
The Rise Of a Magic Swordsman

All human beings have one basic instinct, an instinct that has been so deeply rooted that we follow mindlessly-The pursuit of Power. Vergil Winchester a young noble boy, finds himself in a world full of mana and aura. Watch as how Vergil navigates his way through the quagmire of challenges that surrounds him. A journey full of adventure, hardships, friendship, guardianship. Will Vergil gain the necessary means to guard his and his family , Follow us on this quest to find out ..................................................................................................... Readers are requested to provide feedback through reviews and comments, so that you can also have your part in this journey Also if you like the story please give it POWER STONES and share if you can

Muhtashim_Aamir · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Auction House part 3

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Third POV

In another room just like the one Vergil was sitting, there sat a handsome with three ladies around him, these ladies were wearing quite exciting clothing that would make any man's day, yet these ladies were pleasing one man sitting in the middle, with a glass of red wine in his hand. Behind him stood an elderly man with silver hair in a butler uniform, probably his servant or guardian

"Hehe... Max I want this girl," He said as he licked his lips

"young master are you going to ignore us" The lady on his left pouted

"yes young master did you find something new, you are now going to abandons us" the lady on the right said seductively

"hehe... no way you are this young master possession, how could I let you go" He said as he smiled lewdly

"Young master Marcus please refrain yourself this guild is an independent property from the territory" The butler explained helplessly, it would seem this was not the first time he dealt with this situation

"Don't worry just give them cash, it would be enough for one night" he said arrogantly as he wouldn't take no for an answer

"Okay young master I will try" he said as he just gave up

The arrogant man in question is the young son of Count Addercrest, his full name being Marcus Addercrest 

A child with blue blood, and a golden spoon and a powerful family, his personality turned to be childish and arrogant, his family is a mic family with no specific preference for mana or prana, Marcus himself being a Tier 2 magician at the age of 15, only fueled his arrogance even more. 

Currently he waiting for the auction to reach to its climax as he needs to buy a specific item, 

"Sixth item for today is 'seven colored begonia' an extremely rare herb found in special places where extreme mana is saturated, this herb can be used for alchemic purposes, and can also be consumed , it can increase the quality of your mana and prana also it can increase the chances of breaking through High level mage" She explained the herb

Looking at the herb his eyes glistened with greed, as he remembered something

"Hey Max I remember the lady we met before, she was also looking for this herb" Marcus smiled sinisterly as he thought, on his way to the Auction he met an otherworldly beauty, she seemed to hell bent on finding a specific herb, although he did not know the name he knew it was of multiple colors as he 'kindly' asked the shopkeeper

"Yes young master" Max getting fed up, it would seem his young master had nothing but ladies in his eyes

As he was contemplating about the lady, the bidding had started but it was only the crowd, than someone from one of the room bid

"10000 G" a young voice was heard, it was Vergil

"Hey who is this brat that dares to ruin this young master's good deeds" he said arrogantly 

"10000 G once ..... twice..... thrice... and.." Marcus than bid

"10500 G" he said his voice full of force

"10500 G we have got another higher bid" Akane said excitedly

"11000G" the young voice sounded again albeit this time with a hint of annoyance

"11500 G" Marcus said arrogantly

"12000 G" 

"12500 G" Marcus said as he laughed 

"15000 G" Vergil voice sounded his voice terrifyingly calm

There was an abrupt silence in the room

"This brat dares to challenge me, interesting" Marcus said sinisterly

"16000 G..... hey brat let me have this one, in exchange this young master will introduce you to some hotties" Marcus said arrogantly, trying to toy with him

"20000 G.... No need this young master is not interested in used products" A cold voice sounded giving the ladies next to Marcus shiver, and also pale

Marcus as soon as he heard this and the mocking laughter from the crowd his face full of anger, his face formed a hideous countenance, as the son of count he was never been humiliated like this in his life before

"Shut up brat... do you know who this young master is" he shouted full of anger, as his mana began to release, terrifying the ladies around him

"Trash, what else" Vergil said mocking him, adding fuel to fire

Marcus was about lash out in anger when a voice interrupted him

"Young master you must not bid any further"

"Why not Max, don't you that ungrateful piece of Sh*t dared to humiliate. I am going to make him eat dirt" He shouted at his butler, as he intended to barge out of the room to catch the culprit

"Young master this is clearly a virtual space, where only a manifestation of ourselves can come. and did you forget Master gave you money to buy the ancient magic tome" Max said in a calm voice, although he was a little pleased that someone could stand up against his little master

Listening to the Max, Marcus calmed down. Although his family is Nobility and is also a Count, they don't have access to Ancient Magic tomes, as these are very scarce and rare, only the most powerful or hidden noble families with a deep history other than the imperial family possess these tomes. As it stands house of Addercrest despite being powerful does not have sufficient background to own such things. It is every mages dream to have his own grimoire -a contracted ancient tome 

Lucky for him, his family found through special means the Auction would have such a tome, so he came to buy that. He was given limited funds in which he had to buy, although he could precure more but at the moment it would be unlikely. 

