
The Revived Archduke's Revenge

"The first memory that overwhelmed my mind as I woke up in this unfamiliar form was the horrifying image of my own father decapitating me.” reminisced Garrick Stormwind, the Archduke of Astrea. Brutally murdered by his own family, he inexplicably finds himself imprisoned in an unknown body, shackled within the confines of a dungeon, consumed by an intense desire for revenge. Join him on his unwavering journey for justice and understanding as we delve into the captivating story of The Revived Archduke's Revenge.

Mael_ · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 07

I was escorted back to my cell by one of Stein's fang guards. I was thrown back into my cell, and I noticed Ciel meditating. As soon as he noticed my presence, he got up and approached me with a friendly smile.

"I heard you teach Luke Von Stein a lesson. Quite an achievement, I must say."

"It was kind of weird; there was a moment when I tried to strike him with a simple hand blow, and he was just thrown away like a puppet." - I sat on the cold cell floor and began recounting the events to my friend.

"From what I could gather, it seems you're already beginning to manifest your abilities as a conjurer," Ciel told me as he ran his hand through his beard. "I don't think I've explained to you in much detail how a conjurer's abilities work."

"First, you need to know that conjurers are typically divided into three categories: channelers, enhancers, and healers. Channelers are those who use the energy around them to perform feats impossible for ordinary humans, such as shooting a fireball. In other words, they draw their strength from their connection with nature.

On the other hand, enhancers use their accumulated energy to create a layer of power around their bodies and utilize this ability to increase their attack and defense. Think of it as invisible armor. If you consider what you told me today, it seems like you fit into this group of conjurers.

Lastly, we have healers. This group uses their own accumulated energy from day-to-day life to heal injuries. However, when they do this, they end up expending some of the healer's own life energy to perform these 'healing spells.'"

"It means that, unconsciously, I created an energy layer to strengthen my body, and when I struck Stein's son, that invisible armor enhanced my attack," I asked Ciel, needing all the information I could get about what I could do with these newly acquired abilities.

"Simply put, yes," Ciel said, rising to his feet. It seemed that the theoretical learning session had ended for now. - "With proper training, you'll be able to use this ability at will. And with that, you'll be able to imbue objects with your energy, generating the same layer you'd use on yourself."

"Ancient Ciel, before we start the training, I have a question."

"And what would that be?"

"What type of conjurer would you be?"

He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm of the last group; I'm a healer-type conjurer. It's a very useful skill for support, but in the past, I used to detest it. I wanted something more combat-oriented. But this power has helped me so much that I can't imagine myself without it anymore." 

I hadn't asked this question for any reason that would help me with the training or anything like that; I just wanted to get to know this person who has helped me so much since I became Kaleb. To know this person better, whom I already consider a good friend.


The weeks after the incident with Luke Von Stein were quite peaceful. I spent most of my time in my cell, training energy control with Ciel. He was a great teacher, and with him, it was quite easy to understand the basic principles. However, one thing was bothering me almost every day. Von Stein summoned Ciel every morning and spent about two hours with him. At first, he returned calmly, but on some mornings, he came back with some minor injuries. Kaden must be doing something to my friend, probably because Ciel was still refusing to teach the ways of the conjurors.

All I know is that I should have cherished the time I had with my good friend more because what was about to happen would take us all by surprise.