
The Revolting

AkaneZero · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Ch. 1 - New Beginnings

"Hey!" A man yelled.

Rain was felt and heard as it fell loudly around them.

"God dammit! Soldier wake up!" He yelled again

A gasp came from him. "Fuck! Leave him, we need to go, camp I'd 20miles out, we only have 1hour before it's dark... fuck fuck!" Hun fire then was heard.

"We can't!" A woman yelled.

"Werw getting overwhelmed... leave him... move out, that is an order now stand down" the leading office yelled.

The company then nodded.

"It's either him or us... I rather we get home alive... the people need these supplies. And these God dammed haunted are gonna let us go alive... now move!" The office yelled.

He laid there unconscious, out in an ally, as he was seemingly left to die.

"Wake up." Another woman said. "You... no... your offspring... will be my host... so wake up... you cannot die yet." He then shot up hours later that night. He gasped and then heard loud screaming and then, a haunting howl and growl.

"Oh fuck..." he whispered and got up slowly, and careful. He looked at his scanner on his wrist and also then difused all his magic presence. "I cant be out here... need to head insides... before they find me..." he then felt pain at his ribs and waist. "Ah fuck..." he grunted and slowly walked around the corner of the ally. "They left me... good..." his head throbbed. "Fuck." He heard jumping across rooftops and feels queit. He then limped a broken down building and slowly walked inside. It looked like a shoe store, and so he then grabbed his pistol out, and lowered his head goggles, having built in magic night vision. He looked around as he locked the door, and then make sure the building was clear. When he did, he heard more running just above him. Until it was gone. He looked at his scanner and saw nothing was around now. "I better find the second floor." He limped upstairs, and decided to take the risk, and restart his magic, and began to heal himself. "Ah..."

Magic healing, on one self wasn't to effective, but just slow as he would heal right back up fine.

He followed the good enough rule, and once he naturally felt he could heal, he stopped and basically shot off his magic output again.

"That's voice... who was that? And who were they talking about?" He wondered. He laid down on the run down couch, but also took of his military armour, and saw how ruined it was. "Damn freaks..."

His armour was destoyed, magic burns from the walking undead tore his protective gear apart. But also, the jumpers claws and scratching all broke and torn off his pouches. There was also acid from split heads made most his ammo and clothing unusable.

He then sorted his gear. Only a spare clip for his rifle. And all his pistol clips are fine. But he had no protection. So if he wanted to be safe he had to use magic, but using even a bit was to risky. "Stealth and parkour will be my means of travel... so rooftops, I'll need to stay above ground..." he got up and looked for food, but found only expired good. "Fuck me... whatever... I'm not far from the settlement... I'll make it back home in the morning." He felt his head pound again.

"Your awake... my vessel." The voice again.

"No... no no no!" He then took off his clothes to see if he was infected my any chance. And seeing himself naked in a broken mirror he saw nothing, but old healed scars and his build pale body.

"Can you hear me...?" She said.

"Who is that?" He asked.

"Good... you can hear me... Hush now... those... nightmares you humans call it... are closing in..." she warned him.

His eyes widen as he queit down. He also slowly went to grab his gun and his survival knife. He tried to think.

"You in deep trouble..." she spoke again to him.

He then felt his hair raise, thinking her voice would attract them.

He then heard them. Somehow these undead and pure magical monsters could wall on all fours along the building, and would walk across the windows on his floor. There sharp claws tapped the windows and its heavy breath would for the window. Then lightning stuck showing it monsters machin like animal body. It then mimicked a voice. "Help... me... help... me..."

He recognized it. It was the voice of a little girl that went missing from his camp. He recognized it because it was his sisters kid. The same sister who left him ealier. There Mission was to find supplies, but the two of them were also looking for her.

It took a his might not to succumb to rage.

"Calm down... or they will notice your magic..." she said to him.

He then thought, which gave him a means to communicate with this voice he was hearing. "Shut... up."

"I'm just trying to help..." she chuckled.

"What the hell are you?" He asked watching as the monster left.

"Me... hm... should I tell you?" She chuckled and mocked.

"God dammit now is not the time to fuck with me... what are you?!" He demanded.

"Im... this universes... overlord." She then snapped her fingers, bring his consciousness to her realm.