"Max find everything about that guy from room 12. After the Auction I want him dead" He said as a murderous gleam flashed through his eyes making everyone but the butler in the room pale

"Okay young master" Max obliged as he bowed 

At that time the herb as been sold

"Onto the next item" 

Marcus gloomily looked at the next item, his hands clenched clearly unwilling to loose to some insignificant nobody

Vergil POV

I was looking at the herb in front of me, The seven colored begonia I truly wonder why was such a precious herb was undermined in this auction, although one may not tell but my senses could fell an odd ethereal energy with in the beautiful petals of this herb

"It would seem we need find more information about this book" I muttered, the books of alchemy that I bought today might have some information regarding this herb

"What a beautiful herb young master" May exclaimed as she looked fascinated at the herb in my hand

"Isn't it May" I said as I smiled at the same time the auction was reaching its final two items, other than this herb yet no other thing has aroused my interest. There was another potion that could make one look younger, clearly for the ladies, A map of some sort of treasure that was bought by someone from the room 

"Now onto our second last item for today and this one will truly blow your mind it is--" Akane brought forward the item It was an a brick with picture engraved on it a man with a flask around him were stars engraved as he looked in the sky, on first glance it looked nothing special, Yet I could feel something odd about this item

"This item is a Petroglyph of Paracelsus- The Father of Alchemy. It was found in Ancient ruin, not much is known about this but its historical value is second to none" Akane said trying to exemplify the item

There was some chattering in the audience after hearing the name 'Paracelsus'.

An ancient legend one often associated with alchemy, truly even non alchemist have heard of his stories, because he was the one who revolutionized Alchemy to its limits, setting a basis for others to make contribution to this platform, Not much other than is known about this legendary man, due to lack of historical data, but there are rumors that some of his potions were found in ruins persisting to this day, these potions were pinnacle Alchemy that to this day remain a mystery 

But it would seem not many are interested in this petroglyph, its like more of an art collection

"Starting price for the bid is 10000 G and buyout price is 50000 G " she said

although she said yet no one made the bid

"Its is Paracelsus, but this is not a potion"

"yeah its nothing more than a relic"

"Although I want it, its a bit expensive"

Akane was also looking little embarrassed, she also knew this item would not sell but due to its historical value, the auction house decided to take a chance. Just as she was going to next item

"10000 G" I said, surprising the audience 

"10000 G by Room 12 any higher bids" Akane said excitedly 

It would seem that gigolo did not intend to bid on this only his snort was heard 

'It would seem he thought I want to induce him to waste money..... looks like he is intending to buy the final item of the Auction... well lucky for me' I thought happily 

"young master why are you waiting money on this useless piece of art" May complained

"Well May my room lacks some decoration so why not use it as an art piece" I said as I shrugged, not telling the real reason

"So willful young master" May sighed helplessly at my antics

"10000 going once... twice... and sold" Akane announced

"Okay the final item for the Auction one you all have been waiting for" Akane said as she personally brought the last item it was a book giving of spirituality- A magic tome

"Yes as you may have guessed this is an ancient Magic tome, I believe I don't have to introduce it any further so lets start with the bid 20000 G and no buyout price' she announced

"25000 G" the lady from a private room said

"27000 G" another girl said

"30000 G" Marcus from the room said 

"The playboy was waiting for this" I muttered

"it would seem his family does not have access to these magic tomes" May voiced her opinion

" Since he dared to play with me I will also play with him" I said as I smiled

by now the bid was intense between the girl from room 9 and that arrogant fool

"45000G" the girl said in a gritted voice clearly reaching her limit

"50000 G" a voice full of impatience and anger

there was silence as everyone awaited from the room

"I-I-I Abstain" the girls voice full of unwillingness

"hehe" the laughter from the playboy

"50000 G once ..." this was a good time so

"55000 G " I said

another burst of surprised voices came from the Audience, they were excited to watch the show 

"Damn Brat.... 60000 G" he said his voice full of anger

"70000 G"

"80000 G" 

"90000 G" I said as I laughed 

Akane eyes shining bright clearly she was excited by what was happening 

"100000 G " he said furiously "You piece of sh*t, I'll dismember you" I could feel his insignificant killing intent

"110000 G.... A dog that barks does not fight.... If you have the guts come find me" I said as I laughed at him mockingly

May also furrowed her brows, as she was furious someone dare to threat her master

"120000 G.. just you wait I will personally cut of your tongue" he said viciously 

"I abstain.... I will be waiting" I said as I laughed at him

"120000 G once ... twice.... thrice... and sold" Akane announced

"Congratulation Gentleman from room 18 for getting this tome" she said

"With this today Auction has come to an end. Thank you so much for participating in this event. My heartfelt congratulation's to those who bought these wonderful item. With that said I will see you next time, Goodbye" Akane said as she bowed followed by all the servant that also brought the items as they also bowed and the left the stage

A Circle flashed in our room, as we found ourselves back in the original room

I got up from the chair and said

"Lets go May get our item" I said with a pleasant smile, truly I enjoyed the evening 



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