
The Revenant's Curse

(Why am I so unlucky?) , (Is this what my fate has decided?) , (When is my lucky day going to arrive?) a mercenary keeps asking himself this questions only to find throughout his death that luck, fate and the gods could not affect him any longer.

johnblackheart · Fantasy
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9 Chs

World Info

600 Year ago there was a great conflict between two kingdoms it was called

The Conflict of Ideals. One seeking Fortunes and the other one seeking Order. They're conflicts started to cover more and more lands and territories. When it reach north were mountains were full of ores they fought for it's dominance. That chaos provoked the inhabitants of the north and cause then to take action something that the two kingdoms never expected.

Northern inhabitants know that the two kingdoms were tiring the're self's out. They waited as the two kingdoms armies got more careless and then they striked picking up arms and fighting back fiercely. More and more northern came down the mountains pushing back the other two kingdoms. That's how they got the're name as Highlanders. The real choas happened then, and the conflict gain a new name The War of Madness.

What really cause the Kingdoms to panic was that the Highlanders didn't stop there. They kept on moving towards the territories of the other two kingdoms, fighting there way forward. Never surrendering of accepting peace treaties and killing all that stud there way. The death rate was for every 20.000 soldiers that joined a battle only a few hundred would barley survive. No matter if they we're Warriors, Sorcerers, Merchants, Nobles and civilians they all died the same as the war raged on. That's when the relics made the're appearance, being used one after the other, many being broken while the others lost there powers.





Kingdoms Info:

1. Kingdom of Servet:

Known for it's fortunes and many merchants.

Located East on a valley.

Far richer that the other 2 kingdoms. It is said, that it's ruled by the richest nobles instead of the King and that the King is just a figure head.

Population: around 675.000

2. Kingdom of Tilaus

Known for being the oldest of all the other kingdoms.

Located in Southwest on plain lands.

Has no king and is instead rulled by the High Table which is composed of 7 individuals.

Population: around 750,000

3. Kingdom of Fortika

Known as being the strongest Kingdom and having Highlanders. Ruled by a King that wishes to become an Emperor of the whole nation.

Located North on the mountain.

Population: around 480,000


Found on labyrinths, artifacts of the past. Said to hold knowledge that was later lost by the great war.


An occupation which job tend to be Escorting, fighting battles and bounty hunting.


An occupation which jobs tend to be Exploring ladyrinths and fighting monsters.


Rare occupation as it's had to aquire.They posses and learn spells that define there nature.



Protagonist info:

Name: Sebastien


Occupation: Mercenary

Weapon of choice: Dagger

Whereabouts: unknown

Status: Dead

Titles: 4

Sebastien the Devious:

Putting ones on life above all else no matter the consequences.

The Killer of Jobs:

As he ends up killing 7.5 out of 10 people his suppose to escort.

Keeper of the blood dagger:

Cause of how much blood has stained his dagger.

The Double Dealing Discredited:

From the time he destroyed a team of mercenaries that were trying to use him for there own gain and the times he failed jobs assign while on a team.

As the story goes on this might get updated.

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