
The Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Synopsis Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound ....... He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. ...

Tee_Dynasty · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: The Dog of the Baskervilles (1)

Eight years have passed.

Vikir van Baskerville was eight years old, and, like the children of the Baskervilles, he was taking various classes.

The tutor asked.

"Okay, one last question. How did you say that the status of a swordsman was distinguished?"

Vikir answered with a calm expression.

"Regardless of the proficiency of swordsmanship, 'Sword Beginner' is a swordsman who does not know how to put mana on a sword, 'Sword Expert', who knows how to put mana on the tip of a sword, but the aura that he created by doing this is fragile. The person who can make the aura rise from his sword as dense as a liquid is called a 'sword graduator', and the person who make the aura as hard like a solid and can change its shape at the will is called a 'sword master'."

Of course, all of these are separated for convenience.

Basically, combat is affected by numerous factors such as health, terrain, climate, humidity, gravity, experience, and mana density in the atmosphere.

You can calculate it, but when you do the calculation, the result will always be different.

But the calculations for 8-year-olds aren't that complicated yet.

When Vikir answered without interruption, the other children around him raised their hands as if competing.

"If a beginner and an expert fight, the expert wins!"

"If there is fight between an expert and a graduator, the graduator wins!"

"Master is stronger than Graduator!"

"And the Lord is the Master!"

Vikir was silently listened to the words of the children around him.

The words of one of the guys stabbed his chest.

'The Lord is the Master!'

Hugo Les Baskerville, head of the Baskervilles.

As a wizard, he possesses a whopping 7 circles of mana.

However, as a master of swordsmanship, he replaced mana with an aura and used it on a sword, and it is said that the realm of it had made him the world-renowned sword master.

The tutor said.

"Right. Hugo, the supreme member of the Baskerville family, is a sword master. There are only seven people who has ever reached that lever in this Kingdom, and the heads of each of the seven great families correspond to this."

Of course, this is a fact that Vikir already knew.

He even knew that there were several more powerful Sword masters both inside and outside the Empire.

This is information that no one knows at this point.

Vikir was thinking hard on something by himself.

The tutor's gaze had been on Vikir throughout the class.

'He is a real talent.'

Truly an overwhelming talent, almost violent at this point.

The act of breathing for more than 7 minutes in the River Styx as a child who was only 100 days old has already been a legend in the Baskerville family.

But not only his body was superior, his brain was also so bright that there was no rival among his peers in the family.

Dare to say, 'it is a once in a hundred year talent'

'The Lord must be happy today.'

He was going to report all this to Hugo.

It is Hugo, who was not interested in the rest of the children unless it was the eldest son and the second son.

Hugo, who just stopped by occasionally like a livestock wholesaler and acted as if he was recording the growth and value of livestock he has been interested in the Castle over the past few years.

Of course, because of Vikir.

It was extremely unusual for Hugo to come to this infant castle, a place where only children under the age of 10 are brought together and raised together.

'Thank you, Master. I will assist him with all my might.'

Thanks to Vikir, the budget has increased a lot, and his position compared to other knights in the family has increased, so everyone was looking at Vikir with favorable eyes.

Of course, Vikir himself was not interested, though.


After class, the children were going back to their rooms all over the castle.

Vikir was now looking back at himself.

'Hugo is a Sword Master, right?'

Unfortunately, that's the truth.

Its density and rigidity were different from the 'solid aura' that only the master could express, and the 'sticky liquid aura' he had as a Sword graduator.


Vikir gritted his teeth.

' In this life, I will never live or die so meanly.'

'At least before the coming-of-age ceremony, I will recover all my power'

Vikir is currently 8 years old.

The state of Vikir had reached the advanced level of Sword Expert without anyone knowing.

In the previous life, it was a level that he had barely achieved when he was 20 years old.

Before returning, it was said that he had risen to the advanced level of Sword Expert.

In fact, by the standards of the public, this was a great thing that could be called a genius, but within the Baskervilles, it was average or slightly less than that.

Usually, children of the Baskervilles knock on the door of the Sword Expert by the age of 20, and the Graduator by the age of 30.

If you can put the 'liquid aura' on the tip of the sword in that way, you will rise to the position of an executive from here.

Even the elites of the Baskerville family, who are said to be geniuses among geniuses, reached it at the age of 20, the threshold of the advanced level of Sword Expert.

But Vikir was stepping on it now at the age of eight, an age at which he had never felt any mana in his previous life.

This is a level that even the super elite within the family would not dare to reach.

When Vikir was feeling a new emotion.


He heard a call from behind.

Looking for the source, he turned his head and saw three children from the 9-year-old class.

Hiro Re Baskerville, Viro Re Baskerville, Loro Re Baskerville.

The middle name of 'Re' received by a boy of direct lineage, and the middle name of 'Ra' received by a girl.

So the three there were direct descendants of the Baskervilles.

The pedigree was very clear.

Quite clichédly, the eldest Hiro, who was at the forefront, started coming towards Vikir.

"Half garbage, where are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

If the guy in front speaks, the two guys in the back also speaks.

It was truly a nine-year-old quarrel.

Well, anyway, since the Baskervilles are thorough talent-oriented and skillful, this won't happen when they get a little older.

However, the reason why Vikir was paying close attention to the triplets in front of him was another.

'..... Hugo Baskerville's triplets.'

In 10 more years, they will grow into quite troublesome enemies.

In fact, before returning, there are three hunting dogs who relentlessly pursued Vikir, who escaped through the siege.

'By the way, these guys have been tormenting me a lot since I was a kid.'

The growth rate of Vikir as a child was very slow because he was robbed of his meals.

In Vikir's previous they performed a lot of evil on him.

As a result, he was slightly limp and almost died on various missions.

... FLASH ...

A ghastly color of blood leaked from Vikir's eyes.

Whether they knew it or not, the triplets, just nine years old, giggled, looking at Vikir.

"Hey crap, I heard that you submerged for seven minutes in the River Styx and strangled two vipers in the cradle? What a bluff. Why are you spreading such a lie!"



The most vicious of the three, Hiro took a step forward.

"Can you do this?"

At the same time, a small sphere glowed faintly on his palm.

Children of the Baskerville family are exceptional in mana sensitivity and operational ability.

It was already possible for them to collect mana in a circle.

It seemed that they could not put it on the sword yet, but this was enough to be praised as a genius in the current world.

Of course, even within the Baskervilles, they can be praised for being quite talented.

"This is called a true talent. Hurry up you too! Let's see how many mana chunks you can make."

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

The triplets continued to push Vikir.

Vikir looked at the lump of mana that Hiro had made.

A sphere of mana the size of a child's fist.

Yeah, at that age, it was good at that level.

But Vikir did that at the age of eight months, when he strangled two vipers in the cradle.

Since the mana proficiency of 8 years after the regression has been added to the 30 years before the regression, where does the state reach now?

Vikir looked around once.

There was not much to worry about in this Infant castle, where only children live.

The few guardian knights and tutors are all out to the outer castle now.


Vikir manifested his power.

Vikir raised his palms high and gathered mana.

Seeing this, the triplets' faces turned into astonishment.

Nothing was created on Vikir's palm.

The triplets looked dazed for a moment, then began to laugh loudly.

"Ahahahaha, you idiot! Could it be that you can't even manifest mana even at this age?"



The guys were so engrossed in ridicule that they even shed tears.

..... But.

At the same time, the watchtower not far from the infant castle.

One of the guards, who was on guard duty, was bewildered by the unexpected incident that he saw out of the window.

"What, what? Why are there two suns over the infant castle?"