
The Rise Of A Child

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Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Using ‘Bed Arts’

Lumas body rejected the flame refusing to house it, However the divine flame was stubborn boring deeper and deeper into Lumas' being before reaching his soul, a round wisp of white, black, and grey floating in an expanse of darkness the only light was from the small dim wisp

As the flame neared unhindered it went to latch onto the wisp however before it could the wisp violently exploded into a maelstrom of green-black flames near instantly filling the once black expanse in blinding light, The divine flames began purifying the ungodly flames while the ungodly flames corrupted the divine flames

The Genesis Flames had the upper hand, but the longer the battle went in the more that was purified the larger the divine flames got the surroundings slowly began to grow cracks as the vessel for the soul began to collapse under the pressure emitting from the warring artifacts

Lumas was writhing on the ground, screaming for help as his skin began to harden and crack rays of green-black/orange-red light attempting to break out, Hephaestus was frozen the presence coming from Lumas had her terrified, it was as if death's scythe rested on her neck ready to cut the delicate string of life… She watched as the cracks grew with the light, then her vision flashed went blank before resorting to a blurry mess, however she could see her whole forge painted red… Hephaestus dropped to her knees the light in her eyes fading as she watched a blurred mess of Green-black and Orange-red slowly growing and shrinking as they fought for superiority the presence of the flames only grew showing Hephaestus how small she really was in front raw power

Hephaestus could feel her divinity draining slowly fueling the flames, slowly the fear of dying without being able to fight back clawed at her mind


Oriaro descended into chaos as two auras slammed on top of the dungeon city, One was warm and gentle while the other was cold and reckless, some mortals ran through the streets trying to get home while others simply fell unconscious in the streets, the gods were beyond curious almost everyone of them thought two god released their divinity and were fighting, they were waiting for the golden pillars to the sky showing that a god killed a fellow god however such thing never came, The pressure coming from the aura only magnified causing the mana in the air to tremble

At the top of the Tower of Babel, Ouranus was rapidly tapping his finger on his throne trying to figure out what the aura was. He quickly recognized one as Hephaestus' Divine Flame however the second felt like something he's felt before, yet it was different… more pure, potent, violent… "Fels, Start the isolation we can't let the other countries know of this…"

A disembodied voice sounded out from the darkness "Right away"


The guild was quick to bring order to the city, information wasn't released but they have told the masses that the aura's aren't harmful although there will be minor headaches and instinctual fear… The guilds words didn't help much but they slightly calmed the outrage(?)

The gates out if Oriaro and many of the middle tiered Familias were watching the walls while Loki, Hephaestus, and Freya Familias were sent to investigate… However Loki, Ais, Finn, Riveria, Tione and her better half Tiona (A/N: My preference fight me…) arrived on the scene first quickly closing off Hephaestus' personal office with the help of Tsubaki and a few other high ranking individuals of the Hephaestus Familia

They saw Susan inside blocking the door the the forge she lifted one hand and spoke "I advise you not to get closer," she turned to look at Ais' frowning face with an apologetic expression "I'm sorry but none of you will survive if you enter, furthermore you may distract young master…" her words slowly got quieter "if- if…" tears slowly built in her eyes but with a sniff she righted her posture and looked at the group with a serious expression "If you must enter you'll have to defeat me… For that I'm sorry"

Nearly everyone tensed at her words not knowing who this beauty is, Tsubaki seemed conflicted as well as Ais, Riveria, Tione, and Tiona. Loki just waved her hand as she sat on the couch opposing the door "Susan, would you make me some tea?"

With a soft smile Susan nodded towards Loki "Of course," her gaze hardened as it passed over the others "However don't think I won't reach you before you reach this door… I won't allow Lord Lumas to die because of your stupidity"

Some flinched at her words, Susan ignored them as she pulled a kettle, Magic hot plate, and tea leaves from a thin sheet of black before it faded as quick as they noticed it "What was Tha-" the man that spoke was quickly silenced from a stare from Tsubaki, It was rude to ask adventurers of their skills even more so when those skills are unknown

Soon the heavenly smell of tea mixed with a slight touch of honey and something that burns the noise with a single wiff, Something Susan proudly announced as "Lamia Tear Gin, Aged 100 years" as she poured it, they all watched as Loki began drooling… She didn't know how or where Susan got all the wonderful exotic alcohol she pulls out but it was always beyond wonderful

The mood in the room was fairly relaxed until Freya, Ottar, Allen, and Si-De Char-acter. Loki Instantly deflated with her cup of tea in her hand as Freya spoke

"Fufufu what do we have here?" Freya slowly eyed the people in the room only seeing one face she hasn't seen before which slightly surprised her, her beauty slightly bothered Freya 'How could a mere mortal be more gorgeous than her?!' A gleam passed over her eyes as she peeked at the women's soul only to be met with two fingers mere inches from her eyes everyone's eyes widened at her speed

Ottar began to sweat as he cleaved his sword through the air he didn't even notice her move until she was already in front of his goddess, Susan didn't even glance at his blade she she turned slightly causing it to graze past her taking a few hairs with it as Si-De got a finger to the neck, Ottar's eyes widened as her finger went through Si-De's flesh like a hot knife through butter he couldn't even choke on his blood as he dropped the the ground

Susan hissed at Freya releasing a sliver of killing intent causing the silver haired beauty to tremble "Peek again and you'll cease to exist…," both Loki and Freya gulped, Susan wasn't lying when she threatened Freya however Susan simply ran her finger against Si-De's face in an unreasonably seductive manner and his eyes gained life as he gasped for breath this caused many questions to arise but Susan ignored them slowly giving out tea and stopping people from entering the forge currently hidden behind the bookcase

(A/N: To make the bullshit work [Bed Arts (EX] can heal deadly wounds by transferring life force… However due to being a Succubus and having 'Lumas' Heart' she has an inexhaustible amount of life force although she would still 'age' being a Succubus keeps her looks in her 'Prime'

Sorry sorry short and delayed chat, been rather lazy and had a hard time writing this however must charge forward or what ever… hope you enjoyed if not why are you still here? This better not be in your library if you didn't like my shitty writing >:[)