
Chapter 93: the Green Hat on Ye Chen’s head

(if u read above, you know what happened to my progress but you're not gonna get another chapter, cause this doesn't end on a cliff imo, but just say if you think it ended on a cliff, if enough people do, I'll post another, cause I'm still kinda unsure)

Compared with a one-time cooperation, the long-term benefits promised by Qin Tian are obviously more attractive.

Now the opportunity is here.

If she still couldn't make use of it, then all her work would have been in vain for so many years.


Zhang Qianqian was also thinking about it at this time.

Although she is indeed one who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, she herself is a very ambitious woman.

And she has her own ambitions.

She doesn't want to be someone else's lover.

She wants to be the main wife(hopefully that belongs to MD).

Qin Tian at this time is obviously just playing with her.

Can I agree to this promise? The Zhang family was saved, and there may be many big customers in the future.

If I disagree, then The Zhang family may really be over.

Not only will she lose everything she has now, but she may also be spurned by everyone in the Zhang family.

By that time, it is very likely that they wouldn't even have a person to rely on.

Would I have to rely on that wasteful husband at home?

Thinking of Ye Chen, Zhang Qianqian shook her head quickly.

Ye Chen is just trash, what can she expect from him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qianqian had the answer in her heart.

"Okay, President Qin, I promise, but you have to sign a contract with us first."

Zhang Qianqian was also very shrewd, and she feared that Qin Tian would not admit he signed it afterwards.

"Yes, no problem!" Qin Tian didn't care either: "Ms. Zhou, go call Manager Wu and your husband over."

"Okay, President Qin, I'll just go here."

Zhou Sumei was overjoyed and hurried to the next private room.

After a while, Zhang Jingming and Manager Wu reappeared into Qin Tian's private room with the contract!

Zhang Jingming had already seen the contract next door.

So after the three of them discussed for a while, Zhang Qianqian directly signed her name.

The contract was in triplicate, all signed with the names of both parties, affixed with Qin's official seal, and placed in front of Qin Tian.

"Mr. Wu, there is nothing to do with you here." Qin Tian said casually.

Wu Xianqiang nodded and left the private room directly.

Qin Tian looked at Zhang Jingming and his wife again: "Boss Zhang, your husband and wife should also go back. Later I will let your daughter bring back the contract that belongs to you. The contract is in triplicate.

One copy for the Qin family, one copy for the Zhang family, and one copy for the lawyer as a backup.

But everything must pay attention to one-handed payment, one-handed delivery.

Although Qin Tian's identity is placed here, it feels like it should be more magnanimous.

But he is the villain!

Handing over the contract before getting Zhang Qianqian always felt a little inappropriate.

So he chose to be a villain first and then a gentleman.

Zhang Jingming has some doubts why Qin Tian didn't bring the contract back to them directly.

But Zhou Sumei knew it well.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go back and talk about it."

Zhou Sumei urged her husband quickly, for fear of delaying Qin Tian's good deeds.

Oh, that's not right, I should be afraid of delaying the deed between Qianqian and Mr. Qin

As long as one's own daughter can become a person of Qin Tian, ​​their Zhang Jiafei(smth like golden goose?)is just around the corner.

After leaving the hotel!

Seeing that his wife is so happy, Zhang Jingming finally couldn't help but say: "Seeing you are so happy, what happened?"

"Isn't it…"

Zhou Sumei wanted to say something but stopped.

She wanted to tell the truth, but when she thought that this kind of thing needs to be kept secret.

So it's better to wait until things stabilize for a while before telling your husband.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly changed her words: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just that I signed the contract, and I was happy."

"Oh? Hehe, this thing should really be considered a fortuitous event!"

Zhang Jingming also smiled and said, "How about it? Let's go back and have a drink!"

"What, you want to do it in broad daylight?"

Zhang Jingming smiled: "It's been a long time since we...hehe…"

"Old and dishonest!"

Zhou Sumei let out a sigh of relief: "But… it's cheaper for you once today."


Zhang Jingming's eyes widened and his expression was incredible.

There was no chance at all, but I didn't expect...… Will Liu Yinhua be another village?(metaphor, idk what it means)

Gee, yes, yes!

Although she is an old wife, Zhou Sumei is well maintained and has a lingering charm.

In addition, Zhang Jingming rarely goes home, so he is extremely excited at the moment, throwing everything about his daughter directly out of the picture.

Dorsett Hotel, Tianzi size private room.

