

"What did I deserve to die like this?" I never want it to be like this. I just want him to love me but I lost everything to him. "If the Heaven pities me, I Promise I will never be your Empress." Xi Youran wish actually comes true and she was back to when she was about to become the Empress but something off is happening. People called her crippled. What actually is happening to the current 'Xi Youran'?

Dandelion978 · History
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29 Chs

The Twisted Fate

I was running to wherever my legs lead me without looking to my surroundings. 

"When I finally believed that I would escape from this wicked fate, I encountered a hellish fate" I stopped running and sit on the ground while hugging my knees close to my face. Again, I am wasting my tears for my pitiful life. 

"I thought that now I become a returner I could escape my wicked fate but if this is true, I'd rather die then have to face more than I already go through" I closed my eyes trying to calm myself.

Nature is so mesmerizing and it shooting down my worries but that doesn't mean it gone. I wish to live the different path in this life now that I back but deep inside my heart is throbbing in pain. 

"Now that I know the truth, back then I remember how I loved him but will that feeling linger with me, after all, what happened?" I looked down as something caught my eyes. 

"What is this? A cat?" I saw a bleeding little cat [I assume so]. 

"Grrr..." It still alive as I approached it the sudden it jumped away makes me startled and fall flat on my butt.

"Ouch..." It stopped a few steps away from me and I tried to approach it once again and this time it just lay poorly on the ground so I picked it up. 

"Cat? No a tiger? A lion?" I keep observing it as I forget the wounds of the beast. 

[I am dying] >>The beast

"AH! You're bleeding" I run around to find any nearest river or clean water to wash the small cat. 

[I might die before you treated me~]>>The beast

"Found it!" I splashed a water onto the beast and realized something about the cat [I assume it].

"This is a Mystical Beast from the legend. PFTT! Who am I kidding? This is a half-dead cat" I laughing alone as I tried to find a Rijun herb [Healing Herb] that can be used to make an ointment for a beast's wound. I read it on one book that human's medicine is different from the beast.