
This was her last day

Zeya was not at all happy with this. She thought the woman will be mad if she married this Zyan. Zeya has always considered him a kind of stupid person. She asked," What is this? "

Zyan gave a flower and proposed her and in return he got a bad result.

" I LOVE YOU " This was what he said.

" Do you feel that i also love you. Really, are you silly. You thought in between finding the culprit i will love you. And i should say that i am not mad to love such a stupid. " This was what he recieved from Zeya. He became angry. Zeya left the room in a bad mood.

Zyan threw the flower and started to talk to himself. " Really do you think that you are so SMART. If you don't love me why can't you say it properly. This girl is humiliating me."

At that time he heard a sound. He was shocked. Because the sound was like someone shot a gun. He quickly ran downstairs. When he reached down he can't believe in his eyes. ' No. it can't be she. No ' he thought. He had almost lost himself. The person whom he loved the most had left him.

yes. Zeya is dead.

His eyes became too red.Tears rollung down his cheek. It was her last day. He might be having a very difficult time.

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