
The Revenant King of Rubrum

There were two souls. One was assiduous with an unyielding will. One was effortlessly cunning with wisdom beyond many. And now, they are one. The universe will pray. *** *** *** Marcius Aemilia was killed during a duel because his opponent cheated by using a vicious poison. Fortunately, he was resurrected by an outer god with an agenda. Agreeing to be the god's agent within his homeland, Marcius was now back with a vengeance and dedication to save his family and clan from their unjustified demise. But wait. He was not alone. Along with Marcius, came the soul of Joseph Redwoods, who had read all the future events of Marcius's world from the pages of a novel. So, what do you get when you combine the souls of a vengeful heir and a cunning geek? Chaos, mayhem, disaster and good old ass-kicking. *** *** ***

MidnightMK · Fantasy
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382 Chs

Inside the Strom Well


Imaginable, excruciating pain was all Marcius could feel as he reopened his eyes. He felt heavy all over his body. And his skin felt like it was on fire, which was an impossible feat because he had gained a decent immunity to heat and fire in general due to his status as the champion of the goddess of the Sun.

"Did I lose consciousness?" Marcius slowly muttered to himself as he tried to open his equally heavy eyelids. And what he saw was blurry and blue everywhere.

And then, he remembered.

He had been thrown into the Storm Well by its guardian beast. And he fell unconscious as he sank deeper and deeper into the well.

Well, it would at least explain why he felt very painful all over his body. The pain was still unbearable. Marcius could barely keep a sane thought without screaming out in agony.