
The Rifter: Machi Harkness

Volume 2 is incoming!! ***** In a world filled with disjointed words and half-finished stories, powers are ranked via levels, people would think there was so much unfairness and inequality. 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest. Enter Evermore Harkness. At the age of 22, she became the ruler of Academy City after a terrible war forced all the cities and nations to unite under one cause. As the biggest factor in causing their win, she became a loved figure and a figure of strength at a level 5.5. Now at 39, she still rules gracefully. So now she's the most influential person to exist. Yet she can never find a way to make one person interested in the society she built. Her very own son, Machi Harkness. 'Levels, as helpful as they are, can't quantify power,' the voice said, 'it changes and fluctuates. Machi, you are a very keen example of that. You are... the anomaly. The incorrect answer.' Machi just rolled his eyes at the voice. 'Carbine you haven't spoken in a month what are you now talking about?' (Only on WebNovel)

Trivia_JC · Fantasy
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41 Chs

20: Not How It Was Supposed To Go…

As Machi awoke, he looked to the room, watching the ice fade away and the power returning to him, confirming he did, indeed, open the book that allowed him access to the ice powers it stored. "You opened the book. Machi what the hell?!" Evermore yelled. The silence was evident in the room, shocked and worried, but some were stunned that her first words to her missing son of 5 years were not filled with any warmth or happiness, but anger. Zac worried about something like this happening upon their first meeting worried that Ever wouldn't say the right words and cause a larger rift between her son and herself. At that moment, they watched as Machi's face contorted into sadness and anger.

"Get out."

Evermore was stunned. Her green eyes widened at the demand. "I'm not 17. I'm 22, an adult who has passed any and every test that I didn't even consent to. I don't get why any of you are here." He stated firmly. No one made a move when he finally had it. "GET OUT!" And with the power he displayed not even 12 hours earlier, they listened to his demands and only Josette remained to watch over Machi as the drug filtered out of his system.

'Her first words to me after five years aren't even happy. They're annoyed critical anger filled words. Not a single... indication she's happy I'm back. That I'm alive.' Machi curled into a ball as his thoughts filtered between himself and Carbine. And the consciousness just listened. He didn't give his input because Machi was right. Evermore was allowed to criticise but now? That was purely wrong. The family he thought he lost, was before him, and she just reminded him why they were distant in the first place.


Zac headed to the hospital with Harper and left Evermore to deal with... whatever she said she was dealing with. Arriving, he was spotted by a familiar redhead. "You here for Machi too?" Zac asked.

"Yeah. But Jo said he doesn't want to see anyone." Rocco sighed, but either way, they tried their luck and headed to his room. In there, the ability tests were being run and Machi just looked at the door and saw Zac. Seeing him nod to the nurses, he allowed them in. Seeing Rocco helped lift his spirits after a particularly horrible day beforehand.

Their reunion was much happier than anything else Machi had been through the last few days. "I heard you got strong." Rocco teased.

"Not strong enough for the world out there. There are entire civilisations, races and yet... we are stuck here. Thinking that level 5 is the strongest."

"So," Zac asked as he sat down on the couch with Harper, "what level do you think Freed is at? Or, that Dragur friend of yours, Jisa." Rocco looked to Machi as he held his chin.

"Freed, well he hasn't shown his true power. He's strong enough to control an empire that controls 10% of the galaxies in the universe." They went pale at the news Machi revealed. "And Jisa? If we were to scale it up using levels, and with the theory that every level is an exponential grow... level... 50."

Zac went white and Rocco felt faint. "A-And we have that beast in custody?"

Hearing a small chuckle, Machi smiled. "No. She's cooperating because I asked her to. All the dragurs I came with are outcasts. They would be hunted for betraying the empire they were once a part of. Earth is probably the only place now that they can stay in without the fear of Freed and the dragur empire." Machi explained.

As they talked, Harper began babbling when the realisation hit them. "What's her name?" Machi asked softly. He didn't know what it would be like to be an older brother, but she babbled to herself (or Zac) while they spoke.

"Harper." Rocco smiled. "She took the Harkness name too."

Handing her over to Machi, he freaked. "Hey hey hey my hands may be freezing. I got dosed without permission!" He yelled. But holding his baby sister, she was giggling and babbling. "See. Nothing is wrong." Zac smiled. A warmth filled Machi as he met his little sister's eyes. They were the same as Zac's but unmistakably looked like their mother.

Rocco began explaining a few things that were happening currently when a particular event caught his attention, proceeding for him to ask Zac for a favour.

"Sure, that's not a problem... though you sure?"

He nodded and smiled.


Meanwhile, in Seraph Haven, an event - despite everything - was underway in construction. "All the tickets have been sold out. Have you gotten the teams from the other two circles?" Lord Hogwood asked. Looking up, he was met with the face of his now almost 22-year-old daughter.

Mira Hogwood.

Protégé level 5.1 excelling in sword arts like her father.

"Nothing from Academy City but Ashmire is sending 5 teams. All seem to be between 3.5 and 4. All are teams of-"

That's when the door opened and a courier handed Mira a letter from Academy City. Opening it, it had a confidential slip for her father which she handed to him and the team's list.

"5 teams too from Academy City. Levels are between 3... and 4.5. Is she crazy? A level 4.5 should be" Mira was cut off by her father.

"Let Evermore do what she wants. And having a level 4.5 here will mean if an attack occurs here, it will be our benefit." Hogwood scolded.

Mira looked at the names and rolled over the list.


Rocco, level 4.5

Caeser, level 3

Nyra, level 3.5

She didn't bother looking at the rest of the list now but remembered Rocco. He was the teleporter who was Machi's best friend and zoomed through the ranks at a similar pace to herself - yet with less help from authoritative figures like herself.

"Mira, I'm leaving the event to you to run. I will be watching but discussing with Hellyer and Harkness about everything too." She nodded and left the office to watch the arena be set up. The first stage was essentially team elimination. 5 teams from each city but... Team C only had two people. 'Are they that confident in their skills? Rocco... he's a level 4.5 and the level 3 averages their level to a 3.75 which is more impressive than some of our teams... but that's just idiotic.' Everything was being transported for the tournament between the cities.

'I wonder what is going to happen in Academy City. There was that guy who saved them all... who was he anyways?'

Mira Hogwood received a reputation of being an Ice Queen, despite her power being anything of the sort. She was the type to take missions alone, and disregard everyone and anyone if they only dragged her down. Only listening to her father, she also got the reputation of a spoiled child due to her behaviour and everything being handed to her. After that day 5 years ago, when she watched a level 2 arrive on the battlefield with the strongest people... it irked her.

Even if he died, she still felt useless that despite being as strong as she is... she was unable to do anything.