
The Rise Of a Magic Swordsman

All human beings have one basic instinct, an instinct that has been so deeply rooted that we follow mindlessly-The pursuit of Power. Vergil Winchester a young noble boy, finds himself in a world full of mana and aura. Watch as how Vergil navigates his way through the quagmire of challenges that surrounds him. A journey full of adventure, hardships, friendship, guardianship. Will Vergil gain the necessary means to guard his and his family , Follow us on this quest to find out ..................................................................................................... Readers are requested to provide feedback through reviews and comments, so that you can also have your part in this journey Also if you like the story please give it POWER STONES and share if you can

Muhtashim_Aamir · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Marquess Bellatorius

We made our way through the city and we saw a grand castle, bigger than our own estate. Speaking about Marquess Bellatorius ,

Full name Cassius Bellatorius, also known as The Wall of the Empire, He made is name as the best defending commander general in the previous war, he is also famous for his fierce spearmanship. The territory is also very prosperous and located on the western border of the empire, It also has a very important sight seeing landmark 'The Tudor fort' where the famous defense battle took place.

The Bellatorius family is famous for producing exceptional warriors for the empire The current head of the family has three children, Elanor is the youngest daughter and today is her birthday, two sons, the oldest son Charles Bellatorius currently enrolled in the Imperial Knight order. The second oldest son Edward Bellatorius is currently in his last year at the Imperial Arcane Academy. 

It was almost dusk when we arrived at the castle, there were already many carriages at the castle. We arrived at the entrance.

"Okay lets go" Father said 

As we stepped out of our carriage, the grandeur of Marquess Bellatorius' castle enveloped us. Its towering spires reached towards the sky, casting imposing shadows over the surrounding landscape. The stone walls, adorned with intricate carvings and banners bearing the family crest, spoke of centuries of history and tradition

Mother also got out with me as I offered her my hand. Behind our carriage May also exited and joined us on our way towards the Hall. In order to welcome the guest The house butler was standing

"Welcome, Lord Winchester, Lady Winchester," The butler said 

"please come this way" he said as he gestured the maid next to him to guide as

on our way we met an acquaintance of Father, Baron Beaumont, He also came with his wife and daughter 

"William Its so nice to see you" Lord Beaumont greeted my father first

"Ben its also nice to see you" Father also greeted as they shook hands

My mother and Lady Beaumont also greeted Each other apparently they also knew each other 

As the adults exchanged pleasantries, I caught sight of the Beaumonts' daughter, a striking young woman with chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders, her brown eyes full of confidence. She had an air of elegance about her.

"Ah, and who is this young gentleman?" Baron Beaumont inquired, his eyes twinkling with curiosity as he turned his attention to me.

"My name is Vergil Winchester Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Beaumont , Lady Beaumont" I said as I placed my hand on my chest and bowed slowly 

"Nice to meet you to Vergil" Lord Beaumont smiled at my greetings

"This is my daughter Eliza Beaumont " Lord Beaumont introduced her daughter 

"Good Evening Lord Winchester, Lady Winchester " Eliza greeted, her voice soft and melodious, She said as she raised her floral skirt slightly and bowed. Then she looked at me 

"Nice to meet you too Lord Vergil" Eliza said to me 

"Pleasure is mine Lady Eliza" I said as I bowed a little as well

"Lets go the hall" Father said as we along with the Beaumont's, along the way father was discussing with each others. My mother with with Lady Beaumont was also talking, and behind them I and Eliza were walking but we did not talk to each other 

When we arrived ,the grand hall unfolded before us like a scene from a dream, its understated elegance speaking volumes in whispers rather than shouts. Arched doorways, trimmed with delicate ivy and gilded filigree, beckoned guests inward with a quiet allure. Soft lamplight bathed the space in a warm glow, casting gentle shadows that danced across the polished marble floors.