He then saw her, and the monster she was, part machine, undead, and covered in plantlife almost like a blooming flower. She glared at him as she had a massive body and presence, the sky and light pink and a haze of blue and purple. The moon. Pure white. He couldn't say anything.

"We have a bit of time... but, I'm glad we finally meet..." she said.

"What... in God's are you?" He asked.

"Your queit dumb... I just said... I'm this universe, overlord." She sighed and grabbed his leg with a thorn and vine as she hung him upside down. "I'm what you human beings made... at least... what's become of this planet... it's the only place we let have life and amuse ourselves with or rather limit too..."

Her words made no sense. "We? Limit? Made you?"

"Don't think to hard... you might fry and explode your own skull out if you try to make sense of it..." she laughed. "Anyways... as I said. This is my universe, I'm your overlord... we watch, guide and choose what we do with you... all of you. But... I have been growing bored... so I'm allowing you a special miracle... to revive this world back to its natural beauty... personally, I could snack my fingers and fix it... but our rules don't allow that... so this is how we have fun...." she ranted.

"I don't... understand..." he then began to piece it together.

"Oh boy, I didn't pick an idiot did i? I gave your parents a serious chance, did I get stuck with a dumbass?" She complained.

"What do you mean... when you said... a miracle?" He wondered.

"Oh, so your paying attention... let me explain..." she set him down. "In short... you humans, are about to be wiped out... the monsters you created from the magical fallout are mutating every day. And lately... I've noticed something amazing... those same monsters... which already have bee. Using magic... have been creating their own form of magic and evolving, nature finds a way as your kinda put it..." she snickered. "Soon... or rather.. I'm sure, some of the humans on your planet have already met them... monsters the size of buildings and houses... I can't wait to see you try and survive, do make sure you fight with everything you have." She then impaled him with a vine forcing him to wake up for his hypnotized state.

He gasped and checked his body and he was fine. He was sweating and then got up. Putting back on his clothes and then got to the roof. "Focuse... head home first... talk to your sister... then... make sense of what the fuck just happened." He saw the clear area and began to sprint and jump. He made he way alone across roofs and head back to his settlement.

On his way, he then tried to talk through his ear piece. "Captian... Snow. Does anyone copy?!" He asked.

And got a reply.

"This is Fort Rite settlement, who's on our line?" A woman asked.

"It's me... Proxy. I was left behind last night. Can you open the gate, I'm not far."

"Proxy!? I'll let the captain know! Hurry!"

"Why?" He asked. "What's happened."

"We found Snow's daughter, I know you and her have been looking an-" she was cut off.

He yelled "kill her! Now! That's not her... last night, a nightmare I heard used her voice! That a ghoul!" He warned.

"Oh my god!" The woman on the radio then alerted the others and soon a commotion then started.

He would arrive not to long and could start hearing a Compton, he would hear his sister, code named Snow. And her yelling of her child being givin back. Only for then the sound of a bullet being fired. He burst through the gate and saw his sister being held back by some other soldiers as there on the ground was her dead 'daughter' and the captain. Who then pit his smoking gun into his holster.

His hard and tough voice spoke up. "I got a report, saying she was a ghoul... you know I can't risk that danger here..."

"Whag proof did you have!" She yelled angry and with tears.

"Captian..." one of their mutual friends was also stunned.

"I reported it..." Proxy spoke up, as he came over to the middle of the scene. "It's true sis... thats... not her... you know what that means..." he truly felt awful this was how she found.

"No..." she then believed it. Without a second thought.

However the captain then aimed again but to him. "Proxy... how do I know you ain't one..."

Tension rised. "I wouldn't have reported what I did..."

"Good..." he then sighed and walled away.

He walked over to her as she was let go. And hugged her on the ground. "I'm sorry... I really am."

She then cried in his arms, grabbing onto her tightly.

The body, of the ghoul who took the appearance of her soon began to dissolve as it was killed in the light, and began to turn into a puddle of blood and guts, only proving it was a ghoul.

He got up, carrying Snow to there shared little spot in the settlement and set her down on couch. The painful realization that she just lost her daughter and him, his niece was all to real, when the sight of dirty toys were spread about.

He was angry, and for go reason. He only could hear his sister cry her eyes out.

