
chapter three

Five years latter…

Elizabeth vernon sinabe was ten years old and she knew how too use a pistol and a sword. The twins were three in a half and three. Yasuo was the oldest of the twins while kinako was the youngest. Kinako was chaseing after yasuo because he stole her doll her daddy bought for her. "Otoosan, okaasan" kinako screamed causeing raven and hatake too come runing. "Whats the matter kinako"? Raven asked. Oniisan took my dolly that otoosan bought for me" kinako cried. "Yasuo give your sister her doll now" raven said sternly. Yasuo done as he was told. At that moment elizabeth shouted from the crows nest "ship ahead there pirates not the friendly kind i suspect from there colors". Ravens blood ran cold when she relised this was the bald eagle john eagles ship. When the bald eagle was right next too the revenge john eagle swung over too the revenge. "Raven we need too talk, i still love you, i want another chance" john eagle said to raven. "Oh john, no, absolutely not" raven replied. "Why not"? John eagle asked. "You had your chance ive moved on i have three children too think about and a man who really loves me. Instead of pretending you no like others tend too do" raven said too john eagle. "Raven im not pretending too love you" john eagle pleaded. "Hatake" raven said as hatake strutted over. "Yes my love" hatake said as he kissed ravens forehead. "Please tell mr. Eagle he is not welcome aboard the revenge"? Raven asked as she took a step back and the two began too sword fight with one another. " you'll never win" john eagle shouted as he clashed his sword with hatakes and hatake just smirked as he said "oh but i already have who has raven and who blew there chances of ever being hers again". John eagle glared at hatake. "She loves me ya know" hatake said too john eagle. "She loved me first" john eagle snarled. "Look eagle its simple i love hatake we have three beautiful children together, we are, meaning me and you are not geting back together" raven said too john eagle. "Fine but you will pay for ever turning me down so abruptly" john eagle said as he went back too his ship and begun too fire upon the revenge with great speed and anger but in the end the bald eagle was no match for the speed of the revenge and her rageing fifty cannons. John eagle and his crew were stuck on the nearest island and before raven sailed away she said "dont ever come near me again or ill ripe your weasly black guts out". "So who was he too you"? Hatake asked. "Havnt we had enough drama for one day"? Raven asked. "Ok youll answer my question tommorow"? Hatake asked. "Maybe i want too be alone too think so please dont follow me" raven said as she sat on a barrel at the bow of the ship and begun to cry crystals. A face apeared in the ocean below it was ravens dead grandmother. "Whats the matter my child"? Ravens grandmother asked. "Im angry how could he try such a stupid act as too try and come back i dont even love him any more i love hatake" raven cried. "Then why are you crying"? Ravens grandmother asked. "Hatake is angry with me" raven cried. "He just wants too know the truth try telling him the truth" ravens grandmother said too raven so raven stood up and walked to the room her and hatake shared. "Hatake can we talk please"? Raven asked. "Yes" hatake said. "Look you want too know what john eagle was too me he was my boyfriend at one time and i thought i loved him but i didnt no what love was till i met you" raven said as she ran into hatakes arms. "oh raven thats all i wanted too know" hatake said with joy. "Raven theres something ive wanted to ask since i first saw you" hatake added. "So ask" raven replied. Hatake knelt down on one knee and pulled out a golden ring. "Will you marry me"? Hatake asked. "Yes" raven said happily. "Lets go too sleep tommorow well tell mom and dad in the morning" raven said too hatake. The next day hatake and raven got ravens parents too meet them on the revenge. "Mom, dad, me and hatake are geting married" raven anounced too her parents. "Oh my goodness when"? Marry squeeled. "We dont really no yet he just asked me yesterday" raven said with a huge smile on her face. "Let me pay for your wedding"? Marry asked. "Mom i couldnt let you do that" raven replied. "Oh i insist" marry told raven. One month latter october thirteenth. "Mom can you zip up my dress please"? Raven asked. "Yes here you go" marry said as she done as she was asked. Raven was wearing an emrald green wedding dress, emrald was the go to color for royal weddings on nastradamus. Raven even had a green vail and green high heel boots. "So ma how do i look"? Marry asked. " you look incredibly beautiful" marry said in reply. The music began and a knock sounded at the door when marry opened the door fenix stood there. "Its time raven" fenix anounced. Marry went out too the recession and sat in the front row. Raven came out in her beautiful green gown that flowed too her ankles and her arm looped around her dads arm. "Im happy for you princess" fenix said too his daughter. "Thank you daddy" raven whispered back. "Just remember one thing though my darling daughter you will always be my little sweet pea" fenix said too his daughter as they reatched the end of the isle. "Who is giveing the princess away and crowning her queen and hatake king"? The priest asked. "I am" king fenix said as he took a seat next too marry. "So. Before we begin is there any objections too this union if so speak now or forever hold your piece" the anounced so that every person in the audiance could hear. "I dont have any objections but i do want too congradulate raven on her marriage" a voice in the crowd said, raven knew this voice it was john eagle. "Well