
Chapter 1: The Stranger

Everything was always cruel in the Underground city. No one cared for anyone, except for the selecte few that had what's left of their family. But Jenna, she didn't have anyone. She lost all that when she joined the Scouts. All because of one mistake SHE made, her baby sister paid the price for it. That's why she ran from the Scouts, and that is why she was forced to live in the Underground. But she would hardly call it living. Jenna was a very pretty young woman. She had long, blonde, hair, bright blue eyes, and she was small. Only standing at 4'11, she was a firecracker when she wanted to be. But, what was the point anymore? She was forced into poverty and had nothing to live for.

Jenna trudged down an alleyway, hugging a thin jacket around her shoulders as she shivered from the cold. She stumbled as she walked, coughing occasionally. "N-Need to find food." She mumbled to herself. She shuffled a couple paces, keeping her eyes to the ground as she moved past strangers sitting against the walls. She walked past a group of men that looked to be thugs. They were laughing and smoking. The fumes of the smoke felt.... Suffocating. Jenna gritted her teeth and tried to pass them as quick as possible. "Oi! Little Lady!" One of the thugs called in her direction. She started to speed up her walking, but suddenly the man was in front of her and she gasped in surprise, maybe even a little fear. "Wh-What do you want?" She asked coldly as she took a step back as the other thugs watched with grinning, sadistic, faces. "It's been a while since I've.... 'enjoyed' myself. You are a pretty girl...." He purred as he backed her up against a wall. She started shaking and she growled slightly. "I'm not a whore, go find some other girl working the street!" She spit coldly. The man's grin fell to a scrowl. "I wasn't asking...." He suddenly grabbed her throat and pinned her to the wall, pressing his lips against her neck. She squirmed and let out a scream as the man held her to the wall. His hand slowly went up her shirt, making her scream louder as it turned into sobs. "L-Leave me alone!!" She sobbed and struggled, her breathing was fast and hard. The man chuckled and started ripping at her shirt and he pulled at her pants. "Stop fighting me! It'll only hurt worse!" He hissed in her ear.

But then suddenly....

All she heard was the sound of a knife being drawn and the next thing she knew, blood splattered across her face as she fell to the ground. Her eyes were closed as she pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed. Who had saved her? She had almost been raped.... Maybe even killed after. There was men yelling and then..... Silence. Jenna shook as she sat, huddled, against the wall sobbing. She gripped her legs and kept her head buried.

That's when she felt a large hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" A male voice asked her. It sounded rough and a bit scratchy. But, there was something alluring about it. She slowly looked up and opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she wasn't expecting what she saw. There, in front of her, was a very handsome younger man, about in his early 30's. He had raven hair and a slight stubble around his chin. His cold gray eyes looked into her's and for some reason.... She felt safe. She gulped a little and shivered. "I-I'm o-okay...." She answered meekly as she shook. The man before her gave her a sympathetic look. "Why is a woman like you walking around at this time of night alone?" He questioned her as he looked her over discreetly, wanting to make sure she wasn't injured, physically. Jenna shook her head. "I-I don't have a place to stay. I'm always on the move. I don't have any family and.... I can't go back above ground." She muttered her answer. The man listened to her words. "No woman should be alone like this. Why don't you come stay at my place for a few days to see if we can find you a place to stay? I have food and the only other person there is my daughter. But she is in and out a lot." He explained, smiling slightly. Jenna felt shocked. Had this man, whom she didn't know, just offer her a place to live? He offered her food and a warm home? Who was this man? "I-I'm sorry.... But I don't even know you." She stuttered. A remorseful expression washed over the man's face. "Forgive me, Darlin'. I didn't introduce myself, my name is Kenny Ackerman." He introduced. Jenna felt her heart stop for a second. Kenny Ackerman? As in 'Kenny the Ripper'? She didn't show her fear, but why would a man like him, offer her, of all people, a place to stay? Jenna spoke. "M-My name is Jenna Gray." She replied softly. Kenny seemed to smile more as she told him her name. "So, will you allow me to let you stay at my place for a few days?" He asked. Jenna thought for a long moment. Maybe it was time for her to have some sort of comfort. She was tired of being treated like dirt. So, with her mind made up, she nodded. "Y-Yes. As long as I'm not a burden to anyone." She said quietly. Kenny grinned. "Well, Darlin'. I wouldn't offer if you were gonna be a burden. If there is one thing I hate, it is a woman having to live on the streets." He stated and stood, offering her his hand. "May I help you up?" He asked. Jenna didn't understand. Why was this man, of all people, being nice to her. She slowly put her small, fragile, hand in his and let him pull her to her feet. Once she was standing, it was obvious, she weighed little to nothing. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten food into her stomach or something cold or even warm to drink. Kenny looked over her in pity and shock. "When was the last time you ate?" He questioned. Jenna shrugged. "I don't know. A-About two weeks ago...." She admitted. "Shit... Okay. Let's get you to my home and get you something warm to eat and drink." He walked closer to her. "Please, allow me to carry you." He offered. Jenna merely nodded slightly, before he picked her up bridal style and walked with her. "Gods above, you're light. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But we will get you healthy again." He said calmly as she nodded weakly. The last thing Jenna remembered was falling asleep against Kenny's arm, while he carried her to his home.