nothing concrete came to mind.

"I need more information," I contemplated.

Soon, we reached my room, and I bid good night to May before retiring to rest.

Before I knew it, a week had passed, following the same routine of rising early and exercising until I could hardly move. Then, I focused on improving my control over my mana, refraining from absorbing more mana until I could gain a firm grip over my current reserves. I even gave a name to my mana circulation: Mana Flow. Although my current mana capacity has not increased but my mana quality has improved a little as far i know from what i have read there is no yet feasible way of improving mana quality it passively improves as we improve our cultivation, as we improve the quality of mana it becomes easier to cast complex spells and efficiency of mana is increased

after training I went to the library where I studied about the arcane arts try to figure out the ins and out about my problems, as of now i have not made any significant progress I have a few possibilities in my mind i have read all these books but al these books show interaction between mana and prana

'when I asked May she said she could sense prana and I have asked mom and he said that she can sense mana but i am able to sense both mana and prana ... why?' I thought

'Maybe .. maybe .... I can absorb both' i concluded 

but I need more research so I researched about all the legends to find someone capable of using both mana and prana till now I have not found any thing or anyone in history to have both mana and prana 

"It seems that we need to look at more older books" I said as I closed another book

I went to ancient magic history isle and there started searching for books that meet my requirement as I was going through the books I noticed one book that was placed in an unremarkable corner I decided to take closer look at the book as I have never seen this book before

The book exuded an air of antiquity, its leather-bound cover weathered and cracked with age, as though it had weathered the passage of centuries. Its pages, yellowed with time, bore the faint scent of ancient ink, evoking memories of forgotten eras. Despite its worn appearance, the book seemed to hold a mysterious allure, hinting at the wisdom and secrets concealed within its ancient pages. As I ran my fingers over the intricate patterns adorning the cover, I took the book out of the shelf I looked at at and opened it I found that it had ancient scripts written in this book was not from the present era but I have seen this script from a previous book but this language have been lost in the long river of time 

"it seems I have to decipher this language" I said I have a feeling that this book would be useful for me 

tried to use magic first I learned a convenient spell for this purpose

"Cast Spell: Ancient Language decryption" I declared as I casted the spell

A magic spell flashed on the Book as it light up pa few words were converted into readable language 

I went to my seat where I began to write the readable words leaving space for those words that was not translated, 

"The Era... Arcane arts... Aura user... single person... legend... prophecy..." I read aloud, my head throbbing with the daunting task of unraveling the book's secrets.

I resolved myself and began to slowly painstakingly decipher the language word by word using existing words as reference the process took hours yet i was able to only decode a few pages of the book 

From what I gathered, it was about a long-forgotten civilization shrouded in mystery. I could not decode the name of the civilization, so I just referred to them as the "Ancients." They existed eons ago, their feats obscured by the mists of time.

It also spoke of a legend, an enigmatic hero whose name had been erased by the passage of centuries, yet whose deeds remained etched in the annals of history.

This legendary figure was said to possess a rare talent—the ability to harness both mana and prana, weaving spells of unparalleled potency and having swordsmanship rivalling those at the top of the same era. With this extraordinary power, the hero stood with a sword in one hand and magic circles flashing in the other, towering as a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf the world. The part about the doom was also not deciphered, but it did mention a war. But there was no end to the story as it was still a mystery.

I closed the book, still feeling chills from all the information. When I started reading, it felt as if I was able to witness the prowess of that person.

I went out to the garden; it was the time of dusk as the sun cast its final moments of golden-red glory just before the sky submerged into endless darkness. I stood there motionless, still trying to process what I just learned.

"So, it is possible..." Still shocked by the discovery, I mumbled.

I finally knew what I was missing. The reason why my body felt incomplete was that I was only focusing on one aspect of my talent.

"Ughh... I don't feel that excited about this discovery," I groaned. Although I was not an avid fantasy book reader, why do I feel like I have been burdened by something heavy?

I contemplated as I put my hands on my face.

As I started sorting out my thoughts, I decided to give it a try.

I closed my eyes and spread my senses, attempting to feel the energies again. I "saw" a cloud of colorful energy and a colorless yet sharp and defensive energy, full of vitality.

Slowly, I tried to absorb the prana around me. As it entered my body, it easily followed my path of mana flow. However, upon coming into contact with the mana, they began to reject each other, causing a violent collision inside my body.

It felt as if someone were churning my internal organs, and I vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Uhh... what just happened?" I gasped, the searing pain lancing through my body like a white-hot dagger. I doubled over, clutching my stomach as waves of agony wracked my body. Crimson liquid spilled from my lips, staining the ground beneath me as I fought to regain control, my mind reeling from the unexpected assault on my senses.

"First attempt failure," I said, trying to ease the pain by circulating mana to the injured part of my body.

I contemplated what happened, and then it suddenly dawned on me.

"Stupid, stupid me... How could I forget?" I cursed myself for being foolish, realizing how close I had come to death.

Mana and prana reject each other and are cultivated differently. Therefore, prana has to be absorbed independently from mana, in a different area of my body where I could store prana separately. If I had introduced a large amount of prana it could have literally burst me open

"It seems that we have to find a proper way of guiding prana I need to find proper method of cultivating this new found talent" I said to myself


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