
The Revenge Of The Abandoned

Iris Silcia had been nothing but naïve throughout her life. Born as the daughter of an unfavored concubine of the infamous Prime Minister of the Country, further banished to the country side due to a mistake her mother made, being forced to starve day by day, her life had been miserable from the start. Being called back to the Silcia Manor didn’t change anything. She was treated in the worst possible way, her mother was killed off, she bullied and abused by the other favored family members of the dark Silcia Family. Being of marriageable made things get worse. The only people who treated Iris with the most basic human kindness, her step-mother and step-sister, decided to marry her off to a publicly known trash, the Third Imperial Prince Leon. Marriage life was the worst. The trash of the royal family turned out to be an extremely cunning and intelligent person who hid all his plans and schemes behind his façade of stupidity. As he discovered that she was incredibly intelligent and talented herself, he used her in every way he could, coaxing her to become a General, making her fight in the frontlines in wars, making a fragile girl hold a sword and shed blood for him, to clear his path to the throne. Her ending topped all scales of bad luck. Coming back from wars to gloriously make Leon the Emperor with the Empress seat in mind, she was instead charged with betraying the country by her sister and her husband and killed off. However, this was not the true ending. Iris Silica was reborn. Now she had learned from her mistakes, heightened her ambitions, and sought to destroy those who slighted her, starting from her evil family to the scum of the Imperial clan. Amidst her thirst for blood, chaos arose and a thrilling fire of fantasy began… Instagram iz000_ for spoilers, hints, chapter previews and more!

IAlphesta · History
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45 Chs

The 'Coincidental' Encounter

One afternoon two days later, Iris go the news that Riya fell sick. This startled her and she rushed over.

Riya laid sick and pale on the bed, seemingly sleeping. Her breathing was erratic. Iris felt extreme heartache looking at her pained expression. She seemed to have a fever. She quickly rushed the maid to bring over a doctor, but unexpectedly, the maid shook her head.

She told her that she already asked the Prime Minister for a doctor, but he refused her. Even going so far as to claim that everyone was busy and no one had any time to call for a doctor for an insignificant concubine.

Iris was furious, what busy, what insignificant!

She really wanted to burn him alive!

But now was not the time. She had to find medicine for her mother.

"Do we have any medicine?" She anxiously asked her maid.

"Young Miss, this..." The maid was hesitant. "We do have red ginseng, but that afraid is not enough to cure Mistress's fever."

Iris sighed. It was not like she was some miraculous, godly, heaven defying doctor that could pull a person straight back from the clutches of King Yama like the usual cliches, she had no experience in medicine whatsoever.

Her mother's body was already weak, why did that scumbag have to show the height of his trashy personality now of all times...

Who to ask for help?

Without further thinking, Iris picked up the pace and headed towards her Grandmother's courtyard. Yet as if being condemned by the Heavens, she found that she was out to visit an old friend.

Now what?

Not like those foxes would help her, what could she do?

Sighing, Iris gathered the little money she had left and moved out of the manor towards a pharmacy. She doned a cloak on to hide herself.

She could just send a maid, but she figured that a maid would take better care of her mother's body than she would. After all, she had spent many years on the rough and bloody battlefield, such a gentle and delicate matter, she couldn't do properly.

The only decent pharmacy anywhere nearby was the Shanglin Hall. Iris couldn't take a carriage, so since she had to walk, she just came here.

The shopkeeper was a middle aged man. He looked gentle and amicable.

Since Shanglin Hall was a big herbal store, the prices of the herbs were high, and usually only nobles or the Nouveau Riche could buy from here. Thus, the shopkeeper kept a gentle smile to everyone that entered, as not to offend anyone unnecessarily.

He approached Iris with a smile.

"This Young Lady, what are you looking for?" He asked nicely with bright eyes.

"Do you have any herbs to cure a common fever?" She didn't waste anytime and asked anxiously.

"A common fever?" The light in the shopkeeper's eyes dimmed a little. "Of course." Even though Iris was just seeking out a very common herb, he still kept a smile on.

He shuffled some herbs and took out a green bushy herb.

"This is the Heart-Leaved moonseed. Very effective for fevers and can relieve exhaustion." He explained in detail.

"I'll take it." Iris hurriedly took out the required amount of money and handed it to him. Taking the herb, she dashed out of the shop.

While she was rushing home, she came to a particularly crowded area. She inevitably had to slow her movements down.

While moving through the crowd, Iris harshly bumped into someone.

She had just turned to apologize, when the herb in her hand was harshly snatched!

Startled, she turn to look at the culprit, only to find him dashing away across the street. Iris gritted her teeth hard.

There was no time to be chasing him down, her mother's condition could be worsening!

Counting her remaining money, Iris once again headed towards the Shanglin Hall to purchase the same herb.

Once she entered again, someone was already there.

She saw the shopkeeper all smiles, trying his best to boot lick the man in front of them. She anxiously waited for them to be done with their transaction but the cloaked customer as if noticing her impatience, deliberately slowed down his selection of herbs. One by one, the guard next to him would ask for different herbs and present them to his Master. And the Master would wave his hand, and the guard would ask for another herb.

What was incredibly exasperating was that not only did the shopkeeper not get impatient or notice her presence, he was even getting enthusiastic with every passing second!

Shanglin Hall's reputation wasn't small, just who was this incredible deity, this crystal card holder that could make the shopkeeper behave this way.

Was he even picking a herb, or picking a wife!

Iris clenched her fists thinking of her mother's condition. She couldn't wait any longer.

She decided that she would look for some other store to go to, it would be better than waiting for this picky man to pick out the herb he wanted, the herb that was laced with gold!

However, at the moment she was about to go back, the cloaked man turned around to face her. Blood-red eyes met.


An incomparably handsome face entered her vision. The aloofness and indifference in his gaze, as well as the domineering and kingly aura he exuded, easily made him stand out from the masses.

Shock flashed through Iris's eyes as she recognized who the man in front of her was.

This was...

The Seventh Prince, Azura!

Why was he here!

Immediately concealing her shock, Iris lowered her head to be hidden under the cloak.

Doesn't matter why he was here.

Concealing her identity was more important!

Should he recognize her, this freak, he probably would draw his blade to claim her life instantly!

She didn't have time to deal with him!

Lowering her head even more, she nodded at him as a perfunctory greeting between strangers. She pretended not to recognize him as royalty.

Isn't her luck too bad nowadays?

Fine, she impulsively provoked this mad dog, was it really necessary for him to bite her every time they meet?

And wasn't her luck at these coincidences too bad?

Looking at her turning her head away, Azura's eyes flashed with a deep light.


Was it really a coincidence?

Of course not.

From the slight fever of her mother, to that herb thief, he had arranged it all. All for this 'coincidental' meeting!

He calculated her actions, and easily planned this all.

In fact, the medicine of the fever had already been delivered to her mother.

After all, who was Azura?

A hidden genius! An absolute tactful and strategic man with whom even Iris couldn't compare to!

Usually, he would be a complete ice block. Not for any reason, but for the fact that nothing could attract his interest.

And if something did attract his interest...

He would use every ounce of his intelligence, to satisfy his desires!

I'm sorry everyone, I have no words...

I have been super busy with my work, I had no time for the novel.

My schedule's tightly packed!

I'm sorry again UwU.

I'll try to release another chapter today.

Thank you all for supporting me!

So? Do you think you underestimated Azura? Let me know in the comments~!

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