
Chapter 22 : “Just a preview”

*Roanne’s POV*

I could feel the weight of Michael's gaze, piercing through the haze of my flustered state. His brow arched in concern. "Roanne, are you quite alright? You seem... agitated. I thought this was what you wanted, to expose him."

The words swirled around me, a mix of suspicion and care that I wasn't sure how to take. "I'm fine," I assured him, striving for nonchalance, but my voice betrayed a tremor. My focus sharpened on him, his presence both intimidated and compelled me.

"Because if something is ok, or you are not sure..." he ventured, a step closer into my personal space, his warmth encroaching on my cool facade.

"Really, Michael," I cut him off, perhaps too sharply. The air between us crackled with unspoken tension. “This is my mission, one of the two ones, the only one left actually. Justice must be served. Tell me, is that why you didn’t attend last night’s meeting?”