

People always say "after rain there's always a rainbow"... oh god I hope I find my rainbow someday soon.. Ever since I came out my life has been a living hell... I'm Luca by the way, and a week ago today.. I came out... gay. And my parents were not fond of there only son being gay so they did what bad parents do best and they kicked me to the curb.

I found a job.. it's not much but I'll take anything that comes my way. I've never had real friends, after a while I just gave up on them.. people I mean.. too much work to gain their friendship and them just brushing you off like Your nothing.. after a while I believed it..

that was until a strange man showed up in my life.. he was different.. h-... he was.. kind. I never felt this way towards another person before but imma keep my distance for now...

"ugh" I let out a sigh as I close the journal I've been working on I tuck the book under a small pierce of tarp as I check my watch "shoot! Imma be late for work!" I hop on my feet and grab my uniform from a cardboard box and bolt to the diner.

KLING the bell on the door rings as I walk in "your late" I turn my head to a tall brown haired man wiping his hands on a cloth "I'm so sorry I lost track of time" as I explain he let's out a snicker "that's alright it's your first day anyway, and I know the situation your in right now so I'll let it slide" he walks behind the counter and grabs a plate with fried eggs and bacon "can't work on an empty stomach, eat up" I reached into my pocket to see how much money I had.

"It's free" I look up at the tall man in confusion "I have enough-" he raised his voice "just eat it damn it!" I flinch to his voice, it's like thunder, it booms as he talked. I take the plate and thank him, as soon as I finished I got dressed for work.

I take out a pen and a piece of paper "what would you like today?" I say with a smile "I just said I'd like some beer!!" An old grouchy man replied, I'm sorry but we don't serve alcohol at this establishment, may I interest you in some water or soda? Maybe a some eggs?" The old man got furious and yelled "IF I WANT BEER THEN GIVE ME A BEER DAMN IT THATS NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK IS IT?!!"

I flinch to his tone of voice "I-.. If you k-Keep using that T-. Tone of voice imma have to ask you to leave S-.. Sir" I look down as the man got red with rage "I'M NOT GONNA GET KICKED OUT BY SOME FAG WHO CANT GET ME A DAMN DRINK"

Hey idk if anyone will end up reading this book but. This is my first one and if you end up reading this you can give me tips on how to make the story better or if you have any questions I’ll be more than happy to answer them Thanks for reading it means a lot! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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