
The Rise Of A Child

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Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs


Lumas stood at the door to his forge, he could hear two voices inside one he recognized and the other seemed familiar, opening the door he saw a rigid 'rabbit' eerily turning his head, across the table Welf sat frozen his fork stopped midway to his mouth the food dropping back onto the plate

"Bell… Training Grounds" After speaking Lumas turned around, Ais went inside waving towards Welf before heading up the stairs, Welf pushed his plate aside and hurried to catch up to Bell. He didn't want to miss out on a sight like this

By the time Bell arrived with Welf at the trading ground Lumas stood at the far end, hands behind his straightened back, his chin ever so slightly raised, his presence seemed to cast a shadow stretching all the way across the grounds, not giving Bell a chance to get ready he darted forward lowering his body swiping out with his leg

Bell crouched slightly before kicking off the ground bounding into the sky, Lumas' eyes followed him upwards shifting his weight onto his leading leg he stomped down propelling himself after Bell, seeing this Bell smirked as his movements became Illusioned during his fall leaving various afterimages, Lumas didn't bother with them manifesting a sheet of flames to kick off of darting towards Bell who backpedaled, as Lumas' foot dug into the dirt he shot forward his speed incomparable to before

Just as Lumas kicked off the dirt Bell did the same, as they shot towards each other Bell became Illusioned as his body seemed to elongate, it seemed to bend and twist around Lumas. Taking this chance Bell's hands shot out like knives rapidly hitting various spots along Lumas' side

Lumas' expression crumpled as a buzzing feeling spread through his side, accompanied by a slight numbing Lumas' maneuverability slacked allowing Bell to appear under Lumas striking his stomach and chest in the same manner, unlike the previous sharp pains rise from the points of impact but Lumas ignored them as he lashed out violently twisting his body connecting a knee to Bell's chest sending Bell off balance and into the air

Lumas chased, landing a few heavy hits before gravity began dragging them down to the ground, Bell attempted to defend but every hit resonated through his arms greatly numbing them, collapsing on the ground taking labored breaths Bell had a small smile on his face, his thoughts were unknown

Lumas nodded "Rest then return to the forge, Welf, return to your Familia" Welf nodded before saying goodbye to Bell and heading off towards the Babel Tower


"*Yawn SFX*" Rising out of bed, a women with short stature stretched, looking out the window seeing the sun high in the sky signifying that it was nearly midday the women rolled out of bed manifesting a stark white dress, her messy hair was unceremoniously pushed to the side as she made her way to the bathroom. After quickly washing her face she heard hurried steps outside her door, curious see peeked out finding a young man with red hair standing in front of Hephaestus' office. Once again bending toner curiousity she strode next to him, when her turned and sent her a questioning gaze she simply smiled and waved as she opened the door surprising the youth.

Groaning as the door opened Hephaestus' spoke "Hestia, what now?" The youth, Welf was surprised, he hadn't even noticed she was a goddess, but upon remembering why he came her he hurriedly spoke "Hephaestus, Lumas has returned"

Hephaestus stood up nodding towards Welf as she spoke "Thank you, return to your duties, I'll call upon you if I need anything else" Welf left the room leaving the two goddess' behind.

Jumping into a seat, Heatia spoke "So, who's this Lumas fellow? Is he the same guy that helped break the curse?" Hephaestus only nodded in reply as she organized some paper putting them into a bag, once she was sure she had everything she stood up looking towards Hestia "You coming?" Not waiting for a reply she left


As Bell laid down face first on the couch, Lumas pricked his finger with an Icepick drawing a singular drop of golden Ichor, as the drop fell staining Bell's back the crest began to morph leaving behind a series of 'God's Language'

[Bell Cranel

Level: 2

STR: 305-E END: 395-E

DEX: 406-D AGI: 413-D


Skills: 100 Illusioned Movements

Developmental Skills: Liaris Freese


(Available Next Level Up: Spearman, Spear Dance, Pain Resistance, Polearm Dance)]

Lumas nodded as he stood up "You've made considerable progress, give me the magic stones you've acquired and I'll do maintenance on your gear"

Bell hesitated for a moment as his eyes landed on his halberd, it had been with him for quite a while, Lumas followed his gaze "Needing a new weapon?" Bell stiffly nodded, staring Lumas in the eyes he spoke "Would you be able to use 'Blinkstrike' as the core for a spear…" Lumas' eyes softened slighty from the cold look he has held since he got back, then he became extremely serious "A weapon you have bonded with, named… you wish to melt it down?"

Bell slowly nodded, Lumas could see that he was conflicted, Bell spoke "I realize my mistake, my choice of weapon style was something unsuitable to my fight style, however I have grown tremendously next to 'Blinkstrike' and I want to continue doing so," There was a seriousness in his voice that he didn't display in his expression, Lumas stood up with his hand out "Hand me your weapon, you will bestow a name upon it" Bell looked confused for a moment before a gleam of glee spread through his eyes grabbing 'Blinkstrike' he placed it into Lumas hand, a colorless film spread across the halberd, Lumas spoke "Think about how it feels to grow strong with this weapon, Think hard about what that means to you, I mean truly get deep"

Bell nodded instantly sitting down and meditating, clear every other thought for a few moment focusing solely upon this one task, seeing this Lumas nodded slightly, he felt a slight tug of his cheek. Ais who was coming down the steps saw an ever so slight smile on Lumas, she dedicated it to memory as she leaned over the railing resting her head on her palms intent on watching

After a few moments Bell softly spoke, Blinkstrike, Bell instantly felt an unnatural pull, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, he felt sick Lumas carefully set down Blinkstrike coming over the Bell with a small vial of a purple misty liquid, the moment he popped the cork a smell that could only be described as pleasant reached Bell's nose, Bell felt a surge enter his body ridding the exhaustion and sickness, he heard Lumas' voice "After this your magic stats should see some increase,"

As he looked up he found Lumas by his anvil, a dark green brackish flames dancing around his hand, soon the rhythmic sound of the hammer crashing down against hot metal rang throughout the forge