People are basically gone, only Qin Tian and Zhang Qianqian are left.

Zhang Qianqian deliberately wore a white tulle dress today, as well as a pair of high-heeled sandals under the feet.

Her lavender curls were carefully coiled.

Just looking at the appearance, it's very good.

"Lock the door, come and sit here!"

Qin Tian's expression was indifferent as he patted the space next to him.

There is no monitoring in the Tianzi private room, and it is also very soundproof.

There was also a sofa inside, so Qin Tian didn't bother to waste time to go to other places.

Zhang Qianqian was a little embarrassed: "Mr Qin, do you want to be here?"

"It's the same everywhere…"

Hearing this, Zhang Qianqian looked at the contract lying quietly on the dining table, then looked at Qin Tian's handsome face.

She seems to have no choice.

Can only lock the door silently, and then walked towards Qin Tian.

Originally, Qin Tian's figure and appearance were very popular with women.

But Ye Chen is the protagonist!

The protagonist has the protagonist's halo, and so do the female leads.

So Zhang Qianqian was not entranced by Qin Tian's looks.

of course, at this moment, nothing else matters.

Because the development of the plot is already following the rhythm of Qin Tian.

Don't you, Ye Chen,like to be a hidden boss?

Then you can hide enough.

When Laozi is tired of your wife, I can expose the identity of you, second young master!

Anyway, Zhang Family didn't know that Ye Chen was awesome, and Ye Chen didn't know that I signed the contract because of Zhang Qianqian.

The Ye family also didn't want the Zhang family to know that they were helping in secret.

With such a favorable time and place, if I didn't take advantage of this loophole, I would be a very sorry excuse for a villain.

As for whether to wear a gang?(idk ab this)

Qin Tian didn't worry at all.

As long as he's a little bit hidden, who would know?

Take 10,000 steps back, what if you wear it out?

Qin Tian now has at least one hundred ways to deal with Ye Family.

On the other side, Zhang family Villa.

Ye Chen didn't even know that there was already a Large Green Hat on his head.

He only knew that he was very happy today.

Because of his own reasons, the wife is about to sign a contract with the Qin Group.

And she didn't know that it was thanks to him.

As long as you continue to develop in this way, I believe that I will not expose my identity as Ye Clan Young Master.

My wife will soon change her mind and fall in love with me.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen flashed a knowing smile.

Even his cleaning of the room was more vigorous.

While Ye Chen was wearing an apron and mopping the floor in the villa with a mop, Zhang Jingming and his wife returned to the villa.

Seeing his mother and father-in-law who came to the living room arm in arm, Ye Chen spoke subconsciously.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law… Didn't Qianqian come back with you?"

"It's not your shit(this is legit the original), why do you care so much?"

Zhang Jingming was a little unhappy when he was disturbed by good things.

"Where my daughter has gone, do I need to report it to you? Look at your virtue, except for mopping the floor and cleaning up all the time? Can you grow a little bit of waste?"

Seeing Ye Chen who was mopping the floor, he thought of Qin Tian's wave of hands, and suddenly, there was a transaction amount of hundreds of millions.

Zhou Sumei's expression was even worse.


Ye Chen seemed to be accustomed to being scolded. Facing the nagging of the two elders, he didn't dare to talk back even if he had the backing.

The two elders ignored him and went upstairs arm in arm, got him to get out of the villa before going up, and told him he is not allowed to come back until night.

Ye Chen was very depressed, but he couldn't help it. He had to listen to his elder's order.

Had to leave the villa to let the wind out.

He took out his cell phone and wanted to call Zhang Qianqian.

But he was afraid of being scolded by my own wife.

But when he thinks that the two elders are back, yet Zhang Qianqian has not yet come back, he became a little worried.

"I care about her, so I should disturb her, am I right?"

Ye Chen cheered himself up.

Thinking of this, he found his wife's phone number and started to dial it again and again.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered it.

Ye Chen was a little puzzled, and tried again.

The phone finally got through.

"Wife, what are you doing?"

"I…I'm in the gym…running…"

Zhang Qianqian's voice sounded a little panting, and it did look like she was running.( next chapter, we're probably gonna hear there was clapping noises in the background LMAO)

But this is not the point. The point is that my wife didn't scold me the moment he picked up the phone?

Ye Chen was overjoyed.

Comment for this chapter:

The phone finally got through.

"Wife, what are you doing?"

"I…I'm in the gym…running…"

Zhang Qianqian's voice sounded a little panting, and it did look like she was running.