
The Revolution Series I: The Uprising

‘The Revolution Series I: The Uprising’ is a dystopian fiction novel written in the first-person point of view and divided into twenty-five chapters. It is set in a fictional country called Sapagna where an authoritarian government rules corruptively in order to benefit the upper-class citizens, most of whom live in the capital city, Mentrish. The lower classes live in the different counties in Sapagna and their main objective is to provide the citizens of Mentrish with all the goods they need. In exchange for their work, the inhabitants in the six counties—Whiteland, Seashoreland, Windland, Scentland, Mercyland and Rockland—can keep a minor part of the production. As a way to keep the inhabitants of the counties amused and unaware of how the Sapagnist society really works, the leader of the country—Christopher Oldus—created a new sport when he became the leader. Several arenas were built throughout the country in order to celebrate combats where two or more fighters fought to death in exchange for a substantial quantity of money. Such fighters were named black stings, who trained in and fought for the so-called ludclubs. The term ‘ludclub’ referred to a company managed by a Lord that took on as many men as he could, and who owned facilities where the black stings had everything they needed for their training. On the other hand, many bookmakers were set up and the citizens were encouraged to bet on black sting contests. Moreover, the government started to announce that becoming a black sting was the easiest way to make a fortune in a short period of time; therefore, the youngest male citizens started to look up on the black stings in such a way that turning into one was the only thing they could dream about. The ‘Revolution’ series tells the story of Exeus Wildfred, a Windlander black sting who fights for Lord Ben Centric’s ludclub in Mentrish. Exeus becomes the national champion in the 2666 season after defeating the champion of Lord John Lawyer’s ludclub—the other ludclub in the capital of Sapagna—and meets Leader Christopher Oldus after such a win when, unexpectedly, the Leader shows up at the gates of his house. The Leader tells him about a secret plan that will let Exeus make a big name for himself if he agrees to help the Leader. Sapagna is getting ready for an international war and Oldus wants Exeus to lead an army of black stings that will win that war for Sapagna; however, Exeus denies and dares to defy the Leader, which will unleash a series of events that will cause trouble for the main character of this story.

George_Nougat · Sci-fi
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Lucy woke me up at 10 a.m. She knew that the previous day had been a hard day and didn't want to wake me up so early. She had already tidied up the wine and the cups I had used the night before, and had also cooked some home-made buns for breakfast.

Lucy was my maid. She was a black girl in her thirties who had left Rockland County, where she had been born, several years before with the intention of finding a good job in the capital and living worthily; but life didn't give her what she had been looking for until I arrived in Mentrish and purchased my house. She was the only black woman who applied for the job. I could have chosen any white blond girl that I had interviewed, but I chose Lucy because I had never been a racist.

I lived in a house with two floors: on the ground floor was the kitchen, the living room, a small toilet basically for guests, and the garage where I kept my luxury cars; upstairs, the spacious room where I slept in a double bed, a fully equipped bathroom, and a small office where I used to relax by reading or having a drink. I hadn't bothered too much decorating any of the rooms in the house, not even with photographs; although I was planning to print a very large copy of the image that I would like the most from among the many taken the afternoon when I became national champion. It would decorate the living room where, after taking a good shower, I sat waiting for Lucy to serve me breakfast.

"I was wondering whether I had to come this morning to cook your breakfast and tidy up your bedroom, or just to pick up my luggage," Lucy said.

"Did you think Theodor was going to slay me? You disappoint me, Lucy. I thought you had faith in me," I answered in a humorous tone.

"I have faith in you, sir; but you never know..." she justified her thoughts.

"I was just kidding, Lucy. It's okay," I tried to make her feel at ease. "Do you know who was here last night?"

Lucy looked at me, and shook her head.

"Leader Christopher Oldus and Minister William Swansea," I let her know.

"Are you serious, sir? What did they come for? What did they want from you?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Something I refused. They are going to start a campaign to increase the number of registrations in ludclubs. They want more black stings, according to them, to form an army in case we are invaded by a foreign country. They are going to take the money to instruct them from public education, which is going to be abolished in a few months if they don't change their minds," I replied, noticeably saddened.

"I can't believe what you've just said. They want to turn Sapagna into a military society? That's mad, isn't it?" Lucy opined.

"I'd say it's unnecessary. There's something in their reasons...that makes no sense. They said that there are countries that are running out of natural resources and, consequently, they will come to get ours. Honestly, I don't believe it," I affirmed. "Anyway, I'm going to carry out further investigation. Thank you for such a wonderful breakfast, Lucy."