He noticed her Picture of her and her once also alive husband. It was awful. Of the two of them. She was the only one with a family of her own. Now it was all gone. Leaving her left with just him.

He took a deep breath, and then looked around their home. "We... i... will prepare a grave for her... I'll, put it next to his..." he said. And walked over gently petting her head.

She then grabbed his arms and hugged him again. She was a mess. Losing her daughter. When not so long again she lost her husband. She then looked up at him with teary eyes and pain.

"I'm so sorry... I couldn't find her in time..." he said, and tilted his head back. One of there friends, soon came over. And knocked as he let himself in.

"Proxy... I need a word..." he asked.

"Rick, now ain't the time..." he said.

"Is about leaving you... the lieutenant, asked me to bring you." He pushed. "Sorry man..."

He sighed, grunting. "Fine... stay and... make sure she doesn't hurt herself..." he told her.

"You got it." Rick then stayed sat on a couch to watch her.

He would walk to the headquarters, and met with the lieutenant. "What the fuck do you want."

"Talk to me like that again, I dare you punk." He then shobed him. "You knownyour place.

"Yeah fuck you, you left me fucking behind... your lucky I don't kill you... not to mention, after whag my sister had to deal with, your lucky I'm not suckered punching you right now" he was raging hard.

"I had to keep everyone, amd you sister alive, so yeah I did.. and I'd do it again." The lieutenant then stepped back.

He stopped himself from mocking the lieutenant. He knew he was only unconscious because he shoved the lieutenant out of the way from harm. He took a deep breath and sighed. "What... did you want..."

"As much as a punk you were... I wanted to say sorry. For leaving you... but also thank you. Your recon got us supplies... and you also saved me... I did leave you, but I had a plan to also go retrieve you... I'm glad your back... and also, I'm sorry, about your niece... I know you and Snow were also keeping am eye for her... now. Work... we just got work, there are some raiders planning to ambush our trade with the Foreman's. We need them, to build up our defenses, and exchange supplies..."

"They are across the city and in there subways, no way, we can cover all that ground safety an-" he was cut off by the lieutenant.

"I know that!! Listen... there is a change of plans... we agreed to meet in the subways... so... we are organizing a team... to take on the subways under our settlement." He explained.

"That's suicide..." he said.

"We need these supplies. And I agree, but... we have no choice.. it's a straight line... but very dangerous... but there is goo news... they also will be forming a team and we meet in the middle... we only have to cover half the distance..." he explain. "Can you go with my team?"

"I..." he then thought. "How much time till operation."

"Two days... before then... take your time to get new equipment... and spend with your sister." The lieutenant said.

"Understood." He then left, and went to see the armoury. Where he met with the keeper.

"Yeah, hot stuff..." a woman said to him, smoking and in just army pants and black tank top. "What you looking for...?"

"I need new gear Amanda." He said. "All my shits been burn, torn or of course, stolen."

"Your lucky I like you... but, new gear is gonna cost... you slips?" She asked putting a hand out.

"Your kidding, the lieutenant said to come and pick up new gear... he didn't cover me for the expenses?!" He was annoyed.

"Well, since you got a pretty face, you pay me another way." She cheerful chimed.

"No way, you know I hate how you smell, damn ash tray." He sighed.

"Awe come... didn't stop you last time..." she played with her large breast for fun bouncing and rubbing them against him.

He could tell she had no bra on. "Come on, stop meeting with me... fine what's the free or cheap stuff..." he gave up.

"I'm messing, yeah that geezer covered you.... he made sure this time though to pack you the best... so hear..." she got down picking up a heavy auto shotgun with a full two boxes of shotgun ammo. "He said, this operation was important, so I had to make sure you get the best... gear too... wanted you to have the best stuff to survive... since you specialize in recon. New scanner and new nvg's for the subway... also, I made sure you have a better pair of knives... we can make the weapon they can with magic and stuff, but this should be still Hugh quality by our standards..." she said. "You know what your dealing with right? Those monsters down there won't play nice... so don't both saving ammo... you come back alive for Snow alright. That poor girl had one shifty day."

"So you heard..." he said.

"How could I not... it's all these people can gossip about... first her husband... now her only little girl... its... to much." She then puffed a smoke. "I also want you back alive for my sake... your the only old face I've seen that hasn't died on me... your practically a veteran, you should be lieutenant in my opinion" she said to him.