At the heart of the hall, a cascading fountain murmured softly, its waters shimmering beneath the soft light of flickering candles. A subtle fragrance of lavender and sandalwood lingered in the air, mingling with the faint strains of a string quartet playing in the distance. behind the fountain a Grand staircase, with red velvet carpet lead to the upper floors

The Hall was bustling with small talks of nobility trying to socialize with each other, The maids and servants were distributing wine among the guests. A special orchestra was being played giving a gentle music that faded away in the noise of the people

I was feeling a little out of place as this was the first time I attended a gathering like this, nevertheless I cannot go back now might as well embrace it. I looked at Eliza, and she was quite calm as if she has been to a similar occasion

Father was acquainted with quite a few people here as he calmly greeted them and introduced me to them, I was a little nervous at first but slowly got the hang of it 

Since May was my personal maid she can not attend the event so she had to go prepare for our living quarters the party will last till tommorow evening, luckily for us we have a mansion here in the City of Bellatorius so we can spend the night there

After some greeting her and there father said

"Why don't you go and greet some people " Father said telling me socialize

I was about to refuse but the I heard

"Excellent idea why don't you take Eliza with you, I am sure you must be tired from this adult shenanigan's. go meet some people from your own age " Lord Beaumont smiled as he suggested, leaving me no way out

I gave my Mother a look but she just smiled at me Sighing to myself 

"Very Well father mother I will take my leave" I said then I looked to Lady Eliza

Would you do me the honor of accompanying me this evening?"

"I would be delighted, Lord Vergil," Eliza replied, placing her hand on my arm.

We made our way to the center of the hall, where I broached the topic of Eliza's magical abilities.

"Eliza, if you don't mind my asking, are you a magician or an aura user?" I inquired.

"Not at all, Lord Vergil. I'm a junior mage," Eliza replied.

"I'm also a junior mage. Would you mind dropping the formalities? Just call me Vergil," I suggested.

Eliza's smile widened. "Then you can call me Eliza," she agreed.

"Eliza, will you be attending the Imperial Arcane Academy?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll be joining this year," she confirmed.

"That's wonderful! I'll be joining too. Looks like we'll be classmates," I said with a smile.

"then I am looking forward to it"


while we were talking I was also looking for some other people of my age but most of them were already in there on social cliques so I would feel odd intruding in there privacy

"Vergil, would you like me to introduce you to some of my acquaintances?" Eliza offered, noticing my Discomfort.

"Yes, thank you for that," I replied, feeling grateful for her kindness.

It was a new experience for me, I was never the outgoing type and only had a few friends to talk to so this was unchartered territory for me

Now with Eliza leading me she introduced me to some of here friend I greeted them all politely, all of them were children of barons and viscounts. There discussion was not interesting to me, most of it was bragging about there noble status, some was gossips , a few were about the Academy enrollment which piqued my interest but it was nothing different than I knew

Funnily when the found out my surname was Winchester they all began to flaunt to me,

'It would seem the Winchester barony is still quite powerful' I thought 

thankfully Eliza was there to help me deal with some of this nonsense

As I was getting bored ,finally, The Herald announced the host of this gathering's arrival

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, it is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival of our esteemed host, Marquess Bellatorius and family"

As the herald's proclamation echoed through the grand hall, a palpable aura of nobility began to fill the air, heralding the arrival of Marquess Bellatorius. In that moment, all eyes turned toward the entrance, awaiting the arrival of this towering figure of authority.

As the doors swung open, a commanding presence made its grand entrance. Tall and robust, with a mane of jet-black hair and a neatly trimmed beard, the Marquess exuded an aura of power and dignity that seemed to precede him. Even from a distance, his mere presence cast a formidable weight upon the room, a testament to his stature and influence within the empire.

With him came his two wives and three children and the one in forefront was the lady in question Eleanor Bellatorius, she was really beautiful, her every step screaming elegance with long flowing black hair like night fall her emerald eyes filled with dignity and valor, Even without asking I knew she was an aura user and if I am not wrong she is a 3 star Junior swordswoman, quite a remarkable feat in it of itself 


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