"You are always welcome, sir. Do you need anything else?" she queried.

"Oh, no. Thanks, Lucy. I'm going to the ludclub; I have some issues to deal with," I told her as standing up.

"Sure, sir. Have a good day," she wished me as proceeding to clear the table.

I chose my red Prolix that day. I wanted my best car to drive me to the ludclub on such a glorious day. I chose a different one every day because I lived in the outskirts of the city, in a private area that only residents could access to avoid undesirable visitors which, in my case, were fans and journalists.

I had to go across the city to get to Lord Centric's ludclub, as it was on the opposite side of Mentrish, so I spent almost an hour travelling from the house where I lived to the ludclub where I trained. On my way, it could be noticed that one characteristic that defined our society was inequality. As I was driving to the city, I could see different groups of people who had joined to create homeless societies whose members had to provide as many resources as they could for their respective societies to have a place where they lived, shared clothes to stay warm and ate anything they could find. Most people who belonged to those societies had lived in the city before; they had had a decent job and salary, but they had lost everything by betting on black sting contests.

That image contrasted with what could be seen within the city: luxurious cars, expensive clothes and people who only minded their appearance under lots of skyscrapers where the most important national companies had settled. Among the many buildings that formed Mentrish, there was one which stood out because it was the only which had a base narrower than its top, besides being the tallest one; it was the building of the national bank's main headquarters. There was only one bank in Sapagna and no money could leave the country, so the whole Sapagnist economy was managed through and controlled by the national bank.

When I got to Centric's ludclub the day after the final, his secretary Jack Olsen came to receive me.

"Good morning, Exeus. What a heart-stopping fight yesterday, uh? Lord Centric is waiting for you in his office. I will lead you there. Follow me, please," he requested.

"It's okay, Jack. I've been to Centric's office hundreds of times. I think I can go on my own. Find something else to do," I refused before winking at him, leaving him behind.

I knocked on Centric's office door and he told me to come in. It was a wide office, with a window wall that offered magnificent views of the city center; skyscrapers stood out in the distance, among them, the tallest and most imposing of all: the headquarters of the national bank.

"Here the best sting ever comes! Trust me; I'll never forget your win against Theodor. That fucking giant had most bets in his favour, which means that we are fucking rich now!!" he boasted, sitting in his comfortable black swivel chair, behind a semicircular glass table, his back to the window wall. "Do you know how much we have earned?"

"Surprise me. Will I have to fight again, or I can retire?" I kidded.

"Not yet, Exeus," he said after chuckling; "but your holidays are going to be fucking mad if you get to spend all that money."

"Well, I was thinking of staying in Mentrish, in fact," I admitted. "I would like to spend some time chilling out and...updating myself. It has been a long time since I left my studies and I have realised that I live in a world about which I know very little. I think that I am going to bring myself up to date on some topics."

It looked like my commentary made Centric upset. He looked at me and asked me to sit down.

"I know who visited you last night, Exeus. I also know what he proposed you and that you rejected his offer. Are you aware of how dangerous contradicting the leader is?" my lord asked me in a serious tone.

"I did not contradict him. I just said to him not to count me in," I pointed out. "Do you agree with his plan?"

"I don't give a fuck about his plan. I want you alive. I need you alive. You are my fucking champion," were the words chosen by Centric to justify his dissatisfaction.

"Is he going to send someone to kill me? It isn't an easy task to fulfil, according to my criteria," I answered, showing no fear.

"He is not going to send anyone. He phoned me this morning before you came. He wants me to convince you. He says that I must do it before the following season begins," Centric informed me. "I want no consequences, Exeus. When you inherited Charles' position in this ludclub you insisted on bringing your brother here; I trusted you and he is one of you now. You must trust me too. Do as the leader commands and forget your principles; otherwise, there will be consequences for both of us."

"I am sorry. I did not mean to involve you in this, my lord. I will speak to him," I promised.

"No. He doesn't want to meet you yet," Centric refused adamantly. "He wishes you a fantastic holiday, during which he expects you to think about all this. You'll meet him again in February, when you resume your training."

"Fine. Hence, if there are no further concerns, I will see you in a month, Lord Centric. Enjoy your holiday as well," I wished him. "Thank you very much for meeting me."

"Thank you, Exeus. You really deserve this holiday. Think of what we have been talking about," the lord insisted.

I left Centric's office and suddenly someone began to asphyxiate me from behind. After a few seconds, he released me and started laughing. It was my brother, Severus.