"Thank you..." he would then put on the new armour, and would then take the new gun. And would walk away heading home

Which then, he began to set his new gun on the table, as he began to check the two drum mags and 5, 20 round magazines. He would start loading them with the powerful ap rounds. Each load, would remind him of his duty, and he would remember his niece, brother in law, and his sister. He was angry, more than anyone. He was raging and reaching his limit.

"Michele..." snow said his real name as she came over to him. "What are you doing." She asked and sat down.

"Raven..." he used her real name. "Im... preparing. I'm being sent out to go on an important operation two days from now... they personally asked me..."

She knew that had to meam, this misson was a very dangerous one. "Don't go..."

"I cant just say no to the captian... I have too." He said to her. "I'll come back alive... I promise you."

She was silent. "Let me come with you." She asked.

"Sure..." he agreed. "You won't try to get yourself killed will you?" He had to ask. "I know... your feeling suicidal after all that's happen... and you know how dangerous it is here... so... will you try to survive." He asked her.

"Never mind..." she laid her head on the table. "I'll stay here... for you."

"I wish I could do more for you." He said to her.

She gripped her sleeve of her clothing hearing her brother. "Its... okay... I was just naive big brother..."

"No, no don't that..." he then grabbed her arms and turned her so she got a look at him. He cupped her face in his hands. "You... non of this is your fault... you... fuck" he then cried a bit. "You, are the best mother... sister and friend... you did all you could for her and your husband... this isn't your fault got it... stay strong for them, let them live on with you. Understand." He then hugged her.

She held onto him tightly, giving her the strength she needed, for just a bit.

Time would pass. And the day finally came. He was there ready with his gun and gear. Gathered at the subway entrance the captian was there. "We need this route cleared out... you all understand... come back home... to your friends, family and loved ones... don't you fail me... or you'll hell to pay. Proxy... your lead here. These men are yours... and we'll have constant communication up. We have a stand by team ready to help pull you out.."

"Understood sir..." he then stepped up, and looked at the men and woman under him. "Proxy, I specialize in recon... so information is key... do any of you know what's down there?" He asked them.

The 20 to 30 group or people shook their heads. "No sir..."

"Fuck... fresh meat are you kidding me cap." He looked at him.

"It's the best we can do..." captain said.

"Quick run down. So listen." Michele said. "I'm Proxy... and information is everything yatta yatta whatever... listen... just do what I say, and you will make it out alive... you will split into 5 groups... we got... 25? You, you, you and you, with me... we're omega... you there, you guy there are alpha... your beta, your charlie, and you last are delta." He then made sure to point and spread them. "Your all best freinds with those in your group... my team will be point... delta and Charlie in back, alpha and beta in middle."

"Yes sir!"

"Now... monsters... your gonna face nightmares" he said. "No suggercoating... those monsters are undead... but they also are magic beast... so magic ammo will be needed... or your magical weapons we only got knives.. so I hope you can aim good and had enough range practice. But... well also face phantoms.... I'm not joking here... so listen... you are to avoid any kind of confrontation with them... they are spirts... magic, is your best bet, pure magic, no weapons or bullets so I hope you can cast in real time... if you see one... you will know because you are seeing your dead loved ones. Nightmares mimic our love ones once they are eaten... phantoms look like them... as you saw with my niece three days ago... ghouls... take up their form. It's hard to even tell the difference... if you see someone you know is dead. Do not hesitate to kill it. If you fail... I'll kill you myself, because they will not hesitate to eat you alive and destoy your mind..." Michele was serious.

They were all now startled.

"Thay sums up the bare minimum..." the captian said checking the time. "Alright... ita go time... your mettinh half way with another group... don't you dare stop till you clear the way and meet them." The captian told them. They are the only other people down there so don't kill, right away at least..."

"You heard him ladies... once those doors are open... we stop playing around... now form up!" Proxy, Michele go into position. "Once in, turn on night vision and follow omega." He said.

And all together. "Sir yes sir!"

The doors were forced open, and soon they heard the dead and smelled it too. "Move!" He then lead guns up with flashlights as he made sure to head down the stairs and into the subway.

Thus began, the operation.