
The Kidnapped Scientist.

David thought in mind that if his dad left his lab at the usual time, then how can he not reach home till now.

He sat down calmly and started to think about his dad and the research, that his dad was doing, on the ring.

He went to his Secret Lab to get any clue about his dad.

He entered the lab, saw all the things on the floor, the computer was turned on, the files and documents everything out of order.

He was shocked by looking at all this and wondered that if someone has done this just to kidnap his dad from his workplace.

He saw the computer switched on, went towards it and found the folder named 'RING'. He opened the folder and found all the information about the location of the ring and its magical powers.

David understood that the Agency people had seen his dad working on the location of the ring and had found the location, so they kidnapped him.