
The Reunited

Tom wake up from his long dream,thinking that he still on his world.He thought that its all a dream when he found himself still breathing.But wait until he realise that he is far away from home,further than he realise. He got a second chance to live his life,to live a proper life and to..love the girl of his life,Emma.

malfoygurl_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

New World

Tom shrugged.He kept moving on his bed,having a nightmare.He dreaming about the day their house were being blew up by The Britain Soldier.His last vision,his mother lying with a thick blood on her head.

He opened his eyes,shocked from his sleep.He felt his head,strangely he have no blood.He tried to remember everything.He inhaled some breath,and let out a deep sigh.Thankfully,it was a dream.He didn't care more about it,and jump out from his bed.

He still half asleep,his head felt hurt but he couldn't remember why.He then walk till he reach the door,and pull it.He still didn't realise,that he was in a strangers home,until he saw a picture of a big family,with him in that picture.

"Who is this people with such a cozy dress?"He look again on those picture,saw them wear a black strange clothes with something on their neck,like a rope but silky.They wore a black pants that is long enough to cover their legs.Even their kids wearing the same thing.He never saw this clothes before,is it some sort of new fashion?All he ever wore is a short shirt with a pants.Meanwhile the woman,will wear a long shirt that cover their entire body.But now he saw woman in this picture,wearing something shorter,that shows their legs.

He then look at his dark green shirt.Something written on his shirt,he struggle to read it.It is written in such a weird way,"Never Give Up"

He look confused and amazed in the same time.He never saw anything so beautiful and amazing as that.He continuesly stare at his own shirt and smiling like an idiot.

He then startled by a noises from the downstair.He slowly walk down the stairs,grabbing a stick that he found on his room.He look on the living room,and saw three man,drinking an alcohol with their heads buried on the table.He stare at them and realise that they are drunk.

He slowly reach them and point the stick infront of them.The three man lazily look at him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here in my house?Where is my mother?!"He ask them with a slow dangerous voice.One of them who wears a black shirt and a brown trouser,with a silver necklace hang on his neck,stands up lazily,facing Tom.He have such a broad body to be compare  with Tom,he is 2 inches more than him.His muscle can be seen on his arms.

He stare at Tom,before hugging him tightly.

"You finally wake up,brother!"

The other two have already fall into sleep.

Tom stunned by the sudden situation before pulling away from the drunk men who admit that he is his brother.

The men shocked by Tom action,but only let out a small grin.He smash the table suddenly,make Tom jump a little.

"Wake up both of you!Our Tom is awake now!"He shouted right on the other men ears,make them jump and sober up.

"What do you mean-"Tom haven't finish his sentence when there is two men hugging him on the same time.They play with his hair and even laughing together when they pretend to push Tom out of the window.

"Its been such a long time Tom,finally you wake up!"The grey hair men with a scar on his forehead.He wore a white shirt with a black pants and a same silver necklace.He gave Tom a wide smile.

"Hey,I miss him too!"Another men with a nevy blue shirt,words Never Ever Enough written on it looking at Tom with a wide smile.He also have the same necklace like the others.They smile to him and offer him a drink.


Tom just stay on his position,don't know how to react.The three of them still laughing and talking something about him.He kept quiet,trying to understand what happened.He slowly take a sip of the whiskey.He didn't even know what to ask.Suddenly he felt someone touch his shoulder,he turn around and saw the men with a black shirt,offering him a smoke.he then stare at him and just take one of it.The men light it up for him.

"Are you okay?"He started a conversation.Tom didn't reply meanwhile asking another question.

"Who are you?"He hold the smoke on his hand.The black shirt men didn't seem shocked but just curled his lips into a smile.

"I should  expect that question from you."He answered with a small grin.

"I am sorry we did not introduce ourself properly,thought that you will remember."

He pointed the men with a navy blue shirt.

"That one is Rupert,he work as a singer."

He then move to the white shirt men.

"That one is Daniel,He is an actor,a famous one I'll say."

He finally pointed to himself.

"And I am your brother,Robert Felton."

His jaw opened up.He didn't expect to have a big brother and supposedly,he never have one.

"We have been living together for almost 15 years,all four of us.They are our cousin."

Tom didn't reply but just cough awkwardly,never knew that this is happening.

"Where is my mom?"Tom need to ask this,its all that he care now.

"Mom is fine,she in a vacation now."

His heart relief for a moment.So it is a dream.He didn't lost his mom.He tried to hold his happy tear,cause he in a dangerous situation now.

"How am I supposed to be alive?"Tom ask one more question.He finally know his mom is safe,but how about him?

"You almost die..but you are safe."Robert look sad while saying it.He can't keep focus now.Rupert come to him and give him an ash tray.

"Thank you"Tom put the remain smokes.

"No problem,mate."He playfully slap Robert back before goes back to Daniel,continue playing their chess game.

"I'm so sorry cause you have to went all of this,I hope I can-"

Suddenly there are knock at the door.

"Are you there,Robert?!"there is a women voice from the outside.

"Excuse me,I'll come back."Robert goes to the door and open it.Tom only stare on the floor.Thinking  how to meet his mother.He didn't care or pay any interest to that girl.Until Robert and the girl show up infront of him.

"Tom,you must be regconize her,she is-"before he could finish his sentence,The girl spoke out.

"Hi Tom!"

He regconize that voice,that familiar voice that he been growing up to love.He look up and saw her...Emma.