
The Returner Dad Is S-Rank

A new Hunter gets whisked away to another world on the way back home. Leaving his wife and daughter to fend for themselves in a world filled with malice and violence both from humans and monsters. With a skill that can only be used for healing, he will fight in this strange new world with every ounce of strength he can muster. Even though there is no possible way back home he will gamble with his life and plunge forward into the unknown, to his beloved wife and daughter, no matter the cost.

ShujaatAmin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The Altar

The whole body of the Altar was made up of big chunks of rocks. These rocks were not something they had picked up from the mountain or on the way to it. These rocks were also ingredients of the spell. These rocks were long and silvery with a slight shine to them. Some people thought that they were a minor type of magic stone but according to this spell, they were something else. Completely different from magic stones.

The Body of the altar was made up of three rocks. One acted as the base and supported two other rocks on top of it. These rocks were placed in the shape of a large triangle. Which gave it the look of a small temple. The rocks of the altar had been soaked with a mixture of monster blood. Fresh blood was still dripping from them.

In the middle of the altar was placed the centerpiece ingredient of this whole spell, the dragon heart. Which was of course still beating to its own irregular tune. The blood mixture was also poured on this heart to connect it to the altar.

All the other ingredients were also placed around the altar as the spell dictated their place. Then Jafer poured the blood over all of these ingredients and connected them in a specific pattern. Right now blood was flowing between all these ingredients in the same pattern that Jafer had drawn before. This maintenance of blood flow was done by Jafer using his own magic.

Now that everything was in place Jafer started to chant the spell as they had deciphered from the temple. After a few moments of muttering words that Jake could never understand he stopped and stood still but nothing happened.

"Did it work? Is that all? Can I go now? Did you do it properly?" Jake was a little impatient as he asked Jafer. Because so far nothing had happened.

"Of course, I did it properly. What do you think I did? I am trying to maintain this blood flow to make it work. There is still one step remaining and after that, it would be complete. Do you think I would play with this just to mess with you? Who do you take me for you fuc...!!"


Jafer stopped shouting immediately as he heard a loud noise coming from the altar.


They both looked at each other and then looked at the heart, lying in the middle of the altar. The sound came from the beat of the heart. It had been beating before but not this loudly. Slowly the sound of the beating became louder and louder and started echoing through the whole mountain.

"Lub! Dub! Lub! Dub! Lub! Dub! Lub! Dub!"

The beating sound was now echoing throughout the mountain and the forest below. Slowly with every beat, it would get a little louder. Jafer felt that the magic he had been using to maintain the blood flow was now flowing by itself. Jafer had lost all control of this spell.

While this sound was getting louder the ingredients started melting. Were they melting because of the blood or because of this beating sound, they couldn't tell. The gems would crack and break into tiny pieces which would then be absorbed by the blood. The magic stones would lose their magical glow and be absorbed into the stream of blood. All the animal parts and plants that had been placed there would also melt and be absorbed into the stream.

After all the ingredients had been dissolved into the blood and it was now flowing in the same pattern as before. A big visual change had occurred as the blood had lost its red color and was now completely black in color. The entire blood field was black in color and out of their control.

The blood then moved towards the altar and started revolving around the heart on the altar. Then the heart also melted and was converted into a fistful of blood. The blood was in the center and the black liquid was revolving around it.

"Now this is the last part, Jake. Now you need to add your blood to it. Cut your hand and hold it before it. Where you came from and where you need to go will be determined by your blood."

Jake then cut his palm and held it before the spell. He was thinking about how he should add the blood to. Should he go and touch? Before he could ask Jafer the blood from his hand started getting sucked into the spell. His blood landed in the middle of the spell turning the red blood of the dragon's heart into pure white.

Now the black liquid/blood outside and the white blood inside were both swirling violently. Then the two types of blood expanded and moved away from each other only to then collide with each other. The collision was so powerful and violent that it ripped a hole into the space around the altar. The rocks of the altar were instantly decimated upon collision.

The hole in space or rather it would be more accurate to call it a crack was now stable and standing where the altar used to be. The crack appeared in a broken glass pattern. Like the space was a big old glass and now a piece of it had been broken. The inside of the crack was pitch black. You could not see anything inside it, it was a complete nothingness. The light was bending around the corners of the crack and then would be sucked into it. The light that was sucked in would break into little pieces and would be absorbed by the space inside the crack.

"It worked?" Jake looked at Jafer to confirm his suspicions.

"It worked?" Jafer himself was flabbergasted right now. He had no idea that it would work the way it did.

"Why the fuck do you look so surprised? You are the one that performed this spell why are you asking me about it."

"Yes? Yes! it worked. Of course, it worked who do you think I am? It worked and you can get the fuck out of here you piece of shi…."

Jafer did not complete his sentence because he knew that this was the last time they would speak. Although he had a foul mouth he wanted his last time to be a decent exchange of words, unlike in the past when they would always fight each other.

Jake was ready to counter his words when he also realized what this meant. The spell was complete now it was time to go back home.

"I guess it is time to say goodbye huh? You will finally be rid of me. I know you are happy about no need to hide it. To tell you the truth I am quite happy as well not because I will finally meet my family but because now I don't have to listen to your whining all the time. Find yourself a girlfriend and go whine to her."

"Yeah, I am happy. Happy that you will finally be gone and there won't be anyone who will talk down to me as you did. I will find new and better friends and I will find a hot girlfriend who will make you jealous and she will be prettier than your wife and …."

Somewhere along the way Jafer could not hold it anymore and stopped talking. He did not want to cry in front of his friend so he stopped talking. Jake seeing his serious tone also got serious and said his parting words.

"I am not sure what will happen to me when I walk through this crack, I might go back home or as you said get ripped to pieces. All I want to say is thank you, my friend. Thank you for all of your help. Thank you for listening to the stories of this lunatic and believing them. Enough that you came on a dangerous journey with me to help me find a way to go back. It was always a pleasure and it has been an honor."

Jake took Jafer into his embrace and thanked him for his help and friendship.

"Take care, Jake! I hope you find your family and that you find them well. I hope you are not too late."

They both looked at each other for a moment and then Jafer hurriedly broke out of the embrace. At first, he had just listened but now that he had, he was embarrassed by everything Jake had said. He was always harsh with him and now for the first time, he was sweet which embarrassed him.

"How long are you going to hug me for? You are not going to kiss me, are you? Get the fuck off me you bastard I am not gay. Go and kiss your wife all you want when you get back."

With one last laugh between them, Jake turned towards the crack and walked off. He got near the crack and was about to touch it when just like the light before he was sucked into the crack and he disappeared. After he was gone with a loud boom, that shook the whole mountain, the crack slowly disappeared as the cracked surface healed. It was like someone put the broken piece of glass back into place.

Leaving Jafer standing alone on the highest peak of the world with tears streaming down his face.

"I will miss you, You Fucker!"