there is no objections so let the ceromony begin" the preist said too the congragation. "We are gathered here today too join this man and this women in holy matramony you may now say your vows" the preist said too raven and hatake. Raven went first. "Hatake i was traveling a dark and lonely road the only light was the stars that always seemd to fail me but then you like a bright morning sunrise lighted the way for my heart now i no you are the man i wanna spend my entire life with and even after life as well i love you hatake sinabe" raven said while looking into hatakes eyes. "I was alone manny women tried too win my heart but i always turned them down when i met you i knew there was something special about you thats why i cant live with out you your a part of who i am" hatake said too raven. "Ok now, hatake repeat after me, i hatake sinabe take this women to be my lawfully wedded wife" the preist said too hatake. "I hatake take this women too be my lawfully wedded wife" hatake said in reply. "In sickness and health for better or worst" the preist said too hatake. "In sickness and health for better or worst" hatake repeated. "Till death do us part" the preist said too hatake. "Till death do us part" hatake hatake said while looking into ravens eyes. "Now raven repeat after me, i raven vernon take this man too be my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and helth for better or worst till death do us part" the preist said too raven and she repeated his words. "Raven do you take this man too be your husband"? The preist asked. "I do" raven said out loud. "Hatake do you take this women too be your wife"? The preist asked. "Ido" hatKe said out loud. "Can we bring out the rings"? The preist asked. Yasuo handed hatake his ring while kinako handed raven her ring and the twins went and sat down. "With this ring i thee wed" hatake said as he placed the beautiful golden ring on her finger. "With this ring i thee wed" raven said as she placed the other golden ring on hatakes ring finger. "I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride" the preist said as hatake kissed raven long and passionately. "Now that the wedding part is over we will start on makeing raven and hatake the new rulers of nastradamus and akusa, lets begin" the preist said as marry and fenix walked up on to the ceremonial stage. "We are gathered here today too join together the world of nastradamus and the world of akusa and weve done exactly that with this union" the preist said as he grabed out a bottle of holy water and the preist placed some holy watsr on. Ravens face in a cross formation. Then he done the same with hatake and blessed them both. Marry steped foreward and placed her crown on raven. And fenix steped foreward and placed his crown on hatake. "I give you your knew queen and king, raven and hatake sinabe" the preist said too the congragation. Every one went out side too the food recession where there was manny diffrent asian dishes and the wedding cake was pumpkin spice, the main drink was ravens favorite macha frappe. Raven walked over and grabed a glass of caribbean rum with coconut liqure and downed it. Hatake wraped his arms around raven. "Your my wife now"hatake said too raven. "Do you regret it" raven asked. "Never" hatake said with a huge toothy smile. "Im happy, you want too dance"? Raven asked. Raven and hatake danced and the recession went on for at least four more hours then raven, hatake, there children, marry, and fenix left earth headed for akusa. They would stay in the castle as king and queen they still had a lott too discuss about there past like yes they both were angels who choose to be part humen so the altimate took away there wings and sent them too earth to the flesh landswith one stipulation they take out the lords of eliments. So they were humens now, with powers. Also the only reason the lords of eliment want to amulet of cortes is that it would open a portal to akusa. See akusa was planet like any other exept the purple rock of mt. Kuganake was so powerful it could open a portal to hell and leave it open. So long as raven kept them away all of the universe would be safe but knowing the lords of eliment this was not the case. See the lords of eliment were more like demons who would stop at bothing too inflict pain on humen beings. Any ways what raven didnt no is the lords of eliment were following the revenge. Raven turned too hatake as she asked "how long does it take too get too akusa"? "About eight hours" hatake said too raven. "We need body gaurds now that weve became king and queen" raven said too hatake. "Dont worry your self of that love at the castle there are plenty of body gaurds for now we can have some of the watch over us" hatake said too raven. "We will half too resign our post as pirates now we have children to think about" raven said too hatake. "If we do that we fall from grace and are completely humen then well lose our powers and the monsters inside us can no longer be sealed is that really what you wish"? Hatake asked. "Yes ive became friends with spunvali so im okay with it" raven said as both raven and hatake began too scream in pain as there powers were sucked from them. When raven and hatake stoped glowing they fell too the deck uncontious. Both raven and hatake were takein too there room and laid down on the bed. There was gaurds inside and outside the door and out side the door as well. All of a sudden a man with long black hair and silver eyes walked up. "I need too see raven" the mysterious man said too the gaurd. "Im sorry sir shes uncontious" the gaurd said to the mysterious man. While the mysterious man was chatting with the gaurd a women walked up. The women had long