
The Rise Of A Child

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Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Made what a maid?!

Lumas woke up to pain coursing through his body, it felt stiff just attempting to sit up forced groans to leave his mouth as he gritted his teeth and used the wall to stand up, looking around he found himself near steps… he didn't know what floor he was on, where he was, and he was without a weapon, looking around he found a silver oversized knife next to where he woke up, picking up the blade a quickly studied it finding an emblem etched into the blade, a head with wings adorning its head with what seem to be Pegasus floating above the head

He felt the emblem was familiar but didn't pay it any mind when he returned to the surface he would ask Riveria so he could return it, the blade seemed to be made from Oridecon but there was something else to it he couldn't put his finger on his thoughts were cut short as he heard the familiar noise of rapid tapping, deciding not to engulf himself in another swarm of Killer ants he set down the stairs ready to continue on his journey to the 10th floor

However before he went down the steps the sight of a blue butterfly barely floating off the ground caught his eye… A Blue Papillo, Lumas nearly began drooling at the idea of his pain being relieved kicking off the floor he wrangled the Blue Papillo before ripping its wings off taking this chance he began to smother himself in the dust that coats the wings instantly feeling the stiffness fade as his muscles relaxed he saw the bite marks from the kobold slowly fading he doubted he could avoid a scar but that was the least of his worries

Sitting down in the stairway to the 8th floor he pulled some rations from his item box and began filling his stomach, after nearly a half hour of unceremoniously stuffing his face with dried meat, berries, and vegetables he drowned it down with a healthy swig of apple juice he had in his item box… Surprisingly it was still as cold as when he put it in causing a smile to rise on his face as he weighed whether or not time froze in the Item Box, done with his meal he stepped onto the 8th floor which is much the same as the 7th only lacking Creamy, Blue Papillo, and Purple Moths

Being careful this time to avoid large parties of Killer Ants he quickly made his way towards the 9th floor, which had the same monsters dwelling within as the 8th, the only difference being the Golden Thief Bug which Lumas would rather avoid, and Blue Papillo, and Creamy reappearing ... Taking the first step onto the 9th floor showed that the dungeon would never make it easy as Lumas was forced to narrowly dodge a golden blur cursing his luck Lumas began to chant under his breath

'I beseech the Genesis, As an avatar of the beginning, Reduce all to creation'

A demonic green-black flame exploded from Lumas forming a cone of superheated flames as they flew towards the Golden Thief Bug scorching the ground as it went, feeling the aspect of death radiating off the flames it jumped to the side only to be meet with a knife to its underside, the thief bug let out an ear piercing distorted screech as it attempted to fly away leaking a greenish blue blood from its underside as it went, wondering if it will led Lumas to its nest Lumas silently followed skillfully dealing with any monster that went to impede his path

It didn't take long for the sight of a hole in the dungeon wall to appear, The golden thief bug limp just before it, not taking any chances Lumas plunged the knife into the golden thief bug before ripping out the Magic Crystal causing it to explode into blackish-red dust, much to Lumas pleasure a solid piece of 'Emperium' was left behind nearly jumping in joy he quickly dropped it into the 'Item Box' before carefully poking his head into the hole in the wall… He would never do this if he didn't know that Thief Bugs were extremely aggressive to even their own kind pretty much guaranteeing that there was nothing living within

The sight that welcomed him was more than Lumas originally thought small hills of Magic Crystal stacked up to his knees, various item drops, and even a few small weapons were hidden away with in quickly storing it all within the 'Item Box' he continued making his way to the 10th floor avoiding as much as he could only getting into a fight when necessary as he wandered around the 9th floor looking for an entrance to the 10th floor


Riveria was enjoying the silence of her office alongside Ais, Susan, and Sebastian while drinking tea, the reason Susan and Sebastian were present was because of how Lumas treats Riveria in a familial manner and because of this both Sebastian and Susan have referred to a subservient role

"My lady," Susan stretched her arms out offering to fill Riveria's cup

With a shake of her head Riveria turned her head to Ais as she spoke "No thank you, He has been in there for 2 days I think your words really affected him"

With a soft smile adorning her face Ais took a sip of her tea "Maybe, anyways he came here to be an adventurer… he just needed a nudge" finishing with a shrug of her shoulders

"If I may… Lumas has always been prone to secluding himself when he is stuck in his own fear…" Sebastian spoke softly, reminiscing the past "...When he was a small child he found an injured bird in the yard, knowing how his father was a skilled alchemist he rushed to his fathers office with the bird in tow… however his father was experimenting on something rather… dark… and when Lumas burst into the room his father made a mistake causing the vials he was using to explode.."

