

'System, I thought that I recovered from the yips so, why did it reoccur once again,' said Walker

[okay, but first answer this question when you played with Z, were you afraid of attacking the basket?] the system asked

'Yes I was afraid at the beginning, and it took me some time before having the courage to attacking the basket in my matches against Z,' said Walker

[so after the first time you scored with a layup against Z how much time it took you to score another layup against him] asked the system

'after scoring the first layup against Z I thought it might have been a fluke so it took me two full games before attempting another layup,' said Walker

[after that scoring a layup once again against Z who many layups did you take per game against Z]the system asked

'about two to three layups per game then it increased after a couple of games,' said Walker

[what is the reason behind you shooting more layups in these matches against Z,] said the system

'after I beat him off the dribble then I went straight to the basket and score it was nothing fantasy,' said Walker

[Wasn't that same thing today, you beat your matchup off the dribble then you went straight to the basket, what is the difference between them?] said the system

Walker thought about it and found that he did the same routine that he did when he was playing against Z, but the difference was that the contact was harsher.

'So you say that I'm still afraid of contact in layups,' said Walker

[yes, you are still afraid of scoring inside,] said the system

'then why was I able to score against Z smoothly and never felt distracted like today,' said Walker with agitation in his voice because he remembered what happened in the morning, and that if he didn't lose focus at that moment, he would have been able to land safely.

[Okay then why when you first played aginst Z you couldn't even attempt to drive to the basket?] said the system

'I was afraid to get hurt, and at that time I just recovered from my injury,' said Walker

[So what was the difference between now in then in your matches against Z, it still the same you could get injured] said the system

'no it's not the same because I'm confident that I could do it and that Z wouldn't be reckless,' said Walker

[see you pointed the flaw yourself, you were confident that you could make it but you were also confident that Z wouldn't make any reckless contact when you drive by him to score, and that's why you thought that you have completely recovered from the yips] said the system

Walker was silence thinking of what the system just told him.

[but truthfully you just recovered about a 10%, but since you were eager to recover from the yips quickly you mistook this small recovery as you have been cured of the yips totally] the system added

Walker was hit by the reality quite hard because after he organized his thoughts and what lead to him getting injured.

Walker found that he was overly confident in himself after being able to score a couple of layups against Z and thought that he already recovered from the yips, but without him even realizing that the only time he scored a layup in the tournament was today and he got injured after it.

'Okay, I think I was overconfident, but how do I recover from the yips'

[you should continue playing matches, but not against your friends and you should only use layups, it will be hard at first, but you need to face your fears if you want to continue this journey] the system said

'Thanks, System for pointing that out, I will try to recover from the yips after the tournament' said Walker

[It's okay I am here to help grow to be a legend,] said the system

'System beside the yips did my wrist injury affect my stats,'said Walker

[yeah it did affect your stats, see them for yourself] the system said


[Name: Walker Hamilton]

[Age: 17 (High School senior)]

[Position: PG]

[height : 6' 2" (1.88 m) ]

[weight : 188 lbs ]

[Inside scoring: C+ ↓ D+ ]

[Outside scoring: B+ ↓C+]

[Perimeter defense: C+ ↓D+]

[Post Defense: F]

[Basketball IQ: C+]

[Ball Handling: A+↓B+]

[Rebounding: D+]

[Athleticism: C-]

[Level= 1 (High School level)]


'so my stats dropped by one grade after the injury so you could help me recover from my wrist injury faster right,' said Walker

[no I'm not going to help you with it, you need to give your wrist time to recover, don't rush it]said the system

'didn't you help me with my back injury,' said Walker

[did you think I didn't help you with your wrist injury ?]the system asked

'did you? then why my wrist is injured right now? 'Walker asked

[Look at how you landed on your hand do you think that you would have gotten a normal wrist sprain ] the system said while showing him the video of the way he felled down after the layup.

Walker saw how awkwardly he landed on his right hand then he knew that having only a wrist sprain after this kind of awkward landing is because of the system help.

'Sorry I doubt you, but without your help what was going to be the result,' said Walker

[the result would be like this if you were lucky enough you will have a grade 3 wrist sprain, and that will take 2 to three months to heal, and the worst case scenario is that your wrist would have been broken, and that will take at least half a year to heal,]said the system

When Walker heard about what was going to happen to him if the system didn't help him he was relieved that the system was there to help him because, without his help, he would be still on a wheelchair, to begin with.

'System now that my wrist is injured it will be quite hard to play basketball in the tournament,' said Walker

[Do you trust your teammates ?]the system asked

'yes I do trust them what kind of question is that,' Walker said

[then you need to focus on defense because the other teams will start targeting you because of that injury]the system said

'So I need to focus on defense and forget about the offense since I wouldn't be able to shoot anyway, but the problem is that I don't think they will be able to create shots for themselves 'Walker said

[I didn't tell to forget about offense totally,you are still going to be the playmaker of the team] the system said

'How's that possible with my injured wrist I will not be able to dribble properly' said Walker

[this book will help you,] the system replied

thank you guys for reading:)

I know that a chapter per week is not the best but that all I could give you guys right now.

Thank you for all the suggestions you leave for me in the comments.

The system in my story is more of a coach to MC than cheat, that why the story is slow in development

What kind of a book that the system wants to give to our MC?

LegendOVcreators' thoughts