
The Revenge Of The Young Miss and Her Encounter With The Young Master

Wang Xiu Lan is a cardiologist and the heiress of Wang International, the biggest medical conglomerate in City A and the whole of China. They control 70% of all medical businesses in the city including hospitals, medical schools, home cares, retirement homes, medical equipment manufacturing etc. Her father and mother divorced when she was still very young. Her stepmother moved in to the Wang Household along with her daughter. Eventually Wang Xiu Lan found out that his long-time boyfriend is cheating on her with none other than her half-sister. She vowed to pay them back with revenge. But with her accidental meeting with the Young Master of the Li Corporation, her life is bound to become more complicated. What lies ahead the Young Miss and the Young Master? Read to find out :) - ⚠️WARNING⚠️ This novel contains some swearing and some mature content. - FRIENDLY REMINDER This novel uses Chinese names and is set in China but is not 100% accurate when it comes to information and scenarios. So please bear with me :) - Original cover image by: SuitedBadBoy666 @ zerochan.net

Aryusirius · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: The Heiress

Wang Xiu Lan was sitting on her office chair. With a pen in one hand she was scanning through some documents with the other when she heard a beep sound. She glanced at her phone and noticed it lighting up. She took her phone. It read "1 email received". She put her pen down and opened the email.

"Wang Mansion. Dinner. 7pm.

- Wang Lei"

She snickered. "As usual, he sends me an email like I'm some colleague. According to him, I don't even deserve a normal text message. As expected of my so-called father". She placed her phone back on the desk and turned her chair around so she is now facing the glass wall.

Wang Xiu Lan's office has an excellent view of the city. As the President of Wang Medical Group, which handles all the hospitals under Wang International, her office is located on the topmost (100th) floor of the building. Her office has a minimal style with a mixture of white, grey and black colours. But when one looks close enough, one would realise that the room is worth millions. Her office speaks class and elegance - fitting for a heiress.

Yes, she is the heiress of Wang International, one of the biggest conglomerates in City A and the entire China. Their businesses operate in the medical field. Anything medical-related one can think of, the Wang Family is surely involved: hospitals, medical schools, homecares, retirement homes, medical equipment manufacturing, etc. They control 70% of the medical-related businesses in the city and country. Wang Medical Group is one of their main branches. It manages a number of hospitals under Wang International.

At the age of 28, Wang Xiu Lan is successfully managing the Wang Medical Group. Due to her great performance and achievements, she has proven herself to be worthy of inheriting the family company more than any other family member. This was decided by the current CEO of Wang International, Wang Shu (Wang Xiu Lan's grandfather).

Wang Xiu Lan is a cardiologist-businesswoman. Although she rarely performs surgeries now and only focuses on running the business, her talent is undeniably one of the best in the country and to some extent, in the world. Her name has appeared countless of times on tv shows, newspapers and magazines both in and out of the country.

After admiring the view for about 5 minutes, she heard a knock on the door. "Come in", she said as she turned her chair around back to her desk. The door was pushed open and came a man in his 30s. He was neither below nor above average when it came to appearance. But he had a special charm to him which made people think he is not a simple man, and he isn't. He is the most-trusted secretary of the heiress of Wang International - Chen Jun.

"President Wang, we have been informed that the CEO of Wu Corporation is arriving in City A tonight and that he requested to meet and sign the contract at 7pm tonight", Chen Jun mentioned.

"Alright. Make sure to book an appropriate place to suit CEO Wu's taste. We have to treat our partners with utmost hospitality", she instructed.

Chen Jun was a bit surprised. "But President Wang, you already have an appointment with the Wang Family at 7pm tonight".

"Is that so?" Wang Xiu Lan said as she turned her attention towards the documents on her desk while making a gentle "shoo" gesture towards Chen Jun.

Chen Jun can only obey as he walked quietly out of the office.

-Wang Mansion-

"Honey, do you think that good daughter of yours will ever come? It's already 8pm" Ling Min (Wang Xiu Lan's stepmother) said as she elegantly took a bite of her La Madeline au Truffe. If one looks at her, one would think she comes from a noble birth and have had an upbringing fitting for the high-class society. But Ling Min actually only grew up in a middle-class household. However, her love and desire for the high-class society enabled her to act perfectly as the Madam of Wang Household.

Ling Min once worked as a nurse at the Wang Hospital. She was neither poor nor rich. From time to time she had the money to buy one expensive item or two. However, she was greedy and ambitious. She always wanted to live a lavish life. So when she met Wang Lei (Wang Xiu Lan's father) at the hospital, she had her eyes set on him. Not long after meeting, Wang Lei started a relationship with Ling Min.

"Hmph! I even went as far as sending her an email to invite her tonight. If not for our dear sweet Wang Fang wanting her sister to also be here, I wouldn't even think about inviting her!", Wang Lei grumbled.

In a sweet voice, Wang Fang (Wang Xiu Lan's half-sister) said "Mom, Dad, please be a little more patient. Maybe elder sister has something urgent to do or maybe she got caught in heavy traffic."

Wang Xiu Lan and Wang Fang were born in the same year but Wang Xiu Lan was born few months earlier than Wang Fang. Thus, making her the elder sister.

"That's right Uncle Wang, Aunt Ling, we should wait a bit longer. I'm sure she will arrive soon. I don't think Xiu Lan would want to miss her sister's celebration. Right, Fang?" Zhao Jun said gently as he cast a glance at Wang Fang. Then they both smiled at each other.

Few seconds later, the door to the dining room opened which broke Wang Fang and Zhao Jun's eye contact.

"Sis, you're here!" Wang Fang exclaimed excitedly. Wang Xiu Lan gave a dry smile to Wang Fang then she approached Zhao Jun who was sitting next to Wang Fang. "Hi babe, sorry I'm late. I had important work to do", Xiu Lan said as she placed a kiss on Zhao Jun's cheek. Wang Fang saw this. She gritted her teeth and then said "That's alright sis, you are just in time for dessert."

Seeing the disgruntled look on her daughter's face, Ling Min spoke "Come Xiu Lan, take a seat" as she made a gesture pointing to the seat next to her.

They all sat on a long table where Wang Lei sat on the head of the table. On his left is Wang Fang and Zhao Jun is seating next to her. On Wang Lei's right is his wife Ling Min and next to Ling Min is Wang Xiu Lan. Even though she is the eldest daughter of the Wang Family, she sat the farthest from her father.

Wang Xiu Lan took a seat and he heard Zhao Jun declare "I even asked the chefs to prepare your favourite dessert tonight, La Madeline au Truffe". He made a waving gesture to the servant to get the dessert for Wang Xiu Lan.

Quickly after, the servant placed the dessert in front of Wang Xiu Lan. Upon looking at it, she thought in her head "Heh, this bastard even mistook Wang Fang's favourite as mine".

Hi guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first novel ever :)

I made it that the names and setting is in China but all information and scenarios may not be 100% accurate so please do understand. I noticed how widely used and popular it is to use Chinese names and Chinese scenarios in Webnovel so I deided to go with the flow :)

Please continue to support me, thanks! :)

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