Sebastian stopped to release a sigh "Somehow a piece of glass ended up lodging itself in his spine, rendering him paralyzed from the neck down… His father was horrified and blamed himself for forcing himself into a depressive state. He ruined his boys life and he knew it… he wouldn't be able to feel the warmth of the sun in his skin, the softness of the grass on his feet… "

Susan rushed over to Sebastian pulling him into a hug "Sebas…" Susan looked up into his eyes seeing tears threatening to fall "It's in the past none of that matters now, He's alive standing on his two feet… like he always wanted… He may remember but he doesn't, and maybe that's a good thing, if he knew of the sacrifices made he may blame himself… we are here to serve our young master"

Silence drowned the room as Sebastian wiped his eye "I'm sorry for my behavior," He went to bow but Riveria quickly spoke up

"No need Sebastian, you are only human"

Sebastian froze… Human… how long has it been since he felt any resemblance of humanity… Susan lost her ever present smile as the surroundings became awkward

"My lady, Human is something he left behind long ago…"

Riveria's face was full of guilt "I'm sorry… I didn't know"

Susan waved her hand as if saying it wasn't a problem before sitting down "Well I wasn't human in the first place, Sebas here lost his Humanity during the ritual becoming more of a familiar to Lord Lumas… However I gained something akin to fragmented humanity, so I guess I'm a hybrid now"

Curious Ais leaned forward "Hybrid?"

With a nod Susan spoke with some pride in her voice "Yeah! I was well… Summoned?"

""Huh?!"" Riveria and Ais exclaimed at the same time shock apparent on their faces

Putting her finger on her chin Susan seemed to think for a minute "I don't remember where I was summoned from but from what I do remember it was dark and full of violence… and hot… really hot," turning her head to Sebastian she questioned "Mm Sebas, What did Lord Freycliff say I was?"

Sebas seems to think for a minute before speaking "I believe he attempted to summon a demon and you arrived although you weren't a demon… I believe he said you're a succubus?"

"There you have it I'm a Human/Succubus hybrid"

Riveria stood up "Hold up, you mean to tell me Lumas' father summoned a succubus and decided to make it a maid"

A seductive grin rose on Susan's face "There may have been some… 'negotiations'...when I first laid my eyes on the young master I couldn't help but feel a heat rising in my chest" Susan's face took a slightly red hue as a line of drool threatened to leave her mouth

Ais muttered under her breath glaring at Susan "You better not touch my Lumas"

Susan snapped her head to Ais seemingly happier than possible "Why did he say something? Did he realize my love? Did he come to see my beauty? Does he want to f-"

"OKAY, Okay let's stop there…" Riveria hurriedly stopped that conversation from going any further, Ais hasn't been exposed to the various adult acts, and Riveria would like to wait until she's at least 16 unless it could be pushed further back

"Sebastian could you take Susan, I would like to be alone"

With a curt nod Sebastian grabbed Susan by her collar and dragged her away while Susan and Ais continued glaring at each other the only thing breaking their eye contact was the door as it closed, letting out a sigh Riveria rubbed her temples

"Ais would you look for Lumas in the dungeon, I doubt he got himself in trouble but it has been awhile"

Ais wasted no time getting up from her chair with a small smile on her face


Seventh Floor: Cave Scene

•Killer Ant: A red ant like creature known for the pheromones they released upon death or fear which attracts other ant like creatures {Drops: Ant Mandible (Common), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}


•Purple Moth: A moth with large purple wings, once another poisonous creature, the dust that falls from their wings solidifies blood upon entering the nervous system {Drops: Purple Poison (Rare), Purple Moth Wing (Super Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Creamy: A large butterfly which releases a sleeping agent through its wings, while relatively harmless if effected can prove dangerous {Drops: Creamy Wing (Rare), Sleeping Agent (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

•Needle Rabbit: Seemingly harmless rabbit like creatures with a long thin horn reminiscent of a rapier adorned in their head, using explosive speed they stab through adventures with the horn {Rabbit Horn (Uncommon), Needle Rabbit Hide (Uncommon), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)

•Blue Papillo: (Uncommon) a blue elegant butterfly, known as the nuisance due to their ability to heal other monsters on the dungeon with the dust that falls of their wings, not to be mistaken with the poisonous purple moth {Drops: Blue Papillo Wing (Uncommon), Healing Dust (Common), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Eighth Floor: Cave Scene

•Killer Ant



•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

Ninth Floor: Cave Scene

•Golden Thief Bug:(Super Rare) A large roach like beetle completely covered in a golden shell, Despite their fancy appearances these creatures are extremely dangerous they quickly attack latching onto the body and slowly drill into their body's looking for their Magic Crystal, this creature attacks everything in search of Magic Crystals for its nest which is usually burrowed into dungeon walls {Drops: Oridecon (Uncommon-Rare), Elunium (Common), Emperium (Super Rare)

•Killer Ant



•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

•Blue Papillo)