

Elvis Klein known to be a poor, useless husband and son-in-law transformed into an entirely different personality. After being hated, humiliated, and betrayed by his wife, in-laws and society in his poor state, he rose to be one of the most influential in Rockview City. When Elvis rose to power, he had no other mission than revenge!!!

Hope_Oribamise · Urban
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7 Chs


"I'm going nowhere! You're so shameless, Leslie, to act in this manner after being caught in the act! You bring a man to have sex with you on our matrimonial bed, and you have the boldness to send me out. What pleasure do you derive from him that I cannot give you as a husband?" Elvis moved closer to Leslie, his eyes red with anger.

"Since we got married, you haven't allowed me to have sex with you; and here you are, having sex with another man?! What does he have that I don't?..."

"Eh... That's enough! Keep quiet! You must be crazy to compare your filthy self with this man. This man has a net worth of more than a billion dollars, and you, a pauper and God-forsaken human, stand here to compare yourself with him. All your entire life, you've never even been able to gather up to a thousand dollars in a month, and yet you try to compare yourself with him. Are you even qualified to clean his shoes?..."

"Don't talk to me that way, Leslie. I'm still your husband!"

But you never told me you were married, Leslie!" Roy's voice interrupted their conversation. Leslie quickly turned to face Roy with a melancholic look on her face.

"I'm sorry Roy, I... I... didn't tell you the truth all this while. Some years ago, I was forced into marriage with him, but I don't have any feelings for him. We haven't had any sexual relationship since we got married. I'll tell you more about it later. I'm sorry..." Leslie moved closer to Roy touching his hands and looking remorseful.

Roy was surprised by the sudden revelation. He curled up his lips and stared at Leslie in bewilderment. "But how could you have hidden this from me?..."

"Really? Just because you want to save face in front of this adulterer, you speak of being forced into a marriage with me.

Instead of feeling remorse for your shameless act, you're still trying to patch things up. Is this how you intend to repay me for all the sacrifices I've made?"

"Keep quiet, you low-life!" Leslie growled as she moved closer to Elvis, spitting at him in the face.

"What sacrifice?! What have you done since I got married to you? I house you, feed you, and even buy you clothes! So, how dare you tell me that you make sacrifices, you bonehead?"

"Leslie, I may not be a perfect husband, but you know how much I've invested into this marriage just to make you happy. Every month, I give you most all of my earnings..."

"What fucking earnings are you talking about? In a whole month, all you give me isn't more than $200, and you expect me to lick your feet because of that shit? You are clearly out of your mind, Elvis! Roy gives me nothing less than $20000 monthly. Can you give me the kind of life he provides? You're such a loser who should just bow his head in shame because he's cursed and meant to die poor!" Leslie sneered in disdain as she turned and walked up to a corner of the room to pick up some folded dresses wrapped up in a basket.

"Or is it about these rags you bought for me?" She said, picking up the dresses one after the other and holding them out in her hands for Elvis to see.

Three months ago, Elvis had purchased the dresses for Leslie using almost all of his earnings for that month. He wanted to surprise his wife, feeling that he hadn't given her any substantial gifts since their marriage.

This decision left him struggling financially, even going hungry at times and having to borrow money from a colleague for transportation.

On the day he presented the dresses to Leslie, he returned home excitedly, only to be met with her harsh reaction. She called him good-for-nothing and discarded the dresses into the waste bin.

Feeling sad and disappointed, Elvis later retrieved the dresses from the bin and carefully folded them into a basket in their room.

"All of these dresses don't even add up to a thousand dollars! I'm not cheap. You should have known that by now. The lowest quality dress Roy ever bought for me cost $15,000. The last one he purchased for my Dad's party cost $30,000, and here you are, proudly boasting about dresses worth no more than $250!" Leslie mocked.

"Look at yourself, loser," she said, gesturing at Elvis from head to toe. "This is all you're worth, despite working three jobs a day. Even if you worked a hundred jobs in a day, you'd still never amount to anything in your entire life! You were born to be poor and miserable!" Leslie spat as she picked up each of the dresses and began tearing them into pieces. Then, she walked up to Roy.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry you had to witness all of this. Trust me, I love you... I was forced by my late grandfather to marry him. Honestly, I hate him."

Now, Elvis was losing his temper. Apart from Leslie humiliating him in front of Roy, which was unbearable enough, she was destroying the dresses he had bought for her with almost his entire month's salary. "Leslie, I bought those dresses with nearly a month's worth of my salary, and look at what you've done to them. Why are you so insensitive? I'm still your husband!"

"Not anymore after tonight, Elvis. I've told my lawyer that I want a divorce, and she has asked me to come for the papers tomorrow morning. So get yourself ready to sign the papers," Leslie informed as she turned back to Roy, caressing his chest.

"Never. I'm not signing any papers. A divorce should be mutual, not one-sided..."

"Do you have a problem with your hearing?! Haven't you heard that she said she's no longer interested in the marriage with you?... Now, leave this room immediately!" Roy interrupted as he walked up to Elvis, attempting to assert some authority over him.

"And who are you to challenge me, despite having an illicit affair with my wife? You should hang your head in shame instead of confronting me."

"Don't be absurd, you bastard! You're too poor, ugly, and wretched to have such a beauty like her as your wife. If you want a wife, then go after someone in your own league!" Roy yelled, raising his right hand as if to strike Elvis, but he managed to restrain himself.

He knew it would turn violent if he dared to hit him, so he grabbed Elvis's shirt collar and pulled him closer, towering over him.

"Listen here, don't mess around with me! Because if you do, I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget in a hurry."

"What the hell can you do, fool? Now, let go of me!" Elvis snapped.

"Are you daring me?" Roy rolled his eyes in anger. "Alright then, just watch and see what I'll make of your miserable life," he threatened.

Suddenly, they heard Leslie speaking to someone over the phone. "Hello, can you please come over to my house immediately?"

Shortly after, a uniformed man was seen standing outside the room. "Please come and remove this man from here!" Leslie commanded, pointing her index finger at Elvis.

Leslie had tipped the security personnel on different occasions, so she boldly exercised some authority over him, unlike Elvis, who was not recognized by the security or any of the neighbours.

Since Leslie prided herself in the neighbourhood as the one who paid the house rent, Elvis had little or no prestige there.

"Now, move!" The security personnel commanded as he pushed Elvis out of the room.

"Make sure he doesn't remain on the premises," Leslie instructed, while Elvis was being dragged out.

"Leslie will surely regret this," Elvis muttered under his breath as he left the house.