Severus was the most skilful boy ever seen. He was tall and thin, and had short blond hair. At the age of 20, he had just become a colleague in Centric's ludclub and his skills with spears were worthy of a national champion. Severus had been raised as a black sting in ludclubs of Windland County, just like me. Even though he had not turned into a champion there, my insistence on his signing led Centric to trust me and bring him to Mentrish, where Centric expected him to follow in my steps.

"Oh, it is the new champion of Sapagna! Shall I kneel before you?" he kidded.

"Very funny, Severus. Do you want me to laugh my ass off?" I asked him ironically.

"Oh, come on, brother! I was just kidding. You've earned what you're now. I'm really proud," he praised me.

"Are you still being sarcastic?" I wanted to make sure that he wasn't kidding me.

"Not at all. And I'm not the only one who thinks like this. Come with me. There's someone else who wants to see you," he commented as quickening his pace to overtake me.

He led me to the ludclub's courtyard, where Chap, Dren, Deyf, Wert, and even Arnes were waiting for me.

"Here I bring an embodied god, guys!" Severus announced.

All of them began to shout my name so loudly that I think it could be heard throughout Mentrish.

Then, Chap, who was quite short and had a receding hairline and a red-haired beard, approached. Despite the fact that he first decided to fight with two little axes, time had led him to fight incredibly skilfully with one big heavy axe only. He arrived in Centric's ludclub along with me at the age of 23, after becoming the champion of the ludclub in Great Virtue, Whiteland County, where he belonged.

"You made it, bro. I knew you would. Well, we all knew," he confessed.

"I wasn't that sure, indeed," Arnes said while approaching. "But you made it. I must congratulate you for your new status. You worked really hard to get to be where you are now. Undoubtedly, you are a worthy heir of Charles. He taught you well. Now, you're more a beast than a man in the arena."

Arnes' career as a black sting was the longest one of all Centric's men's. He was the oldest sting in Centric's ludclub; however, he was also the most muscular, a characteristic which, along with his considerable height and his stylish brown hair, gave him an imposing presence. At the age of 29, he had had several glorious moments in the arenas of his original county, Seashoreland County, thanks to his perfect management of double-bladed swords, which needed to be grabbed with two hands. He became the champion of Seashoreland County three consecutive times; however, he never got to become a national champion; first, because of Charles' ferocity, and later, due to my hunger for glory and popularity.

"He taught me how to be a survivor; and that's what I do every time I step into the arena: survive," I answered him.

"Keep on doing this, and perhaps you'll win next year too," Arnes told me before wishing me a good holiday and leaving the courtyard.

"It looks like Arnes has started liking you. Your performance in the arena yesterday might have changed his mind," Dren guessed.

"What about yours, Dren?" I asked him.

"My mind has always trusted you. You did as I expected; although I didn't expect you could rip his head off that easily," he replied sincerely.

"I had a hunch, and I didn't doubt it," I justified my decision.

Dren, a very tall blond boy who used to shave his beard daily, had fought in a ludclub in Whiteland County for 10 years when, being 24, Centric decided that it was time for him to demonstrate his stunning technique with the double-pointed spear in the arena of the capital. He ended his preparation trained by me, although he had started it with my predecessor, Charles.

"And now...aren't you going to organise something? I'm hungry for girls, champ," Wert commented, as appropriate as always.

"Of course, I'm going to organise a big party; but considering that neither you nor my brother are official black stings yet, neither of you is invited. Sorry, dude," I lied to him.

Wert, a medium-height brown-haired boy with a black beard who fought with a sword and a shield, was one of the latest men to sign for Centric's ludclub. At the age of 25, he was very promising, yet he didn't aspire to become a national champion. He came from Scentland County, after becoming the champion of the ludclub for which he used to fight.

"You tried to be cocky, but you had your ass hard fucked by the words of the greatest champion ever instead," Deyf said, shaking my hand. "It was awesome, Mr. Exeus. I really enjoyed the fight."

Deyf, who fought using a sword and a shield, ended his preparation trained by me, even though he started it with Charles, just like Dren. Deyf was quite thin and around 1.70 metres tall, with dark hair and a black beard. His pointed nose was his most peculiar characteristic. His original ludclub was in Whiteland County but, when he was 26, Centric decided to bring him to his ludclub in Mentrish because of his incredible skills with the sword.

"Mr. Exeus? Are you going to call me that from now on, Deyf?" I smiled.

