

Synopsis: In the aftermath of Cinthrax's devastation by the malevolent Gravlok, Thorion inherits a mysterious power ring with ancient, deadly abilities, passed down through his bloodline. Fueled by the death of his father and the ruins of his hometown, Thorion embarks on a suspenseful quest for revenge. As Thorion harnesses the power ring's formidable energies, he unveils a sinister plot behind Cinthrax's destruction—an insatiable thirst for power driving Gravlok's malevolent ambitions. The suspense escalates as Thorion faces dark magic, treacherous landscapes, and unlikely allies, leading to a thrilling showdown with Gravlok.

Jimmyjo005 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A stranger

Edward the Wanderer was a man of mysterious origins, a nomadic soul driven by an insatiable thirst for adventure and a deep yearning to uncover the hidden wonders of the world. With a tattered leather satchel slung over his shoulder and a well-worn map in hand, he roamed the lands in search of mythical places and magical tales.

Edward's journey had taken him to the far corners of the earth, from the bustling bazaars of Marrington to the serene forests of Eldertree. Along the way, he had encountered enchanting creatures and encountered mystical phenomena that most could only dream of. He was a man of few words, letting his captivating stories do the talking.

One fateful evening, Edward arrived at the city of Davion, nestled at the foot of the imposing Eldermountain. As he passed through the towering gates, his reputation preceded him, and the townsfolk eagerly gathered to hear his tales. In the heart of the town's bustling square, beneath a sprawling oak tree, he began to recount his adventures.

With a voice that seemed to resonate with the very magic he spoke of, Edward narrated his encounters with ancient wizards who could summon storms and faeries that danced beneath the moonlight. He described far-off lands where enchanted springs healed the wounded, and mystical creatures guided lost travelers to safety. The crowd was enthralled, hanging on his every word.

Word of Edward's visit quickly spread through the city, and soon he found himself invited to the chambers of the Council of Elders, a group of wise leaders who governed Davion. They sought his wisdom, believing that a man who had ventured to the ends of the earth might possess knowledge that could aid their city.

Edward, ever humble, shared his insights about the magical tales he'd encountered in his wanderings. He suggested that Davion's strength lay in its unity and the protection of the natural wonders surrounding the city.

As Edward the Wanderer sat by the campfire under the twinkling stars, the night wind whispered ancient secrets through the leaves of the surrounding trees. He looked at his attentive audience and began to speak of the city of Asgalion.

"Ah, Asgalion," he said with a faraway look in his eyes. "It was a place of unparalleled beauty and enchantment. The streets were paved with glistening stones, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming iridescent flowers. The inhabitants were kind and gentle, and the city itself held magical tales of its own. You see, my friends, it was not just a city but a living entity, a being of its own."

Thorion and Laurem leaned in, captivated by Edward's words.

"The protectors of Asgalion," Edward continued, "were the Guardians of Lumina, powerful beings with the gift of harnessing the city's magic to maintain peace and prosperity. They ensured that Asgalion remained a haven of harmony and enchantment, a place where the mystical and the mundane coexisted in perfect balance."

Edward's voice trembled as he continued, "But Asgalion's beauty and magic caught the attention of a dark sorcerer, a being of immense power, who craved the city's enchantment for himself. He was known as Malgarn, the Black Sorcerer."

Edward paused, the flames of the campfire flickering in his eyes. "Malgarn launched a devastating assault on Asgalion, unleashing dark spells that tore through the city's protective wards. The Guardians of Lumina rose to defend their beloved city, but the battle that ensued was cataclysmic."

Edward's voice grew somber as he recounted the tragic events. "In the final confrontation between Malgarn and the Guardians, a powerful clash of magic erupted, so intense that it consumed them all. The very essence of Asgalion was at stake, and in their struggle, both the Guardians and Malgarn were drawn into a vortex of magic, a maelstrom of light and darkness. It is said that the city itself wept, for the loss of its protectors, and for its own fading enchantment."

Edward concluded, "Asgalion is no more, a memory of a city that once stood as a beacon of wonder. Its tales, however, live on, carried by wanderers like me who seek to preserve its memory and the lessons it imparts."

As the fire crackled and the night grew still, the three travelers contemplated the tragic fate of Asgalion, understanding the significance of their own roles as protectors and wanderers in a world filled with both magic and darkness.

Thorion and lauren were so curious about this wonderer and after the end of the tale said by "Edward". Thorion moved toward Edward and tell him about the last survivor of the city of Asgalion. Thorion told Eward that his late father "Rodrick" was the last survivor of the city of Asgalion.

Edward was suprised and could not help but ask more, u said late father, what happen to him? Thorion said to Edward my father died trying to protect the city of Cinthrax which was destroyed by "Gravlok the destroyer" a ruthless man seeking for power.