black hair and red eyes. "I need too see hatake" the women said too the gaurd. "Look like i told this man there uncontious come back when there awake" the gaurd said too the women. " look you little piss ant im the dragon of death i will not be talked to that way" the dragon of death said as she threw the gaurd across the ship causeing him too break his neckthen both of the intruders walked into the room. "There in comas my love loseing there powers was too harsh on there celestial bodys that are no longer celestial" the dragon of death said too spunvali. "You know ceresha i love you" spunvali said too ceresha. "Oh spunvali you know i love you two very strongly but you know theres only one way these two will live i half too give them half of my powers or thell die" ceresha said too spunvali. "Cant we let them die and live out our life together ceresha"? Spunvali asked. "No spunvali we are not going to let them die and your wrong for thinking so" ceresha scolded too spunvali. "Then i will give half of my powers too raven you give half of yours too hatake" spunvali said too ceresha. Ceresha and spunvali extracted half of there powers from there bodys and into there hands, and at the same time they placed the powers into raven and hatake while saying "with these powers i give you life arise from the grave your in". A few minutes latter raven and hatake awoke too find two unfamiliar faces. "Who are you"? Raven asked. "Thats spunvali and im ceresha the dragon of death" ceresha said too raven. "Yeah right you look nothing like my friend hatake said too ceresha. "Oh no does this ring a bell" ceresha said as she changed to a dragon for a few moments then back too her humenoid self. "But how do you…" hatake started to ask. "Look so humen you know what your family has forgotten to tell you were humenoids who are part monster" ceresha cut hatake off. "Do some history work on our kind our trueist form is our humenoid form" spunvali said too hatake. "Spunvali" raven as she jumped from the bed and huged spunvali who in return chuckled and patted her on the head. But spunvali saw the death glare directed in ravens direction so he quickly said "id let go now though my dearest ceresha does not like this at all". Raven quickly let go of spunvali. "So will you both come live with us in our castle"? Raven asked. "Of course" both ceresha and spunvali said with a huge smile. "Spunvali if we ever have kids i want too name the girl constintene" ceresha said too spunvali. Hours latter the revenge docked on akusa raven and hatake were taken too the castle imediately too be anounced king and queen of akusa. And the children were too be crown princesses and prince. "Today is a glorius day as our son has married a beautiful women and joined together two worlds our world and nastradamus, we are proud to present to you, queen raven sinabe, and king hatake sinabe" ameisa said too the nation of akusa. Raven and hatake walked out on the balcony together then as the nation of akusa cheered and shouted "long live king and queen sinabe they waved too the people. "Now i presebt you with princess elizabeth, prince yasuo, and princess kinako" amisa anounced yet again. The children walked out and greeted the people. Another thirteen years latter....

Elizabeth was now twenty three years of age while the twins were sixteen and sixteen in a half. Elizabeth married a king named miles coreli and became queen of anistead. While the twins were high school students. See on akusa it was cutomary for a royal too attend the local highschool. The twins had learned half of akusa was owned by hiroki and namida hiromi. And the other half was owned by there parents. They also learned that hiroki had three sons named akahido, namguchi, and sabuji. And two daughters named koname, and kiyoka. They even went too the same school. Kinako liked akahido but he never noticed her. Akahido had long black hair he always wore it in a braid. His eyes were red his skin tan he always wore black and red yukatas. Namaguchi loved kinako he just didnt no how too tell her. I mean they are best friends after all, namaguchi was six foot tall with long aqua hair with hazel eyes his skin was pale. Sabuji on the other hand has short black hair and golden eyes he looks more like his grandfather. Koname looked more like her grandmother with long silver hair and blue eyes her skin was tanish pale. While kiyoka long red hair and dark gredn eyes. Any ways kinako watched as countless girl after girl was turned down by akahido. Akkahido's friend noticed kinako stareing so he told akahido in a hushed whisper. Akahido turned towards kinako and kinako's cheeks went a bright crimson. "Should i go over there"? Akahido asked his friend. "If you want to" kotaru replied. "Akakido walked over to kinako and said "hello im akahido hiromi i like you we should go on a date" akahido said with confidence. "Ok" kinako replied. "Ill pick you up tonight around seven we can go to dinner" akahido said as he smiled the most beautiful and blinding smile and started to walk away but kinako stop him by saying "you didnt ask for my adress or my name". "Princess kinako sinabe of the eastern part of akusa you live in the eastern castle of akusa need i say more" akahido said as he walked away. That night it was almost seven oclock and kinako was geting ready for her date with akahido when raven walked in. "I heard your being courted" raven said with a huge happy grin. "Yes but otoosan and obaasan wont be too happy im being courted by akahido hiromi" kinako replied too raven. " who cares as long as your happy they cant stop you honey" raven said as she gave her daughter a huge bear hug and sent her on her way. But not with an i love you.