"There would be no problem," he replied.

"No, thanks. Any of you would also have been worthy of being in the final," I told them before pausing; "though you're lucky you weren't, as you all still get to keep your heads on your shoulders," I concluded, making everybody laugh. "Well, you will all be welcome tonight at the Afrodita at 10 p.m. I hope you all come. Everything's paid, so don't worry; just come and have fun."

"Count all of us in," Chap asserted.

"Wert! You and Severus are invited too," I yelled at him, smiling while waiting for his reaction.

"Oh yeah, man! I knew you would change your mind in the end," Wert showed his delight. Then, he approached, messed my hair up, and left running.

"I can still do it again!!" I shouted while he was leaving. Next, I approached my brother. "Come with me, Severus. We have to talk about something that happened last night at home."

We moved towards the car park where I had my car. For that, we had to go through the whole facility again. I was telling my brother about my unexpected meeting with the leader when we saw Arnes leaving Centric's office.

"Still here, bro?" I asked him.

"Yes, I wanted to meet Lord Centric before going on holiday. I just wanted to tell him that I'm gonna take next season as a new chance for me to fight for the title you own now. I won't surrender," he stated, smiling. "However, Lord Centric replied that he has faith in you. He says there's no sting that could beat you; a point I highly disagree on, honestly."

"Well, what do you want me to say? We are colleagues, yet we are rivals. We will both do our best and we'll see who goes further. I see your candidacy as a challenge. I'll have to train hard if I want to keep my position in and outside the ludclub," I responded respectfully.

"You will," he agreed. "Enjoy your holiday, champ. See you in a month."

Arnes gave me a pat on my back and moved away.

"Aren't you coming to the Afrodita tonight?" Severus asked Arnes while he was leaving.

"I have nothing to celebrate, boy," he shouted while distancing.

Arnes had been trying to become the champion of the ludclub for three years. First Charles and then I had overtaken him on the path towards such a position, and that's why he looked so annoyed. But I was really proud of him and his insistence. He was the only black sting in the ludclub who could put me in the shade, and that was some extra motivation for me.

I drove my brother home as, on our way, we analysed the situation in which Leader Oldus had put me. I had no other choice but to accept his offer of encouraging as many kids as possible to give up on school and register themselves in ludclubs in order to turn into skilful black stings at Oldus' service. My brother, however, disagreed with such a commitment. He asked me if I still remembered the reason why I decided to face the trials; how scared I was; and how saddened when I moved to Windswept City because it meant that I wouldn't be able to see my family for long. He was right, but I wasn't the same person anymore. My time in Mentrish had changed my mind.

"How long has it been since the last time you visited or phoned mum and dad, Exeus? Why did you stop sending them money? You've never told me about that," Severus asked me.

"There's nothing to tell. I arrived here two years ago and everything just changed," I replied succinctly.

"Just changed?" my brother enquired with an expression of incredulity on his face. "I've been living in Mentrish for a year and I'm the same person who left Windswept City. I keep on sending a part of my pay to our parents in Scissors, and I keep on praying for the day when I don't need to fight any more to come; for the day when I can move back to Scissors to live a quiet and quality life thanks to the gains that I will have obtained from my performances in the fucking arena."

"You wish that, and you haven't even stepped in the arena of Mentrish yet," I took the floor. "You don't know that feeling...when everybody starts shouting your name. Look at me. I own a house and three cars, and I haven't invested what I've earned this season yet. With what I'm about to be paid I could buy three more houses and twenty cars; and I will even double that if I win next season. There will be no worries, and we will both live like kings, especially in two years, when you will win your first competition and will hold my current title."

"Wake up, brother. It looks like I'm not the only one who daydreams," Severus said after shaking his head.

"We've arrived," I announced while looking around. "When will you move in with me? There's plenty of space for both of us in my house. You don't need to rent a flat in this...questionable neighbourhood."

"Once again, I'll decline your offer," Severus reaffirmed his decision before getting out of the car, quite upset. "I'll see you tonight at the Afrodita."

I used to think the same way as him, but such a mentality wouldn't have let me be what I had got to be. Charles always said that pity, resignation and kindness were black stings' first three rivals. If you couldn't get rid of them, you wouldn't kill any black stings; and if you didn't kill any black stings, you'd never lessen the number of opponents you'd have to defeat in your way towards glory. This was his philosophy, and he was the first bi-champion in history. He transmitted such feelings to me, I absorbed them, and, at that moment, I had achieved everything I had set out to do.