
The Revived No Harem Sect

Brothers, we shall rise again. Our sect has been lost with time, but I have set out to revive it. The No Harem Sect shall rise again! We will finally stop the harem lovers and bring light to these dark lands. For my brothers from the No Harem Sect, if you're still in these dark lands I pray that you have not fallen to the dark side. May No Harem be with you, and may you find your way.

The_Grey_Deity · Eastern
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A Short Explanation Into One of My Insights

Recently I went into seclusion for half a year, and during this time I have gained many new insights. Now I will share one of them with you. When I mention 'man' I am referring to both men and women.

Harem is something that is there to fulfill the desires of man. Mans lust and need for some form of love has caused them to want harems. Now, It is perfectly fine to have those desires, but the method of fulfilling them is wrong. Harem is not something that should be used to fulfill the desires of man. It is morally unjust and disgusting. Instead man should find better, healthier, alternatives to fulfilling them. Alternatives such as getting a life or growing up.

Most harem lovers are children in puberty. That is why they like them. Their lust that they have recently gained causes them to like harems as it relieves their lust to some extent. They are not old or knowledgeable enough to know that harems are wrong. They have not yet experienced love or lust to their fullest. When love and lust are at their fullest both love and lust are directed towards the same person. From this we can conclude that the best method of fulfilling those desires is not by having a harem, but by having one person that you can give all of your love and lust to.

I sincerly hope that everyone has gained something from this short explanation. I will further post my insights at a later date. May none of you fall into the harem loving side and continue to be upright and outstanding individuals.

The_Grey_Deitycreators' thoughts